prison world

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When I opened my eyes i saw that we were in the exact same place, only we were the only people here.

"Huh." Damon said.

We all quickly let go of each other hands, because it was getting awkward. "Well that got awkward fast." I said clearing my throat.

"What happened?" Bonnie asks. Where is everybody?" Then she walks off.

"Where are you going?" Damon calls after her. While I follow her. "Hey!"

We walked for a little while before Damon spoke. "Well, I feel a fang. I'm still a vampire. Either I'm a dead vampire, or mystic falls is no longer magic free."

"Look." Bonnie says. Pointing at the mystic grill. It was perfectly intact.

"That was definitely blown up about an hour ago." I say, looking at the building that should be destroyed.

"Why don't we see any people?" Bonnie asks, sounding confused. "If we are still on the other-side, we should at least be able to see the living."

"Where the hell are we?" I ask in kind of a whisper, but just loud enough so everyone could hear me. "And I dont mean geographically."

"I have no idea." Bonnie says.


"Ugh. How many more streets are we going to wander?" Damon complains to Bonnie.

We have been walking for quite a while. Literally going nowhere.

"How many times are you going to ask questions I don't have the answers to?" Bonnie shot back, making me snort back a laugh.

"There's something weird about these cars." I say trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, there all almost 20 years old or more, and yet they look brand new." Damon says, running his finger along one of the cars. Then he looks up at the nearest house. "and that's Elenas not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house."

I pick up a news paper off the ground and open it. Looking at the date, a confused look comes across my face. "Hmm?" Then I show it to Bonnie and Damon. "Look."

"Rare solar eclipse expected to be seen across 12 states." Bonnie read aloud.

"No, no, no. The date." I tell her.

"May 10th, 1994." She reads. "Is that... are we... that's impossible." Just as she says this the solar eclipse happens.

"I don't think we should be asking where we are." Damon says.

"We should be asking when we are." I finish his sentence.


"I wonder if there's any booze in this empty retroville." Damon says.

Right now we are chilling out on Elenas front porch. Bonnie is lying on the stairs and me and Damon are chilling out on the swing.

"It's so weird to be back here. I practically grew up on this porch." Bonnie tells us.

I give a sarcastic laugh and say. "I grew up trying to fight the dragon inside me."

Bonnie give me a sympathetic smile, and Damon changes the subject. "All right, walk me through it."

"Before the other-side collapsed, my grams said that she made a sacrifice so I could find peace." Bonnie tells us.

"The part where you actually have a theory." Damon says, rather rudely I might add.

Well this clearly isn't peace." I lightly scoff in agreement. "Otherwise I wouldn't be stuck here with you." At this Damon says 'rude' and I put a hand over my heart. "She must have... I don't know, sent me somewhere. And when I held your hands, I took you guys with me."

"Well, did she happen to whisper a safe word in her last breaths?" Damon asks. " a clue, maybe? A witchy path out of here?"

"No" Bonnie answers shortly.

"If we got here by magic, magic should be able to get us out." I pipe in.

"And that frown that's not upside down is telling me what?" Damon says, looking at Bonnie.

"Fesmatos insendea." (Sorry if I didn't spell it right) Bonnie chants, but nothing happens.

"Still can't do magic." Damon states the obvious.

"I can do magic though. I even brought my wand with me." I tell them. "Although my magic isn't the same as yours. So it might not get us out of here." Then I get out my wand and shout in my head "incendio!" And fire shoots out of my wand and light a candle.

"Perfect." Damon says.


The next morning, me and Damon are sing and dancing to his music while he makes breakfast.

Bonnie walks in and clears her throat getting are attention. We both emidiatly stop what we are doing.

"Heyy. Bon." I say awkwardly.

"Hey cassie." Bonnie lightly chuckles. Then she turns to Damon and says, "i didn't know you could cook."

"I dont." He responds. "How's you sleep? Me not good. My 1994 mattress was very lumpy. What you got there?" Damon questions.

"Oh." Bonnie says. "Miss. Cuddles. I lost her when I was 9. But I went into my house last night and there she was. I also found this at my grams' house. Her old grimoire." She explains.

"What's a grimoire?" I ask curiously.

"It's like a spell book." Bonnie tell me. And I nod slowly in understanding.

"Yeah, well, I found this." Damon says."I drank it last year when Rick died."

"So were in this snapshot of another time or something." Bonnie says. "Everything that existed in 1994, still exists." And all while she telling us this Damon is looking for a new music CD.

"For better or for worse." Damon said kissing the disc.

"Listen. There was a time when I couldn't practice magic. This grimoire taught me a lot. Maybe I can retract myself." Bonnie says, getting frustrated with Damon.

Turning his music back on Damon says, " if your still a witch, witch with our luck and your skill, probably ain't the case."

"Maybe I could learn your type of magic and get us out of here." I suggest. But they completely ignore me and continue arguing.

"Would a little support kill you?" Bonnie asks Damon.

"I am acutely aware that we are in some otherworldly time dimension. However did you ever think for one second that maybe it you being negative reacting to my natural self negatively? Hmm?" Damon argues.

"I'm going for a walk!" I call leaving the house.

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