Chapter 11

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Sans POV (surprise surprise)
With Papyrus helping, I healed in no time.
He wasn't kidding about the eye though, magic didn't seem to be working, in fact it seemed to make it worse.

Based on the very limited reading I'd done on the topic of magic, I'd say my ailment was caused by a magic overload; my body being unable to use as much magic as it was producing (most likely due to the injuries sustained by the eye socket), therefore the only way for me to get rid of the stuff is to have it discharge outta the weakest point in the magic circulation system; my eye.

Mikey didn't understand anything when I tried to explain it so I dumbed it down for him 'I make to much magic, then get rid of it out of my eye' I said slowly

Comprehension dawned on his face 'oohhhh right, I get it now'

I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not, but I dropped the subject.

The others chose that moment to return to the lair, they'd been out on patrol.
They were laughing, ever since I'd rescued my brother everyone seemed a whole lot more relaxed. You'd be surprised how reliving it is to realise your world wasn't about to be destroyed by a threat you didn't know existed until a day or so ago.

But I could tell they were still wary, not necessarily of my brother and I but what the Kraang had planned for getting us back.

To my great annoyance it wasn't just the other three turtle teens who entered the lair; they were accompanied by humans.

Ok ok, it wasn't like I had anything against humans (because apparently in this dimension they hadn't trapped the entirety of monster kind under a mountain) and hey, I actually quite liked April. It was Casey I couldn't stand, he was just well Donnie fully understood my dilemma.

You may be thinking 'Jee Sans this is really out of character, I never thought you were as sour as a war head'

Oh really? You don't get it? Let me recap:

'So why are you so short?' The freaky-emo-skeleton-wannabe had asked me, he didn't usually bother hiding the fact he asked dumb questions.

'I don't know why are you so illiterate?' I'd shot back, he didn't understand the insult which took all the fun out of it.

And that was just the first completely pointless question he'd asked.
In fact he had decided now was a perfect time to test my patience.

'Soooo' he said 'you must be like 1000 years old cause you're a skeleton right?'

'No' I rolled my eyes 'I'm 15'

'And this dude' he gestured to Paps

'His name is Papyrus and he's 11'

'11 and a half' Papy corrected

'What? How does that work' Casey exclaimed

'I'm afraid you probably wouldn't...understand' I muttered, I caught Donnie grinning.

'Uh heh, well I guess you guys better start heading back' Leo said, I could tell he was trying to avoid another passive aggressive conversation.

'Yeah ok' April said 'see you guys later!' And with that she grabbed Casey and jogged out of the lair.

'Dude you looked like you wanted to hit him' Raph snickered

I shrugged 'that's just the worse Casey scenario, tibia honest it sounds like a waste of energy anyway'

Raph and Leo groaned, they'd already had their fill when it came to my terrible puns.

'What' I said defensively 'I thought hat was pretty humorous'

By now Mikey was giggling his head of, while Paps, who'd practically been raised on bad jokes covered his 'ears' muttering 'Oh my goodness Sans'

'Whatever guys, let's get some rest' Leo finally said 'we've still gotta work out a way to get Sans and Papyrus back home'

That sobered Mikey up, he'd been trying to distract himself (and me) from my inevitable departure, but we both knew it was for the best.
I couldn't stay here, as much as I wanted to be where the stars were easily accessible I didn't belong.

I remembered Papyrus' reaction to the vast mass of constellations, it was even more priceless than I'd expected.

He'd practically tried to absorb every speck of light by the power of staring (aided by the power of shaking with excitement).

'Yeah' I sighed 'we bedder get some rest'


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