❔💔🔗In or Out🔗💔❔

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A/N: I really like what this chapter gets to be about. It's really about a small surprise with a bigger surprise at the end lol. Anyway listen to: Can't Imagine by Shawn Mendes

~Girls Slytherin Dorm~ 

I walk into the dorm and immediately the memories of that hour. I missed class that day but that was the least of my concern. My actual concern was focused on everything I lost. I know the truth of my parents, but honestly it's more heartbreaking to know that what I was given before I never saw them again was burned to ashes. 

I walk towards my brutally, burned bed and trip in front of it. I look down and see nothing. 

You tripped of air Renava. Your really that stupid. Lol yes I am. Actually let me see if the floor board is lose. Wait what's this.

I feel the floor and I grab something and it comes off the floor invisible until I realize it was- oh gosh. All my belongings like my moms snake pen and my dads medal were there. All in tact too!

It was my dads invisibility cloak. Thank Merlin for however this coincidence happened. My past wasn't burned with the rest. I'm saved. 

Thank you dad thank you mom. I love you both so much. I'm so glad I haven't lost you. 

I sit there now holding the cloak crying. 

"My lord how did this happen. It's all here. H-how-" I say but start crying more.

~Boy Slytherin Dorms~ 

"Hi there R-" I cut off Tom by hugging him.

"Oh Tom I'm so lucky." I say while looking at him.

"Your dorm was burned to ashes and you think you're lucky. Okay then..." 

"No, the things my parents gave me I had believed they burned up to. But they didn't! I still have everything they gave me. Even the invisibility cloak is there." I say now with a few tears in my eyes.

"That's amazing dear, but I think after experiencing what you just experienced I'd have to say you'll need some rest. Wouldn't you agree?" Tom says rubbing my back in circles.

"Yeah...but you must carry me to the bed." I laugh a little saying it.

"I'm fine with that." Tom says then picks me up by the back of my thighs.

We walk toward a bed. It looks almost the same as the girls beds. Probably the same, but you never know. 

He sets me on the bed and hands me some clothes. 

"Change." He says.

I already had my shirt off. I wasn't paying attention and didn't even hear him speak. I was deep in my thoughts when I realized. He was watching me.

Your a work of art Renava. ughh...

"W-well can't you turn around! I wasn't paying attention!" I grab the shirt and quickly pull it over it just barely covers the right parts below. 

"No darling. I'd rather watch the scene unfold  right in front of my eyes." He says and smirks at me. 

"Your a rat." I say sort of flustered.

"But your rat hmm?" He says sarcastically. 

We laugh together.

"Just come sleep with me." I say making small grabbing hands. 

"Oh alright." He says rolling his eyes playfully.

Tom gets in the bed next to me. We both get comfortable and I flip on my side so he can spoon me. 

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now