still here

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when i open my eyes, im blinded by light. i groan and squint my eyes while sitting up. looking around i realize i'm back in the room i slept in at the boarding house. i rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and step out of the bed. once my feet hit the ground i wince at the pain that shoots up my leg. ignoring the pain i limp out of the room and downstairs to the living room where Kai is, along with a passed out Bonnie Bennett. when i get to the last step i hit the ground to hard with my injured leg, causing pain to shoot up my leg, which makes me fall to the ground. all the noise makes Kai look up from the Ascendent in his hand at me. seeing me on the ground, Kai rushes to my side helping me up.

"you're awake. how are you feeling? do you need anything?" Kai hurriedly asks. he slowly lowers me down onto the couch that Bonnies not occupying. him worrying over me makes me smile. i mean, he's a sociopath and sociopaths don't usually 'do feelings', so it makes me feel kind of special. so to tell him im fine, without actually telling him i'm fine, i kiss him. i took him by surprise so he didn't kiss back right away, but eventually he did. it was a short and sweet kiss. "so does that mean you're ok?" he asks after we pull away.

nodding i say, "yeah, im fine. so what happened after i passed out?" than he goes on to tell me that we were still in the prison world, how Bonnie sent Damon back alone, and how we have to wait to go back home. than Kai goes back to trying to fix the Ascendent, leaving us in a comfortable silence.                 

after a little while we hear Bonnie groan. "oh look who's awake, how do you feel?" i ask Bonnie, genuinely concerned.  

"like Kai shot me with an arrow." she sasses. to which i roll my eyes. 

sighing Kai starts talking to her. "right. anywho, i have no idea how you managed to shatter the Ascendent into a billion pieces, but we need to put it back together before the eclipse at 12:28. you want to help? i know you're a puzzle person.' Kai gester to the pile of metal pieces on the table.

"i don't want to help." Bonnie states. "you're both psychopaths. this place is Kais prison. im not letting you out. besides, you'll just kill me the minute we do get out."

"you've been through a trauma.' Kai says while walking towards Bonnie. "your memory is probably a little fuzzy right now, so you might be thinking your magic will protect you. but all i have to do..." than he grabs her wrist siphoning her magic, causing her to groan out in pain. " is hold your hand, and suddenly your magic becomes mine. wait, what's that? huh? what? you're going to do the spell and finally get us home?"

than all of a sudden Bonnie grabs a knife off the table and stabs Kai in the neck, killing him. than she advances on me, but i stop her. "whoa, whoa, whoa, killer! calm down! i'm going to let you go. you can take the pieces and go patch yourself up properly. ill just tell him that you knocked me out or something." she looked at me skeptically before grabbing a bag and putting all the pieces into the bag, all except one, which i had with me. than she ran out the door. 

after a little while of just staring at Kai's body, i decided to take a nap.


i wake up to someone shaking my body. when i open my i see Kai's face, right in front of my face. " good, you're ok. we have to go find Bonnie. do you know where she might be?" he asks.

"most likely the hospital. but i cant come with you. my leg feels like its on fire, so i doubt i can walk." i tell him. he nods and starts to walk away. "wait! i almost forgot. she took the pieces of the Ascendent except this one." i took the piece out of my pocket. "i took it so she couldn't leave without us."

"you're brilliant!" Kai laughs, while walking over to me. he kisses my forehead before taking the metal from my hand, and walking out. 


about an hour later, Kai and Bonnie came back telling me that we were going home. than we went back to the cave.

so that brings us here. inside the cave, with Kai as my personal crutch. "i brought you a present." Kai tells Bonnie. than he drops his bag on the ground, and pulls miss cuddles out of it. "ta-da! miss cuddles. i thought you might what to bring her along." kai says with a smile.

"thanks." Bonnie says, uninterested. 

i get off of Kai and limp over to the wall of the cave and sit down. " i know you think i'm a monster. i mean, i did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family. but after a long period of self-reflection, i've come to the conclusion that i could have handled my anger better." i knew he was lying, because during the 4 months i've known him he has wanted to get revenge on his family.

"you said you wanted to get out of here, and i quote, 'to give the rest of the Gemini coven an excruciating death'. " Bonnie tells him dramatically. 

shaking his head Kai says, "ah, i didn't mean it. honestly, i would do anything to get my family back. and the thing i'm most scared of is trying to figure out how to live in the world again." another lie. Kai doesn't care about his family. "im sort of hoping you've been a positive influence on me. you're a good person, Bonnie. you're brave, loyal, patient. i want to be more like you." picking up miss cuddles, he starts talking in a wired high-pitched voice. "what do you say? friends?"

i chuckle. "lets just go home." Bonnie says. i stand up only have a little bit of difficulty, but quite a lot of pain. than i limp over to the two and put my arm around Kai's waist. dropping his bag at bonnie's feet - which has miss cuddles in it along with his other things - and hands her the Ascendent. 

"its now or never." i tell them, looking up at the sky and seeing the moon almost cover the sun.

"yep." Bonnie whispers. than she proceeds to cut herself and drop some blood onto the Ascendant. as shes chanting Kai grabs onto her wrist.

"just in case you thought you'd try and go without us." he says with a wink at Bonnie. she nods and continues to chant. "so long, 1994." Bonnie finishes her chanting but nothing happens. "what the hell is happening?" 

"i dont know." Bonnie says, at the sametime i say, "well technically nothing."

" keep going, hurry!" Kai urges. 

"i cant." bonnie tells him.

"keep going."

"i cant. ive lost my magic."  

"what are you talking about? you were just doing the spell." Kai grabs Bonnies wrists and tries to syphon her magic but nothing happens. "there's nothing there. there's no magic."

"that's so strange. i wonder if i accidentally put it somewhere. oh, i remember now. i put it somewhere safe."

"how the fuck do you put your magic somewhere?" i question. than i realize. "oh right. you guys are a different breed of witches. where did you put it?"

"Kai, you remember saying you wanted to be more like me? brave, loyal, patient." Bonnie asks.

"mmm... you put it in the bear. didn't you?" kai asks. than he walks over to his bag and dumps it out, but the bear is not there. throwing the bag he yells, "COME ON!" he walks up to Bonnie - a little close for my liking - and whispers something that anyone without enhanced hearing could not hear. "wheres the stupid bear? hmm?"

"oh, its gone. i guess were stuck here. forever." Bonnie tells us. "sorry." but she doesnt sound to sorry.

i stand up off the ground from when i was sitting and limp over to the two. i wedge myself in between them and place my hand on Kais chest. "come on, love. well find another way to get out over here and we can leave her behind." i whisper in his ear, slightly pushing him away from Bonnie. "i promise."


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