Cassiopeia Malfoy

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My name is Cassiopeia Malfoy. And I'm a witch. I'm also a Dragon.

I know it sounds made up, but I really am a Dragon. When I was young, about 4 years old, I was cursed. It was technically my father's fault, but I don't really blame him. I kind of like being a Dragon. The curse put a Dragon into my human body. The thing about this curse was that I had to please the dragons needs. A Hungarian horntail eats goat and sheep, but it's favourite is human.

The type of dragon I am (or is in me) is a Hungarian horntail. I have glowing yellow eyes, and my scales are black. My horns and tail are bronze. But in my human form my eyes are Gray, I have waste long white/blond hair, and my skin is kind of pale.

The malfoy family is considered one of the richest families in the wizarding world. A lot of people know my name.

My mother's name is narcissa malfoy. But her maiden name is black. From the noble house of black.

My father's name is lucius malfoy. He's my favourite out of my parents if I had to choose. From the noble house of malfoy.

Then I have a little brother. Draco malfoy. I love my brother so much and I would do anything for him. Draco is just a year younger than me.

But anyways. . .

I'm in the middle of graduating from Hogwarts.

"And last but not least, the graduates from slytherin house!" Professor McGonagall says to the whole school.

As she says this all of the graduating slytherins walk up onto stage and get there certificates.


It's been a few months since I graduated from Hogwarts and now it's my 18th birthday.

"Mother, father. I've been thinking about something for a while now and I wanted to bring it to your attention." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I want to going to the United States to practice different types of magic."

That wasn't a complete lie, but I still lied. I want to go to the states, but not to learn magic. I want to live with muggles. I want to study them, to live like them. But mother and father would never allow me.

"That's wonderful, honey. Where in the United States were you thinking of going?" Mother asks.

I have thought about this a lot. And I answer quickly. "There's this town called mystic falls. I did some research and it says that there is a witch coven their."

And this was true. There was supposed supernatural activity in mystic falls.

"Very well. You are welcome to lea-," father was about to say but was cut off by draco.

"No! Absolutely not! I won't allow her to go! What if some one finds out about you? What if she hurts someone, or worse, herself?" He yells while running down the stairs to where we were. "Youre literally a Dragon! You can't just leave me, cassie. What would happen if I needed you. And I always need you!"

"Aww little brother, you're cute. But if you haven't noticed I'm older than you, and I'm also of age. As for you 'needing' me, you have to grow up and deal with your own problems. You cant just count on me to be there every step of the way." I say while bring him into I hug. "Now! Mother, father. Since you allow me to go, I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon." And with that I walk up to my room to pack.


The morning couldn't come soon enough. I stayed up half of the night packing. And the other half wondering what my new life would be like.

When I woke up in the morning, I got dressed in a black crop top, blue ripped jean-shorts, a red plaid shirt tied around my waste, and a pair of running shoes.

When I woke up in the morning, I got dressed in a black crop top, blue ripped jean-shorts, a red plaid shirt tied around my waste, and a pair of running shoes

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Then I went down for breakfast.

My departure was emotional. Mother cried. Draco cried. Father actually gave me a hug. I also cried.

"Remember Cassiopeia. You are still a servant to the dark Lord. If he ever calls, you come straight to him when you feel the mark burn." Father says before giving me s kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry, father. I'm loyal to the dark Lord. And if he needs me, I'll be there." I say. And with one last look I walk out of the front door.

I walk through the gate, then I disapparited to mystic falls.

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