A/N: No I'm not Dead and No I'm not Abandoning the Fic

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Sorry I have updated in forever guys, I went to prison after I got out of a coma from a plane crash into the Bermuda Triangle for shoplifting from the Pentagon. They call it "treason" or something like the Pentagon isn't any different from a Publix!!! </3 I'm using my internet privileges to write this /j

Kay so like, six months amiright?

In all honesty, though, I kinda used work and school as an excuse for not continuing this story. It was the case at first, but it really became apparent that there were other underlying issues. For starters, I'm not friends/ on the best terms with many of the people who lent me their OCs for this fanfic. Keeping their characters in the fic is honestly super fucked up from a creative standpoint, but also a moral one. Like I lowkey feel like I'm stealing their characters. I thought that killing them off would be fine enough as a means to an end, but it still bugs me that they're, yanno, there.

So here's the gist: I'm rewriting this fic. It's my fic and I'm doing things my way. Things that will change would be typos, sway of conversations, major story arcs, details, and just the story's general plot. I'm not very open with y'all about stuff but I started writing this when I was 15 and locked up in Covid. As of me writing this, I'm gonna be turning 19 in a couple of days so like wtf cue the "where did the time go" tiktok trend or sumn idk I'm a senior citizen so I get discounted pancakes at IHOP.

Despite how well-spoken I seemed, I was genuinely writing this story as I was going, and it becomes disgustingly obvious in the most recent chapters. Major plot holes were things I tried to fill in with some big-brained move that I clearly did not have the skills to pull off. Like how was I supposed to explain why BLU Sniper acted the way he did? I had it figured out in my head, but that didn't translate well on paper, and I'm deadass so embarrassed that y'all had to see me like this; like I'm a crackhead behind a Denny's talking about the Mystic Man or God knows what. I don't want to say too much about my plans as I might stray from it in the future while rewriting.

As some of you know, this is a tri-platform story: Wattpad, Quotev, and AO3. If you're a Wattpad reader, I recommend going over to one of the other two sites listed. Wattpad's been a shithole since I was 11, but that's beside the point. If you, for any reason, wanted to save this story in its unaltered, prime state as a PDF or HTML file or otherwise; AO3 and Quotev both have this function available. Maybe you'd like to reminisce about my absolutely out-of-pocket writing or would like to save it for future reference for a fun "spot the difference" once I'm done revamping, be my guest. I ask that if you're re-uploading it, you tag me properly on any of the websites listed above. I do not want it posted anywhere else but Quotev, Wattpad, or AO3.

I also ask that you don't do any "what if" stories. DO NOT continue the original storyline in my stead. A portion of the characters within it, I no longer have permission/ do not want to write for anymore so you shouldn't do it either.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has ever read this story. Whether you're new, a returning customer, or have been waiting with bated breath, constantly refreshing the page and wondering where I have been for 6 months because you didn't want to find me on insta, I appreciate your willingness to dredge through my 4-year-old cringe fest enough and to find some sort of comfort in it with how the world crumbled around us.

Stream Fox Stevenson on Spotify, I'll see y'all soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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