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Draco's POV

"Voldemort" the creepy professor announces. Fuck. After all my work to keep it a secret she's just going to tell the whole class in a matter of seconds.

Shocked gasps erupt from the class and everyone turns to look at me. Everyone except Raven who seems to be. Crying? Why is she crying? I can't fucking deal with this. I get up from my seat so quickly that my chair tips over and walk over to Raven. I take her hand and lead her out of the classroom.

The ridiculous teacher doesn't notice and seems to be talking to herself. Crazy bitch.

I take Raven into the corridor and as soon as we make it out of the classroom I turn her face to look at me. She reluctantly meets my gaze and I gasp at her tear stained cheeks. "Why are you crying?" I ask and she tries to turn her head away from me again but I won't allow it.

"You know when we went to that clothes store?" She asks. "Yeah, how could I forget?" I reply. "When you got pulled into the mirror I think my dad was behind it, I was curious and went back there again and w-well" she stutters. "It's okay, carry on" I encourage "I saw my d-dad and he talked to me about you becoming a death eater, I was unsure at first but there are rumours going round the school and now Professor Trelawney has confirmed it". Fuck! What rumours?

"If I was one, I would've told you, I swear Raven,  on my life" lying to her like this broke my heart but it seemed to reassure her. She pulled me into a tight hug and I looked down at the beautiful girl in front of me, still here after all my shit.

She looks up at me from our embrace and we make eye contact for a few seconds. I try to fight the urge to kiss her but I can't resist it. I lean down and lightly brush my lips against hers. The pace is slow and I realise that I've never kissed anyone like this before. It's always been so meaningless. Not with Raven. I open my eyes and see hers closed gently, sheltered by her long, dark lashes.

She so beautiful. I wish she was mine. She could be if I wasn't such a dick. I don't trust myself not to hurt her. That's why we can't be together. "Raven?" A voice sounds from beside us and she breaks the kiss although I try to hold onto her. I turn to the doorway of the classroom and see Hermione stood there with Blaise. She looks at me with pure jealousy in her eyes. If only she had seen us in the broom closet.

The memory has blood rushing to my dick and I curse as it stands out. Hermione's gaze falls down to my crotch and she gives me a disgusted look. Fuck her. I hate her more than Cedric, she's more of a threat. I've seen how useless Diggory is around my Raven. A hopeless case. He has been talking to that Cho girl so hopefully he will fuck off and leave Raven for me.

Fuck. I'm not supposed to think of her like that. Like she's an object to claim. I can't help it. I am my fathers son after all. Raven goes over to Hermione and they talk too quietly for me to hear. Granger's eyes go wide at one of the things Raven says and I hope that she's clearing up the rumours.

After a few minutes Raven comes back to me and I wrap her in my arms once more, savouring the feeling. Everyone in divination exits the class including Blaise who re-entered when he saw me and Raven. I let go of her as everyone walks past us to go for lunch.

Raven's POV

As Draco holds me for the second time, I relive our kiss in my head. It was so gentle yet bursting at the seams with passion. I felt guilty as Hermione watched us for a second before I pulled away but I was still reluctant to stop. I told her that Draco wasn't a death eater and divination was a bunch of bull shit, she agreed with this and had done everything since Professor Trelawney told her that she didn't possess the skill set that was required.

Draco drops his arms from around me to his sides as my classmates exit the room and walk to the Great Hall for lunch. I am starving due to the fact that I skipped breakfast and start to follow everyone. Draco pulls me back as I begin to walk away from him. "I'm sorry for what happened in the closet" "really sorry" he apologises and I can detect the sincerity in his tone. "It's okay, now lets go get lunch". "Um, I actually have something to do, you go on without me." "Er okay" I state unsurely and walk away.

Draco's POV

I let Raven go and trudge to the room of requirement. The doors appear before me and I enter, searching for the cabinet. Where the fuck is it? I spot a tall structure meticulously hidden under a large cloth. My mouth falls open at the mass of stuff piles into huge towers in this enormous room.

I wander over to the cabinet and drag the heavy sheet off of it. I inhale a lot of dust and break into a coughing fit. I take the apple from my pocket and place it inside the now open cabinet. I shut the door and close the latch securely. A weird noise comes from inside and I find myself afraid to open it. Reluctantly, I reach my hand out and open the latch, then the door. I lean in and take the apple cautiously.

I turn it over and a fresh bite mark leaves a chunk missing out of my apple. There goes my lunch. I re-cover the cabinet and walk outside for flying lessons.

riddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora