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Raven's POV

"Why?" I question Draco, genuinely curious about the answer. "I don't know" he states blatantly. "Come here" I say to him and he trudges over to my bed and lays down beside me. I turn on my side. To hug him and we stay like that until morning. When I wake up Draco is gone and I think back on the events from yesterday. I tried to kill Pansy, kissed Hermione and slept whilst cuddling with Draco. What an unusual day.

I haven't had the chance to speak to Cedric after our "date" and awkward embrace but I. Guess I miss him, just a little. The date was absolutely awful don't get me wrong but... he's alright really. I have potions today with Draco, Hermione and Cedric. How fun. I decide to tie my hair up today in a half ponytail that frames my face and I'm wearing black eyeshadow to illuminate the green of my eyes.

I walk down the corridor to potions after having breakfast and everyone is still stood upside, signalling the late arrival of Professor Snape. Looking around I see Hermione, Harry and Ro stood with each other. Draco and Blaise then Cedric stood on his own pretending to study a painting. I take a few strides. To reach Cedric after deciding that he was in the greatest need of my company.

"Hey Diggory" I start the conversation cheerfully. "Oh hey Raven" he says enthusiastically and a grin overtakes his previously blank expression. Shit. I don't know what to say next. Um. I'm really bad at small talk. Fortunately for both me and Cedric Snape arrives and ushers us all into the classroom.

I take a seat on a table with two empty chairs either side of me, just the way I like it so I don't feel too crowded. Not long after I've sat down Draco, Hermione and Cedric enter. All of their eyes dart around the classroom trying to find a seat until their gaze settles on me. There is only two seats and it doesn't take those three to realise this fact. Hermione starts speed walking towards me and noticing this Draco starts taking bigger strides. Cedric is quite far behind and now seems to be limping for some unexplained reason.

Reaching the seats, Hermione and Draco sit down and I flash Cedric an apologetic smile, he nods understandingly and takes a seat next to Cho Chang. I pull out my potions book and my hand brushes against Draco's, sending an unwanted chill down my spine.

"Watch it, if you hang out with that filthy mudblood too much it might have an effect on you" he spits. "What is your problem Malfoy?" I spit back just as venomously. Don't try to intimidate the daughter of fucking Voldemort. "My problem is you hanging out with her kind" he says cruelly. "Don't you fucking talk about her like that" I grit my teeth to stop myself from lashing out at his harsh words.

"It almost sounds like you're jealous Malfoy" I joke. "Maybe I am". His words alone are enough to make my stomach turn over and the burning sensation is encouraged. "Shut it Draco, I'm trying to work" I say, trying greatly to mask the fact that my cheeks were bearing a heavy blush from his previous statement. Something about him has changed. He used to be so sweet.

I'm snapped out of my daze as he opens his. Mouth "sorry! I'm so sorry!" He meets my gaze and stops apologising, like he's suddenly frozen to the spot.

He peers into the classroom and sees Snape with his sunken cheeks and lips drawn into a thin line "of course m'lady" he says jokingly and bows down, placing a peck on my hand.

He's different now, not in a bad way. But there is something definitely more malicious about him, more malevolent.

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