Sixty-Two: Home Range

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        "Engie's not in his room, either." I breezed by when I saw he wasn't here with Neuro and Salvador since Metalworks is still under watch. I already sent Salvador to bed for the night since it's so late and we just came back from Georgia. I've already started getting my things together. It's just a matter of getting them into boxes. A sentry that's still being built sits on a different table next to a couple of beer bottles. It beeps as just a tripod and a sensor without a proper frame or gun. "Anywhere else you can think of?"

"Well, he came back while you were away," she rings on a ladder as Medic holds it in place.

"What are you doing?"

"Changing a light bulb for Engie," she tells.

"Howdy, dear," he smiles, facing me.

"Hun, your goggles are broken."

"It's fine, just the lenses are cracked," he reassures me and sets down a toolbox on his workbench from his desk. "Ooh, hun is a new one."

I peer over his shoulder. "Well, now I need to get you a new pair."

"Why do you think ya need to?"

"Christmas is around the corner," I remind him. "I still have to get you something. And what if the lenses shatter or break? That's not safe. How did it even happen in the first place?"

"You don't gotta get me nothing," he chuckles before flipping open the toolbox. "I got knocked on my ass during the last day of Brazil."

"How so?"

He taps his hardhat with his fist and a smile. "Took a toolbox to the noggin."

I gasp. "Dear."

"It's fine, Neuro took a look at me."

She grunts as she comes down the ladder. "Yeah, he's fine. The dude's just hard-headed."

I can't help but laugh at her tone. "That part's taken care of, but, again, what if they break?" I still want to give him something. "Dell--"

"You're like my mama," he contrasts, "everybody always gotta get somethin'."

"Just let me get you a new pair of goggles, I am concerned about your ability to see."

"I think I've already seen all I need to see," he steals a kiss from my cheek as he walks back to a second table to pick up a wrench. Flurries rush around my stomach, and I rotate to follow his movements while catching Neuro and Medic giving each other looks. "But if ya wanna do somethin' for me so bad, then you and Salvador can agree to spend Smissmas with me."


"Don't ask, long story."

"Oh, uhm..." There's a lot of long stories that I shouldn't be asking about. After the last one, I think I can fulfill that request. "Then I can ask Darlene to help me find you a new pair of goggles, you've got a deal."

"Aw, exciting!" Neuro clasps her hands together. "That's cute."

"Neuro, please," he digs through a tub full of blueprints, unrolling them to look at the sketch inside before determining it's not the one he's looking for. "I'm serious, though."

"And I am, too." I didn't even think about my answer that hard. Leo despises holidays with me anyway. I know Salvador has mixed feelings about Engie, but this is one way to get them to at least talk to each other.

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