Chapter 6

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Today was going to be different. I could feel it. For one, when I woke up, my hand wasn’t hurting anymore. Taking off the fabric, I saw that my hand was healed and the stinging sensation was gone. Well, whenever I get to practice, that’ll be different. Another thing is that I woke up before the alarm went off. I noticed that the little hand on the clock above me moved, only an inch. That was weird. What was with almost all of the clocks pointing to the number 7? As I started to get out of bed, it was then that I realized that I left the flower outside on my balcony! I ran over to my closed doors with…the curtains closed? Odd…I didn’t close them last night. P-Goon! Before I could get to the flower, I ran back over to my bed and looked underneath to see that the bag was missing! My heart raced with fear that P-Goon somehow entered my room and found it. Without thinking, I grabbed my necklace with my key and ran out of my room, locking the door again just in case, and ran towards the lobby, praying that Sue was at the counter.

I kept pacing around the elevator like a lost puppy before it opened up to the lobby with Sue counting the keys with a clipboard and paper in her hand. The second she heard the ding of the elevator, her head snapped around to see me in my pajamas. Sue tried to hide her laugh as she covered her mouth with the clipboard. But once she saw my panicked look, she put her finger towards her lips. With her free hand, she pointed down behind the counter. I raised an eyebrow as I leaned over the counter to see the bag with the book tucked nicely underneath one of the shelves.

“So it was you?” I whispered.

“With P-Goon doing student checks, I couldn’t just have this lying around.” She whispered back. “If anything, I would take the blame.”

“Sue…” I started, but she shushed me.

“If you’re wondering how I got into your dorm room…” She started, but when she saw something behind me, she kept quiet as she went back to what she was working on. The door opened and closed and I could tell who was behind me just by the atmosphere that this person brought with him.

“Well, I see that you’re up…” P-Goon’s voice, which was powerful for being early in the morning, echoed behind me.

“Good morning to you, too.” I said sarcastically as I turned around and crossed my arms looking at him in a disgusted, yet embarrassing way. Remember, I’m still in my pajamas.

“Sleep well?” He asked.

“Like a baby.” I answered bluntly.

“How long will you be?” Sue asked.

“Not long,” P-Goon answered as he made his way towards the elevator. What in the world was going on?

Sue hesitated as he entered the elevator and pressed the up button with a serious look on his face. I gave him a good glare when the doors closed.

“What in the world is going on?” I asked Sue.

She sighed and put down the clipboard. “There’s a student meeting. He’s making sure that everyone is up.”

“Why can’t the alarms just wake the people up?” I wondered.

“Because student meetings have to be before classes. A student meeting hasn’t happened in years.” Sue said as she quickly looked down at the bag that was hidden away.

“I think I might know what it’s about, too.” I said as I went back to the elevator. Before the doors closed, I looked at Sue and said a simple “Thanks.” As I made my way down the hallway, I saw that P-Goon has made it down my hallway. All of the students were standing at their doorways, looking focused, yet groggy, turn their heads towards me. Some of their looks were glares like it was my fault that they had to get up early. And they were right. But they didn’t know that…nor did they have to. P-Goon, unnoticed of my presence, was talking to them, his back posture was straight, almost perfect, his head was held high and his hands were held behind his back.

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