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When I came to, I was in an unknown place.

I groan, sit up and take in my surroundings. There were three girls that I didn't know and Damon. It looked like I was in some kind of room.

Everyone turned to me once I sat up.

"Damon. Did I hurt you? Where am I? How did I get here?" I question.

"Cassiopeia, calm down. I'm fine, Everyones fine." He says. "Now to answer your questions, you are in a dorm room. And I carried you here, you passed out after... whatever happened."

I look around the room more carefully before my eyes land on the three girls that are with Damon. They sence me looking and start introducing themselves.

"I'm Elena, this is Caroline..." says the girl with long brown hair pointing to a girl with curly blond hair. "And this is bonnie," she points to a girl with shoulder length brown hair.

My head was pounding but I answered anyway. "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Cassiopeia Malfoy."

Then I smelt something my dragon started freaking out about. Dead human flesh.

"Is there a dead body in here by any chance?" I say bluntly. I keep sniffing around, trying to find where the smell was coming form.

"Umm, yeah." Caroline responds. "He was, uh, Damon's brother."

I look at Damon apologetically then say, "I'm sorry for your loss. But it smells really good and I'm starving right now, so if you don't want me eating him I suggest you get me something to eat. Preferably raw goat or sheep." Then I shoot a smile to all of them.

They look at me weirdly but Caroline rushes out of the door.

"Now, Cassiopeia. I wanted to ask about what happened in the tunnels. What are you?" Damon asks. "I saw what happened. You breathed fire and black wings came out of your back."

I stare at him, contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. Finally I decided to tell him. "Well, it's kind of a long story. I'm a witch. I can do spells, make potions, and transfiger things. But that's not all I am." I pause for a moment, waiting for them to process everything. Then once they are ready I continue. "When I was 4 years old I was cursed. My father got into some dark stuff and couldn't pay them back, and because I was his oldest offspring I was the one cursed."

"And what was this curse?" Bonnie asks.

"Well... I'm a Dragon." Everyone had a confused look on there face, so I continued. "This curse put a Dragon into my human body. The thing about this curse was that I have to please the dragons needs. A Hungarian horntail eats goat and sheep, but it's favourite is human. It's not the ideal way to live but I have to." I explain. "And this curse, is unbreakable. I'm stuck like this in till the day I die." I quickly add.

"That's horrible!" Said Elena at the same time Damon said "That's amazing!"

"I'm a witch too. From the Salem witch tribe." Bonnie tells me.

I was shocked for a second, then I was happy. This is what I've been looking for, she's what I've been looking for. I witch or wizard that could do different magic than I could.

"I came here looking for a witch. To teach me new magic I haven't learned before. Maybe you could teach me?" I asked hopefully. I was a little worried she would say no, thought.

But it turns out I didn't have to worry, because Bonnie answered right away. "I would love to teach you." She paused than said. "But only on one condition. You have to teach me potion making."

I laugh than said. "Of course. I have a few books in my hotel... room." I drift off knowing I can't go back into mystic falls.

"It's ok Cassiopeia. Once we get rid of the spell you can get your books." Elena said cheerfully. In my opinion she was to, cheerful.

Non-verbal Magic (HP & TVD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora