Staying At Hogwarts

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(it's Christmas time btw) 

One of the professors were calling out names of who would be staying at Hogwarts and of whom would be leaving. 

Renava's POV:

"Are you staying for the holidays, Tom?" I asked

"I'm afraid so," Tom said back.

"That's not a bad thing ya' know" I said.

"I'm staying in a cold, dark, and in some way lonesome castle. But you find that heart-warming I presume?" Tom said.

I stood there a bit in surprise. He must have forgotten I don't have parents either, but that's expected he's always one to tend to forget about just the simple things. Though I wouldn't call my parents death simple. 

"Tommy-" I got cut off immediately by his hand gripping my wrist.

"Don't call me that." Some dark fire was sparking in his eyes. But it didn't seem like a good fire filled with passion or happiness. It was cold a brutal. Just how most the world saw him. 

I bucked up the courage to finally rip my hand out of his grasp. 

"Don't touch me, Tommy." I said sternly.

"And what if I do?" Once more another smart reply from him.

"Then I may just ask Malfoy to come spend the holidays with us too." 

I turned away from Tom with a proud smirk on my face yet I felt weak and scared as though he was about to take me by my neck.  I replayed what i said in my head as I walked towards the library. I regret even mentioning his name. Malfoy. Disgusting to say the least. His past actions towards me are unforgettably and weirdly lingering in my head.

As I turned the corner I saw Hermione. I sprinted over to her in need to find someone I can talk to without a smart remark coming out.

"Hermione," I said

She looked towards me with a soft expression as though she just calmed her self from a mere panic attack. 

"Yes, Ren?" She asked politely.

"Can we talk-" I paused

"About you leaving." I quickly finished my sentence not wanting to make it seem awkward.

"It's not just me leaving you know." She slightly grinned,

"I know but I'll miss you most of all and It's Christmas so, I want to give you, Ron, Harry, and everyone else I'm friends with their gifts." When I said that Hermione's eyes immediately started to swell with tears. 

"Hermione what's wrong?" I asked frantically giving her a hug.

She just cried into me. I didn't know what was wrong but I needed to know soon.

I pulled away and stared at her with sympathy in my eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong 'Mione," I said

"I'm..." She trailed off disconnecting eye contact.

"Your what?" I asked.

"I'm not coming back next year!" She slightly yelled but half crying.

"Or the year after that! Possibly never again Ren! I haven't even confessed to Ron!" She screamed now controlling how many tears were forcing their way out. 

"'Mione, it's alright. Just...Just calm down and relax. I'll help you pack your things we can talk this over we have time." I said sitting her down on a bench nearby.

"When do we have time Ren? Everyone leaves in 3 days!" "I can't do it Hogwarts is my home, Ren! I can't...I can't leave..." She looked at the ground again.

"I can't leave you. Or Ron or Harry." "I can't leave Ginny." "I can't leave anyone..."

Everything seemed to stop. My main priority now wasn't Tom or my friends and their gifts. It was now comforting a friend that stood by me every inch of the way here. Even in the darkest of times. Now that it's my turn I won't turn away now matter how many horrifying things I must do or discover to help her. 

"Listen to me Hermione. You are one of the brightest witches I've ever met and you absolutely stand by that title. Now do you think a girl like you who's been through so much would just give up now because she's losing almost all contact with her friends? Your answer should be no, 'Mione." 

"I know that makes it sound like it's a completely mental statement but think. I bright witch like you could see through it all. Find the solution to want your really losing. You're not losing me or Ron or friends in general. Your losing your surroundings. The smell of dirt when you walk by Neville, the smokey, cinnamon common room, or the new parchment paper. The empty noise of your shoes clacking the floor as you walk by familiar faces. The feel of your quill in your sore hands from writing an essay for potions. Or the looks of the candles lit at dinner. Maybe the taste of pumpkin juice that excites and reminds our taste buds of what time of day it is. You Hermione Granger are not losing friends or your home. You are only losing the surroundings of it all, but soon adapting to something new. Which I'm certain you can do. A new life but your old life won't be forgotten. Your new life may be filled with: the sight of different clothing, the smell of people, the feel of different writing utensils, the taste of common but not so common food, and sounds of different music." 

As I stopped speaking she looked up at me with a faint glimpse of what seemed as hope, but I can tell it was weak. She held my hand and shed a few more tears before looking up at me. Her brown, red, but yet devoted eyes looked at me with what seemed like hundreds of happy memories at Hogwarts filling her up. It was like she could produce a patronus right on the spot with her eyes alone.

"Thanks for comforting me, Ren." She replied.

We both paused for a second with dim smiles.

"But Ren, what about..Ron?" She asked quietly to where only I could hear.

"I say confess. But you know do quick or some time today cause you've only got 3 days left. ACTUALLY you could do it over owl whenever you are back home." I said.

"I not confessing to Ron over an owl you dimwit." Hermione spoke clear and loudly now with it sounding sarcastic and humorous. 

"Confess to me what?" 

It was Ron.

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