we're back

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after using the Ascendant to get back and taking a long plane ride from Portland, Oregon to Mystic Falls, Virginia we were now in a cab.

"you ever worn skinny jeans?" Kai asks the cab driver. "ah. it seems wrong. i'm all bunched up. also why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?"

"Kai please, for the love of merlin, shut the fuck up. i've been listening to you talk for, like, 3 hours. i need some quite." i tell him, getting a little agitated.

"oh, god. im that guy, right. that guy that wont shut up. oh, i hate that guy. i just sat next to that guy on the plane. he was the worst." Kai tells the driver, who couldn't care less about what he was talking about. "hey, speaking of planes, have you flown recently? because what's with the whole, the whole liquid situation? and the stripping before you go through security thing? it's weird."

"they're worried about terrorists." the cab driver says.

"ok. well, im sorry, but the real terrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes." the driver rolls his eyes, which both me and kai caught. "i know, i'm chatty. sorry. i've just been in prison for a while. well, not like a regular prison. more like a..." but he was cut off by the cab driver.

"all right, were here. that'll be 30."

"all right." kai says fiddling with his pocket. "jeans." Kai gives the driver all the money he has in his pocket. "uh, here. take this. hang on. hang on i got it. oh, hey, gum." he says, popping the piece of gum in his mouth.

"come on, guys, i don't have all day. lets go." the driver tells us.

"i got it. hold on." Kai says to him. he takes out a pair of earbuds from his pocket. "huh. well... i guess this will do." than he proceeds to rap the earbuds around the cab drivers neck, cutting off his windpipe and killing him. then he puts the earbud into the dead guys ear and we step out of the car.

"there are so many easier was to kill someone, you know." i tell Kai, while waving my wand in front of his face.


"a bar?" i ask while walking into some bar with Kai at my side. "why did we come to a bar?"

with a smirk, he answers. "were here to say hello to some family." we walk up to the bar stool and sit down. a girl with blonde, curly hair was behind the counter.

"how can i help you?" the girl asks.

"one zima, please." Kai tells her. she chuckles at this, and i roll my eyes.

"hilarious." she says sarcastically. Kai stares at the girl with a slightly tilted head, until she speaks up again. "are you going to order something or you just gonna stare?"

i sigh and order for us instead. "two sodas. thanks, love." i say with a smile. she seemed slightly surprised, but quickly shook it off and nodded, getting us our drinks. but before she walks away i caught a glimpse of her nametag. "liv. huh, ironic."

people started filling out of the bar, and soon it was just me and Kai with the bartender, Liv. "you on twitter?" Kai asks Liv. "i just signed up, you should follow me, CobraKai1972. come on. like Karate Kid?" Liv went to take me empty glass, but i stop her by grabbing her wrist tightly.

i lean up and whisper into her ear. "the man sitting beside me, his name is Kai Parker. and i know you know who that is. the next chance you get i want you to leave through the back exit. ok?" i pull back and let go of her smiling brightly. "thank you." i say so kai doesn't suspect anything. "i'm gonna go to the washroom." i told Kai, kissing his cheek and getting up.

when i got into the washroom, i wash my hands and splash a bit of water on my face to calm me down a bit. i haven't gotten to eat any human flesh in a long time and apparently my dragon is craving it right now. there was a bunch of crashes going on outside, than everything went silent. i walk out of the washroom and see a bunch of broken wood, and in the middle of everything is Kais unconscious body. i kneel down beside his body and hit his face slightly. when he woke up i helped him get up off the ground and we left the bar.


after we left the bar, Kai took me to a cemetery just outside of mystic falls. and sitting against a gravestone was Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore. Elena had the ascendant in her hand.

"wait, are you guys talking about Bonnie Bennett?" i ask as me and Kai walk up to them. "because, honestly, i didn't think she was all that great." Kai nods as he leans up against a tree. i take my wand out of my back pocket and use a non-verbal spell to throw the ascendant against a tree, causing it to smash into tiny little pieces.

gasping, Elena runs to the broken ascendant and tries to pick it up. "i'm gonna enjoy the hell out of this." Damon says as he stands up. he goes to attack us, but all Kai does is hold his hand up and Damon falls on his knees, groaning in pain.

"okay, me too." Kai says, while he walks up to the man groaning in pain. "oh, yeah, Damon, i, uh, i stole livs magic when i tried to kill her. i think some of it may still be in my system, so pardon me." Kai pushes Damon back using his magic.

as he's doing this, i watch Elena. i watch as she picks up the pieces. i walk over to her and pick up a lone piece off the ground. 'uh-uh-uh. you missed one." i tell her. i drop the piece into her hand, tap the pile of metal with my wand and mubble an incantation. "incendio." the pile in her hand catches fire, and the fire climbs up her arm.

Damon comes at us, but Kai turns us invisible. getting a huge stick, Damon hits Kai in the stomach with it and he flies backwards into the grounds of Mystic falls. this causes the spell to wear off and im seeable again. i run to Kais side and help him off the ground. "huh. i guess this is that, uh, anti-magic border. which means now there are two psychos loose in Mystic falls. and no vampires around to stop them." Kai pauses, before speaking again. "whoops." and with that, both me and Kai walk deeper into the forest towards the town.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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