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It's been weeks since the incident with Hermione and I've managed to somewhat put it behind me and start a fresh. With Malfoy. My feelings for him have grown over the past few weeks that we've spent hanging out. But I can't stop replaying that moment in my head and resurfacing the pain that I thought was buried.

"hey Raven" Draco calls and makes his way down the corridor towards me, waiting to go into potions. "you wanna skip?" I suggest to Draco. He peers into the classroom and sees Snape, with his sunken cheeks and lips drawn into a thin line "of course m'lady" he says jokingly and bows down placing a peck on my hand. "blegh, get off of me Malfoy" I complain with false disgust, masking the burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. "you know you love me" he jokes.

"where to? Hogsmeade?" Malfoy suggests with a warm smile. "sure" I blatantly reply. He grabs onto my hand, lacing his fingers with mine and the butterflies appear again as we apparate to Hogsmeade. I've only been here a few times, but each time I go I feel a sense of relief wash over me from being far away from her. There's a small clothing shop perched on the corner of the street and I pull Draco in its direction. As we enter, a bell rings, signalling our arrival and the smell of soap invades my nostrils as an elderly woman ambles towards us. "looking for any- anything in - particular?" she chokes out between throaty coughs. "nope, just looking around is all" I answer and she steps aside, allowing us access to the shop.

I pick up a black suit with a matching black button up shirt and hold it up against Draco's lanky frame "you'd look good in this" I suggest "bet" Draco replies with a wink and takes the items from my arms walking to the changing rooms.

After a few moments he reappears and... damn I was right "you look absolutely disgusting" I state with disgust "shut up Raven, I know I look good" he replies to my comment. Draco makes his way over to the shelves stacked with clothes and brushes his veiny hand across them, silver rings standing out prominently on his boney fingers. Abruptly he stops and pulls out a green silk dress and throws it at me. "I'm not wearing this" I say with utter repulsion "I don't wear dresses Malfoy". At this, he lunges forward arms outstretched and shoves me into a cubicle. I stumble into it and my back collides with the mirror, a tinge of pain shoots through me and I internally scream not wanting to disturb the other customers.

Once the pain has somewhat subsided I reluctantly peel off my clothes and pull the dress down over my head, smoothing it with my hands. I peer into the mirror and a shocked gasp escapes my lips at the sight of my reflection.

The back of my dress is soaked in blood from my earlier collision. "Draco!" I scream, he comes running into the room and rams straight into the mirror then vanishes. "Draco? Where are you?" I question nervously. I look into the mirror and see him on the other side looking scared out of his mind as a pale figure approached him. "Dad?" The peculiar figure looks up and meets my eyes, he shoves Draco back through the mirror and disappears. "That was strange." Draco says and let's out a nervous laugh. Yeah... strange.

"Woah Raven, what happened to your back!?" Draco is immediately behind me peering at the wound "when you shoved me in here, my back slammed into the mirror" he hesitates "at least you'll look good for your funeral" he said in a breezy tone and my heart stopped at his words.

"What did you just say Draco?" I turn to him with a smirk "I'm not repeating that Raven" he said coldly. "Fine, but if I'm not mistaken you said that I looked good" "shut up about it already" Draco groaned, rubbing his face with his hands in frustration and I put my hands up in surrender.

We made our way back out onto the street and it was chilly in this stupid dress, the woman at the shop said I couldn't give it back because of the blood, bullshit. Draco noticed me shivering and placed his suit jacket over my shoulders then I thanked him with a grateful smile. "You get blood on it, I'll kill you" he said fiercely before we both burst out laughing.

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