Chapter 7

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Hojoon’s words were on repeat in my head throughout the whole class. Once in a while, Hojoon would have to wave his hands in front of my face to make sure that I was paying attention. I simply smiled and nodded, although I could tell that he knew that something was wrong with me. With Hojoon…I couldn’t hide my negative side for some reason, so I gave up, frowned, and mouthed the words ‘talk later’ to him. When we both connected at the garden the other day, it felt like he would understand my situation.

We have to push ourselves to prove ourselves of our abilities.

Well, I never thought I would see the day that I would somewhat agree with P-Goon. Although…some abilities someone might possess doesn’t have to be pushed. It’s as if the person already knows what they know without having to push their selves to do it; as if they were born with it and the knowledge of what to do. While some abilities that one just learned or have to learn, that’s when the pushing will start to happen. With no push, there will be no ability. And no ability means no proving; making that person weak. I can see why P-Goon was a bit hard on Hojoon, considering his state of actually starting to show a sign of what Element he possesses. But…a part of me thought that it might be too early for him and this worried me. What were the consequences for pushing too hard? Could it damage the person of the ability? Or maybe it would hurt a person around them, if they can’t control it.

Part of me wanted to stay by Hojoon’s side when he had practice with P-Goon. But I already knew what a cup of tea P-Goon was to be with. Maybe Hojoon could convince him otherwise? I mentally shook my head at the thought. There was no way that P-Goon would listen to one suggestion, that’s not the kind of person he is.

“Trinity, are you ok?” Mr. Eves asked me getting me out of my mini reverie.

My head shot up and I could see our Element’s teacher looking at me with a concerned look. He gave me a quick look between Hojoon and I, thinking that maybe something happened to us. Boy, he sure does skip to conclusions fast, doesn’t he? I bit my lip and I just couldn’t stand it here that much longer. I had to get out of the room and get some fresh air.

“May…may I go to get some fresh air?” I asked him, although I probably would figure that he might say no due to the new rules, but I needed to let my mind get cleared. Mr. Eves sighed as he took a peek outside. The sun was hiding behind the grey clouds, creating a cold like atmosphere.

“Is there a reason to why?” he asked, knowing that the teachers probably had a few new rules taken upon themselves.

“I feel dizzy,” I started as I felt Hojoon’s eyes fall on me. “I was maybe wondering if a little fresh air would help me feel better. I think I might’ve used Air a little bit too fast yesterday.”

“Hm,” Mr. Eves said nodding his head a bit. “Ok, but you have five minutes.”

I stood up and didn’t waste a single minute of going outside. I wished that I could’ve said something to Hojoon and the boys, but I just had to get fresh air. It was true that I was dizzy, but it wasn’t because of my usage of the Air element yesterday. I hated to lie to get out of something, but in this case with the book and the thought that P-Goon is pushing Hojoon over his limit made my mind spin. The minute I hit outside, the cold wind felt like it was stinging against my hot skin. Catching my breath, I started to slowly walk side to side in the courtyard, breathing in the autumn air. And I slowly started to take in the scent of the air; wet grass, fresh soil, and a hint of lavender from the garden from behind the Academy. The combination made my mind at ease and the dizziness started to go away.

But even though my dizziness was starting to go away, I needed a plan for returning the book. I had to sneak it back in there without getting caught going in the restricted section. Who knows, maybe P-Goon told the teachers about my idea of having security cameras being around and had the teachers not tell the students. I can always just leave it by the door…

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