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I stumble back into my room and fall onto my bed. How could this happen? It's like he didn't even know what was going on. I try not to think about it and I'm out cold as soon as my head hits the soft pillow beneath it.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Someone screams into my ear and I wearily open my eyes. As my vision comes into focus I see an angered Pansy standing before me. She knows... "What's up?" I try to play it down. "WHAT'S UP WITH YOU!" she shrieks into my face, clearly trying to stop the tears from breaking her angry facade. "DRACO TOLD ME EVERYTHING!" She fails to hold back the tears and they come rolling down her face eagerly "everything" she whimpers in defeat. "Just calm down, he didn't know what he was doing, like someone had spelled him" at my statement she's screaming again. "BUT YOU KNEW!" You knew he was mine and you still did it" Pansy accuses, her voice breaking halfway through her sentence.

A simple "I'm sorry" is all I can seem to muster. She's not the only one hurting. Pansy whips out her wand and before I can react she yells "Crucio!" I fall off my bed and onto the cold floor, my body writhing in pain. My limbs feel like they are tearing off and I'm a bug about to be crushed under her boot. I try to scream, yell, shout, but the words don't come. I'm frozen and suffering in excruciating pain. Is this the end?

"AVADA KEDAV"- Pansy yells but is interrupted by the door bursting open, almost breaking off of it's rusty hinges. Snape and Draco enter "expelliarmus!" Snape utters the incantation, causing Pansy's wand to fly from her hand. She quickly recoils, her back coming into contact with the wall. She's scared. A huge contrast from earlier when she almost...killed me.

Snape leads Pansy out from the room and takes her to see Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts. I crawl under my blanket shaking with trauma. I could've just died. The 1 thing I've wished for my whole life, but nothing could've prepared me for that. I feel a cold hand against my arm and flinch away, a natural reaction. "Raven, its just me" Draco states in a soft voice, that voice that I love so dearly. "What happened Draco? Last night" I ask the question that's been engraved in my head since the occurrence. "I don't know Raven but I'll tell you as soon as I find out myself" he says and lies down by my side wrapping a comforting arm around me. "I promise".

After Draco has left I hop into the shower, getting ready for the day. I've decided to put all of the past events behind me. But I've got it out for Pansy, just you wait.

I dry my hair and decide not to style it today, letting my locks cascade down like a waterfall. My hair is one of my best features as well as my piercing green eyes.

Deciding not to skip potions, I make my way into the classroom. I sit at the back not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to myself. I look around the classroom and see Hermione walking over to me. She takes a seat next to me and begins pulling out her potions book. She plops it onto the table, not even giving me a second glance.

Snape walks into the class and I realise that Pansy is nowhere to be seen, I hope she's getting a reasonable punishment but nothing could be worse than what I'm going to do. I, too take out my potions book and place it on the table in front of me. "Today, we are going to be brewing amortentia, can anyone tell me what potion it is?" Hermione's hand shoots up and Snape glances in her direction. "I guess not" he says rudely "amortentia is one of the most dangerous potions in existence, its a love potion." After what seems like years, Snape finally allows us to begin brewing. Me and Hermione work together and I'm glad as she is the top of the class in all of her subjects.

"I'm sorry about what happened that night Raven" she says apologetically, breaking the silence. We haven't spoken since the incident a few weeks ago "its my fault" I say although in my head I believe the exact opposite. She could've told me before she kissed me back. "Finished!" Hermione calls out and Snape makes his way over to our cauldron. "Hmmmm okay, everyone gather around Miss Granger and Miss Riddle's table" he instructs so slowly that its actually painful to listen to.

Everyone gathers around. My nerves start to kick in and I twist my fingers anxiously. Hopefully we got it right. "Miss Granger" Snape says "sniff the potion and tell the class what you can smell". At his command, Hermione leans in and takes a whiff of the potion "um, gingerbread and smoke" she answers nervously and a blush spreads across mine and Ron's cheeks. "Miss Riddle, your turn" Snape instructs. I lean down and an overpowering scent of peppermint and green apples instantly hits my nose, but there is something else there, another sniff, vanilla and fresh parchment. "Bonfires and grass" I answer, lying completely.

Draco's POV

"Bonfires and grass" she answers and I can't stop the frown that overtakes my face. I know that I'm with Pansy but I just thought that maybe...never mind. "Malfoy" Snape interrupts my thoughts "could you inform the class what you smell?" He requests and I walk over to the cauldron. "Liquorice and red wine" I answer, ignoring the hint of smoke lingering in my nostrils.

I look over to Raven and see that she is completely occupied with a hufflepuff, she probably didn't even hear my answer.

Raven's POV

After I answer, a light brown haired hufflepuff strides confidently over to me. "Can I help you?" I ask, confused. "If I'm not mistaken you described my scent" he says with an annoying smirk that I want to punch right off of his smug face. "Sorry but I don't even know you" I state factually. "Well I can change that" he replies, obviously not taking the hint. "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory". "It's a pleasure to meet you Diggory" I say, not even attempting to hide the sarcasm in my tone.

"Liquorice and red wine" I hear Draco answer and my stomach churns. He described Pansy. I quickly turn back to the hufflepuff and pretend that I'm engaged in conversation as Draco peers over at me. "Diggory, your turn" Snape demands. Cedric strides over to the cauldron and answers immediately "smoke and black coffee". Draco looks over at him with pure jealousy plastered on his face and Cedric winks at me.

I just got an idea...

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