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"hey princess. its time to wake up. were here. you fell asleep on the ride." that was the first this i heard when i woke up. "Bonnie is in the trunk. you can go into the house ill grab her." Kai told me.

i nod and get out of the car, walking straight to the house. it looks like a normal house. small compared to mine but it was cute. it was surrounded by forest, which i found welcoming for some unknown reason. there was children toys all over the front lawn. i just sat there on the porch waiting for Kai and Bonnie. my leg was still in a lot of pain, but it wasn't as bad as before.

"oh, memories." Kai said while walking towards the house. once he got to the front door he continued. "pitter-patter of little siblings feet, witch-woo chanting in the air, mom and dad calling me an abomination." 

while Kai was helping me stand, Bonnie spoke up. "why did you want to come here?"

"because i can finally show it to someone. my coven goes out of their way to make sure no one finds us, but since they're not here to be paranoid freak shows, mi casa es su casa." he tells us.

"and that means...?" i ask. to which they give me strange looks. "if you haven't noticed im 1. british, we don't learn spanish. and 2. im a pure blooded witch that comes from a long line of pure bloods, i don't go into the muggle world."

"ok. it means 'my house is your house'." Kai tells me. "anyway, come on!" he says while gesturing us to go into his house. 

inside the house there was blood smudged all over the walls. i snort when i first see the blood, but quickly cover my mouth. "wow, Kai. i really love your decoration." i say points at the blood on the wall. to which he just smirks.


"this smells great!" Kai says as he walk into the kitchen where me and bonnie are sitting at the table. not exactly a turkey dinner but its what my family had in the fridge on May 10th, 1994." Kai decided to make us thanksgiving dinner, since apparently that's what day it is and its apparently his favourite holiday. Bonnie picks up Kais pager and starts playing around with it. "don't touch that."   

snickering, Bonnie questions "your pager? why?"

"because its brand-new, looks cool, and i don't want you to bust it." he tells her, taking the pager out of her hands.

"listen, guys, my magic's gone. which means we will be stuck here forever. why don't we just divide the world in half, and go our separate ways?" 

"wait, why just half? what about me?" i question.

"well i just thought you two were together. aren't you?" Bonnie asks, to which i burst into laughter. 

Kai who ignored our previous conversation starts talking. "i get it. i knocked you out, kidnapped you against your will. cant you see i'm trying to apologize?" Kai asks.

"i will never trust either of you,or like you, or enjoy your company for so much as one second, so just quit trying. just let me leave here unharmed." Bonnie tells us, and i make a fake hurt expression.

"fine.' Kai agrees. but i know hes lying, we made a plan on how to get out of here when Bonnie was knocked out. "can we at least have one dinner conversation before we go our separate ways?"

"so you agree? both of you? one last dinner, and then we peacefully go our separate ways." Bonnie asks.

"yeah! and in the spirit of thanksgiving, you can even take his car." i said a little to excitedly.  

"how can i help?" Bonnie asks, grabbing the champagne bottle.


when dinner was finished being cooked, we all sat together to eat. "hey Cassie? how come you know so much about Kai and his family? i mean, you knew about has coven, and about him being a syphon, and about how he killed his siblings." Bonnie asks me.

"well i guess when you spend 4 months with someone you really get to know them." i state simply.

once this information sunk in,  Bonnie was outraged. "what?! you knew he was here this whole time and you didn't tell us? me and Damon were going insane because we thought no one was here with us, and you knew he was here?" 

"well yeah. when you two wouldn't listen to me, or acknowledge my existence i would sneak off and be with him. besides, he told me not to tell you, so i didnt." i say with a shrug. and while this whole conversation is going on, Kai is chuckling quietly. than everything goes silent and we finsh eating without speaking.


45 minutes later and Kai is still eating the same piece of food. me and Bonnie finished eating a long time ago. "mmm. mmm. mmm."

"really? you've been eating that same piece for 45 minutes." Bonnie complains.

smirking kai asks, "is it a crime to want to savor our last meal together?"

"i had thanksgiving dinner with you two. now, you keep up your end of the deal and give me your car keys." the girl demands, sticking her hand out for the keys.

"i should probably teach you have the clutch works, its finicky." Kai tells her.

"quit stalling and give me your keys."

"fine, im stalling. but don't you wanna hear how my story ends?" 

"i've read the newspaper. you murdered your siblings, and your coven sent you to live in this prison world."

"my family sent me to this prison world. my father, the great coven leader, treated me like crap for 22 years and then locked me here. its like his... like his kids didn't even matter. coven always came first, no matter what." at this point in the conversation im holding his hand. 


so, Jo agreed to the merge?" Bonnie asks. we were walk around out side now, while Kai was telling his story. 

"well, we needed a celestial event, so the plan was to use the power of the eclipse happening the next day. she even gathered our coven to help." Kai told her. than he continued his story. "they tricked me good. instead of using the power of the eclipse for the merge, my dad used it to send me here. and where did Jo's magic go? it made zero sense. magic doesn't just, like, disappear. but than you made yours disappear when you hid it in miss cuddles, and it hit me. my sneaky little twin sister hid her magic... in this." he was holding a hunters knife that he took from a tree stump. 

"hmm. still there." Bonnie observes.   

"still here." Kai concludes. "and still full of magic." holding the knife out, Kai syphons the magic out of it. "well it was. i just sucked it out."

shrugging Bonnie says, "you have magic again. good for you." 

"i also have the Ascendent." Kai tells her. 

"doesn't matter. you need a bennett witch to do the spell."

than i add to the conversation. "about that. we've watched you do the spell twice now. i don't think we need a bennett witch to do the spell. all we actually need is bennett blood." as soon as i finish talking Kai stabs Bonnie in the gut. " that was a tiny bit dramatic." i tell him. 

smirking he says, "let's go home, princess." 

Non-verbal Magic (HP & TVD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin