Chapter 6- Encouter With Rebels

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An arrow whizzed passed, missing all of us. However the miss was on purpose, highly calculated. It passed right above my head, so close I could feel it. An arrow couldn't pierce the skull, but it worried me nonetheless. No one could get that close and not at least injury their target. Whether it was minor or much worse. The only way was if you hit what you were aiming for. With an aim like that, this archer was very skilled. Probably one of the best. They had showed that by just missing me.

It appeared I had been the target and the others moved in front of me again. I let them this time, but found a way to aim my arrow where the shot had come from. They might be their best, but I was Narnian's best. It would be hard to tell who had taken the shot. The person could've been loyal to the crown, had they not aimed at me. Some just didn't like the humans encroaching on their area. But whoever shot that arrow was sending us a message. They didn't like the Queen in their area. Or the Queen's guards.

They had to be some of the rebels. By shooting at us, they had come out of hiding. Slightly anyways. I knew where the shot came from. The first shot was a warning. We wouldn't get another chance to leave.

I signaled to Glenstorm and Rilian. They both got the message and Rilian headed for Destrier. Glenstorm followed close beside him, blocking the archers from any shot of him. I wanted the two of them to fetch reinforcements before anyone things got too bad. We weren't too far from the castle, but I had a feeling they wouldn't make it.

"That was a warning," a voice said confirming what I thought. "It's time for you guys to leave or the next shot won't be so lucky."
"We didn't mean to intrude. The Narnian forest belongs to those who live in it," I told them trying to sympathize with them. "But it also belongs to the Narnians who don't live in it. We have the right to pass through. We're bringing no harm to you. Besides, we were just leaving."

As I said the last, I gestured to Rilian. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he grabbed Destrier's reins to lead him away. I taught him that it was much easier to shoot an open target. That included being on a horse. You were higher up and more open. Lucille didn't need me to pull her reins. She would do it herself.

However we both paused before moving. Glenstorm paused too. We all noticed it. Something wasn't right. Lucille was the first to speak up.
"Your Majesty," she said, "Forgive me, but something isn't right here."
"I know," I told her quietly and turned to face Glenstorm. "We need to send word to the King immediately and I need you to escort Rilian out of here. I suspect a fight."

Glenstorm nodded, not liking what I was thinking. With my bow still aimed in the direction of the first shot and the voice, I listened. It was silent. Almost like they were debating their reply.

"Not fast enough," the voice replied.

Another arrow whizzed by and pushed the Narnian blocking me out of the way. It would've hit him otherwise. Luckily, I had good enough hearing to hear the arrow being released. Instead it lodged into the trunk of a tree and the Narnian smiled in relief.

I moved slightly to adjust to the direction the arrow came from. Listening to the noises, I released the arrow I had waiting. For the first time in awhile, I had fired blind, relying on nothing but my ears, to hit my target. I heard the creature screech as it dropped the bow and fell forward. We watched as a dwarf fell into the ferns, revealing himself. Then the other creatures started to come out of their hiding places.

We were largely out numbered. I knew we were good but their was no way to tell how good our enemies were. If they were as good as the dwarf archer I shot, we wouldn't last long. The funny thing was, not all of them were Narnians. There were some creatures that I didn't even know about but they looked like shorter dwarves. It told me that they were from another country besides Narnia. They really had to hate the Queen to form an alliance with these Narnians.

I looked at everyone. They had their weapons ready, even Rilian. He was prepared. Even though I knew we needed him, I couldn't risk him getting hurt. Not both of us. I trusted Glenstorm the most to get him back safely. We would have reinforcements soon.

As they started to charge towards us, I looked at Rilian and Glenstorm. They had to run. We could too, but that would make them think we were weak. Me, being the warrior that I am, wouldn't retreat at the first sign of danger. But Glenstorm and Rilian could.

I suddenly had an idea and nodded to Glenstorm as I ran for the trees. They could get a message faster. Though he was hesitant to leave, Rilian ran after he knew it was what I wanted.

Knocking on the trunk to awake the dryad, I whispered a quick message as our enemies laughed a crowed. They thought I was fleeing. Little did they know that was the last thing I would ever do.

The dryad nodded and quickly spread the message to other dryads. I turned quickly and fired the first shot. The rebels were momentarily stunned but quickly regained their composure.

One of the archer stopped in their track and turned another direction, away from us. Realizing who he was targeting, I knocked my arrow and shot at him. We both released at the same and I yelled at Glenstorm as the archer fell dead. Glenstorm didn't see the shot until it was too late for him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐒𝐂 & 𝐋𝐁) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora