Twenty-Four: The Trouble in Paradise Contract

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        The cabins are smaller than I anticipated, but at least there are two separate beds. We are a part of standard booking after all. I lob my suitcase onto the bed and open the curtains to the window, letting sunlight touch our dastardly dark living space. Bathroom is exceedingly small, but there's at least enough room in there to turn around. A bar is mounted on the wall with an ironing board hung under it and an iron sits on a shelf above the bar. I unzip my suitcase and take out the yellow dress folded and wrapped in plastic for protection, sticking it on the rack to prevent from creasing later.

"Hold on, hold on," Miss Pauling whispers as she comes into our cabin with the phone to her ear, Spy setting down her luggage in the doorway. "Yes, Administrator, she's right here with me."

She hands the phone to me and scours her bag for something. "Administrator?"

"Miss Fredrickson," the Administrator starts, "would you care to give me a status report?"

"Oh, yes, Ma'am. Robbie was successfully eliminated yesterday and we recovered a milion. The Sangria Sanctum will be embarking within the hour, and we are all on board. Our trip lasts for roughly eighteen days, the stop at Costa Rica being on the seventh day. We plan to have them both taken care of by that time, forcing us to make the trip back to Florida for investigations. Our shell pier police company, RED Herring, will cover and we'll be off scot-free."

"Yes, I see. I've called for another reason," she says.

"What is it, Administrator?"

"A side job. Remarkably, the one I had prepared as a test when you get back has found its way to you."

My back straightens, and I glance at Spy. "A side job, Ma'am?"

"I'm sure it won't distract you from your task at hand, I'm fairly certain you've already seen who you're supposed to kill anyway," she chuckles and exhales. "Another set of triplets, two men and one woman. We don't know their names, they're only mentioned as the Baileys. They're mercenaries just like all of you that have been hired to protect the remaining two brothers."

"The woman's been taken care of, and they already know of our presence," I inform.

"Don't insult me, Miss Fredrickson, I know that much," she playfully slides. "They did work under me originally after all. They underestimate your abilities, and I don't have a full grasp on yours, yet. Are you willing?"

"And I have to be the one to do it?" I ask.

"You have to play a hand. Miss Pauling will evaluate your schemes on top of the advising she's doing. You're learning to follow instead of leading as I had so hastily attempted to have you do before, Miss Fredrickson, she's there to guide you. I'm not saying you can't give orders of your own, though. Do take care of the boys, I know they're quite the handful." She hangs up, and I hand the phone to Miss Pauling.

"We have two more targets, so this might get a bit messy." I close my suitcase and slide it under my bed. "Two other mercenaries, the ones that were following us to the hotel yesterday."

"Shall I gather everyone?" Spy offers.

"Please." Spy turns out into the hall and returns with the team. We pack in like sardines and close the door to make this a private conversation. "Two new hits."

"Spy said we'll be taking on those creepos that followed us around yesterday." Scout sits down on my bed.

"Yes, the Administrator would also prefer it if they weren't in her way," I speak as I check the window before closing it. "To be frank, I'd much rather learn the layout of the ship before we even think about how we're going to go about this. Creating an entire play will mean nothing to us if we get turned around and lost. Let's not all disperse as a group, though, that might seem a little less natural."

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