four months

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Four months has passed since I've been in this prison world. Every time I can, I go back to malfoy manor and hang out with Kai. Bonnie and Damon argue with each other a lot.

"We need strawberries... eggs, milk, and, out, candles." Bonnie reads off a grocery list.

Right now we're shopping.

"I know it's been awhile, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor. So I'm curious, what momentary lapse of reason makes you think you can do it now?" Damon asks.

You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes and now, there somewhat edible. Milk. There's no reason to be peter pessimist. We have proof were not alone." Bonnie tells him.

I slightly short. "She's got a point there Day." I say.

"First of all, don't nickname. That's my thing. And this proof, this mysteriously filled-in crossword could very easily have been either of you." Damon says.

"I didn't fill it in." Bonnie says.

"Neither did I." I pitch in. If only they knew.

Putting a pair of sunglasses on Damon says. "No, you don't know you filled it in. You also don't know that you talk in your sleep. Eggs."

"What are you saying?" Bonnie asks. "Youre saying I sleepcrossword?"

"Ok since you're going to ignore me, I'm going to wait outside." I tell them, even though there not listening.

As I'm about to walk out of the door, I hear merry-go-round music start playing. Damon and Bonnie meet me at the door and we go out side.

"Hmm. Hear that, guys? That's what hope sounds like. Bonnie tells us. While we all stare at the merry-go-round.

Damon bends down beside the merry-go-round looking at the mechanical box thingy. "It's gotta be a short. Faulty wiring or something." He tells us.

"Or someone put a quarter in it and turned it on." Bonnie says hopefully. But I know it's not, because Kai is back in London.

"You know, I'm a little confused with all this misplaced hope." Damon says. "All right, let's just say there's someone here. How do you know we're going to get out?"

Well you say that this is your hell, right? If there's someone else here, that means it's not your hell. And if it's not your hell that means grams put us here. And if grams put us here, there's a was out." Bonnie explains.

"That's a hell of a logic knot you've tied for yourself." Damon tells her.

"Thank you. So now that we've properly placed our hope, let's play a game. When we get out, that's the first thing you're gonna tell Elena?" She asks Damon.

"Sorry I killed Bonnie, but she was the most annoying person in the world. She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. At least Cassiopeia knew how to be quiet. I mean it's a wonder I made is as long as I did. But here's the thing. I think it's better this way. Cause she didn't have magic and she was pretty much useless." Damon rants.

"Damon." Bonnie interrupts.

"What?" He asks annoyed.

"You still think in useless?" She asks, gesturing to a light blue car.

"That's my car." He says, running up to the car. "Thats my car!"

"How much longer are we gonna-" Bonnie complains, but is cut off by Damon.

"Shh... this sound is the opposite sound of your voice, and I so enjoy it." He say matter of factly.

"How did it even get here, Damon? Did you leave it here in, 1994?" Bonnie asks.

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