Malachi Parker

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While on my walk I decide that I'm going to get a drink form the bar.

I walk into the mystic grill and make myself a drink. Just as I'm about to take a sip, the sky goes dark. I look up and I see the eclipse again.

Confused I just keep drinking. After a few drinks I see someone walk passed the window.

I follow in the detection the shape went. Taking my wand out of my pocket and keep it at the ready.

I see the shape again and walk faster. I knew a few curses I could use if it was a person. And I can't die that easily, so I would be fine.

The shape moved passed again and I was quicker this time. I used the levicorpus jinx, which holds the target in the air by the ankle.and it worked.

It was a man. He looked at least 19. "Woah, woah, woah witchy. I mean no harm. Please put me down." He says.

I stare a him for a while before dropping him on the ground, than I crouch down beside him and continue to stare at him. "You're real, right? Not just a figment of my imagination?" I ask, playing with his hair.

"I'm just as real as you are, darling." He says while sitting up. "My name is Kai. It's nice to meet you." For some reason he didn't stop me touching his hair so I kept playing with it.

"Cassiopeia Malfoy." I say. "Cass, or cassie for short." I tell him. "Now. I'm going to go, and tell the other you're here."

I go to stand up but he grabs my wrist. "Wait. Please dont tell them. I'll tell them when the time is right. Just, please." Kai tells me. But I know better.

"I won't tell them. But only on one condition. You answer some of my questions." I say, giving him a big smile.

He rolls his eyes but nods anyway. "So princess. What are your questions?"

I stand up and give kai a hand. I pull him up with a little bit to much force and he almost goes flying. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. Sometime I don't even know my own strength." I say, checking if he's ok.

He chuckles a little before telling me its fine. We walk a little while before I get an idea. "Do you want to go to London?" I ask, turning to face him. "We could, I don't know. Go to my house."

"What? How would we get there on time? London is like on the other side of the world." Kai asks.

I smile and hold out my hand to him. "Take my hand."

"What?" He asks confused.

"Take my hand." I repeat. He hesitates before taking my hand. "This might feel a little strange." I tell him. Then I
Appetite to the front gate of the manor.

"What the hell was that? It felt like I was squeezed through a plastic tube!" Kai asks. I laugh and than release his hand.

"That was Apparition. You did good. That first time I did it I vomited." I told him. "Come on. This is my childhood home."

"Wow. This place is huge." Kai says.

I shrug and say "If seen bigger." Looking over I see his shocked expression so I explain further. "My school was a castle. With a forest on the out skirts."

I laugh at his expression. It was a combination of shock and empressed. "You want a tour?" I ask. All he does is nod.

I take his hand and lead him outside to start the tour. "We keep albino peacocks, in that garden over there. But there obviously not here cause there are no living things here. Well that is except us."


"And finally, My room!" I say. Collapsing onto my bed. "Mmm! It's so comfortable." I sit up and pat the spot beside me on the bed, motioning for him to sit. And he does.

"So I'm assuming you want answers." Kai says.

"Exactly. My first question is... What is this place? I mean why aren't there any people here?" I ask.

"It's a prison world. There's no people here because it's a prison." He tells me simply.

"Ok. That makes sence. Why are you here? What was so bad that got you sent to a prison world?" I ask a second question. But Kai wasn't so quick to answer this one.

"Umm, ok. I killed my siblings. And my coven sent me here." He said this like it was the simplest thing on earth.

"How many siblings did you have?" I ask. Only to get a concept of how many people kai killed.

"Well I had 7. Now I only have 3. I wasn't able to kill my twin sister or the other set of twins in my family." He says.

"That's it? only 4 people? Damon, if you killed 4 people and got a prison world, then you coven would have to kill me." I say laughing a bit.

Kai laughs along with me. "Ok smartass. How many people have you killed?" He asks.

"Oh, Kai. To many to count." I tell him. "Hey can I show you somethi-" I was cut off by a searing pain in my left arm. "Ahhh!" I role up my sleeve and see the dark mark burning bright on my arm. "No, no, no. The dark Lord will kill me for not obeying orders. My father will kill me."

"Cass? Cassie? Whats wrong? What's happening?" Kai panics. He grabs my arm trying to soothe it.

I cough than answer him. "I'll- I'll be fine. It's just, the dark Lord is summoning me. I didn't think it would work from inside a 'prison world', but apparently I was wrong."

"What? What does that mean? Are you alright? Who's this 'dark lord'?" He throws all these questions at me.

"Kai! I'm fine. And to answer your questions. The dark Lord is the most feared and powerful wizard in the wizarding world. He calls himself vol- voldemort. And I'm one of his most faithful and trusted followers. He Summons his followers for... meetings, let's say, about his plans to rule the wizarding world. And this mark is how he summons us." I say pointing at my dark mark. "It's called the dark mark. And his followers call themselves deatheaters. We call ourselves deatheaters."

"Wow, ok." Kai says. "So what was it you wanted to show me?" A smile grows on my face when he asks this.

I grad his hand and take him down to the ball room, since it's the biggest room in the manor. I lead him to one side of the room while I go to the other side. "Just remember. Don't. Move." I yell across the room.

I allow My dragon to come out, but only a little. Just so my wings, tail, teeth and eyes come out. I can feel the wings painfully coming out of my back, than the long spiked tail sprouting. I can feel sharp fang/teeth coming out of my gums. Than my eyes turn yellow. My vision suddenly has a slight yellow tint to it, and I try to focus. Then I put it in reverse. My wings go back, than my tail. I keep my fangs and yellow eyes for the dramatics.

"That was like... like the coolest thing I've ever seen." Kai says as I approach him. I laugh a little as my vision goes back to normal. But my fangs don't go away.

"I've been like this since I was 4." I tell him.

"Your fangs. Why aren't they going away?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. Maybe my dragon wants to be somewhat apart of our world." I say to him. Unsure of why the fangs stayed. "Oh my god! We've been here for so long. I have to get back to Bonnie and Damon. If you want, you could stay here. It'll be easier for you to hide from them if you stay here. And don't worry, I'll visit you whenever I can."

Than I kiss his cheek and Appratate back to mystic falls.

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