New Beginings

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This story takes place where all the characters from the Harry Potter movies are now here in 2020 Hogwarts. Also there are different teachers here but like I say the same students there were in the moves and books. There is a Tom Riddle but his desires are nothing of what they were then. He is a different person now. There is no covid-19 nor is there any sort of out break or pandemic. There is a different mission that happens along the way that will link up to Harry Potter's and Draco Malfoy's parents being the care takers of the main character. This story does involve some romantic parts between many characters. If you aren't comfortable with that I recommend to skip some chapters or parts in the future. There is no war that will happen. Hogwarts is a normal school of Wizarding and Witchcraft. I might add made up professors. Also I don't plan on adding in to many characters like Lupin or Sirius until I've learned about them enough. To make things easier Harry's parents just gave him to an orphanage. There that'll help a lot. Anyway I'll leave a few things about you (Renava Lekort)
Age: 16
House: Slytherin
Year: 5th
Family: Unknown but suspected to be one person from the Malfoy's and one person from the Potter's
Blood: unsure but most likely half blood or pure blood 
Hair: Dark brown that's medium length. Or whatever color you feel as though you'd like your hair to be
Eyes: A piercing bright green mixed with blue. Or  whatever way you'd like them to look
Body: Tall but not tall enough to surpass any of the guys heights. Curvy in the right places. Has a slim waist. Gorgeous body over all.
Also if you don't like how I picture her then you can be free with your imagination :)
Talents: Can speak to any type of animal, amazing singing voice, great swimmer, almost every subject comes naturally, and knows how to do any type of hair style.
Once more you guys ain't feeling it with your talents go right- oh wait actually you can't oh sorry 😂
Okay let's get started and set the scene

*Hogwarts 2020, Professor Melion Class*

My vision it's blurry. Darkened by the room and filled with colors I've never seen in my life. The way I can hear voices speaking with fear. What does this mean...
"She wasn't...stop!"

"You never did..."

"G-get your hands off her!"



"Run Malfoy..."

"Ms.Lekort!" Renava Lekort. That's me. "Sorry professor Melion." "Now that you've come back to your senses...mind explaining...what causes your interest to follow somewhere else?" "Nothing, sir." "Just tired" Renava says. "Hmm...back to your studies." Professor says questionably.

It is the 5th year here at Hogwarts for me. I'm here in the year 2020. My house is Slytherin as one would figure because if my family. Yet I have friends in all houses.

"Class dismissed."
Everyone rushes out of the classroom except for Renava. "These people act like they'll die if in here for another second." Someone shouts from outside the doorframe. "Renava!" "Hurry!" "Coming!" Remake says annoyed. "Keep your booming voice down in the hallways Lea."
Lea: Bestfriend of Renava
Age: 15
House: Slytherin
Year: 5th
Family: Martha Rodger and Dolbis Rodger as her parents. They are both muggles but yet claim to be pure blood so they aren't looked badly upon.
Blood: Muggle Born
Hair: Long, wavy, blonde hair. Always in a ponytail.
Eyes: Dark Hazel
Body: Short and thin
Talents: Can speak extremely fast, a splendid runner, and easily passes all classes except for herboligy.
"I had a right to shout you took about as much time as a snail." Said Lea. "Both of you stop your bickering!" Draco shouts from afar. "Shove a cork in it, Malfoy!" Renava says back. Draco looks back in shock. "Let's just go I'm gonna starve if we stand here a second longer, moron."

Lea drags Renava to the great hall. She slouches into her seat at the table. It's been a rough day with all the stress of getting back into the routine of a new school. A conversation starts between Blaise and Pansy. "Wouldn't you agree she'd be fit for the team?" Says Blaise. "Her?" "Honestly Blaise something's off in your head if you see something in that...that...that slug!" Pansy's remark caught Renava's attention.

"What are you going on about, Parkinson?" Renava says. "Blaise feels as though you should be on the quiditch team!" Pansy says with a face of disapproval. "-And she called you a slug let's put that out there to, Parkinson!" Lea shouts from across the room. Lea was talking to a young HufflePuff. Lea's shouting also caught the attention of the golden trio and others around the area.

"Who's calling who a bloody slug?" Ron yells out at Lea. "Parkinson says that about Lekort!"
"Oh she's done it now." Ron gets up with Hermione. "I'm not gonna say I'm interested but I really am." The young HufflePuff says to Lea. "Oh I'd bet Ron would pull another one of those eat slugs on Parkinson." Lea retorts.

"Weasley it's none of your business!" Parkinson almost screech's. "It is when you call a friend of mine a bloody slug!" "Oi Ron!" Renava interrupts. "Calm down a pug face toad isn't hard to deal with." Harry chuckles at Renava's statement. "Really witty wasn't that, Potter." Draco says a few feet away. Draco strides over with a smirk on his face. "What's happening over here?" Draco askew. "Nothing that your apart of." Renava says back. "Well I'm so sorry did I hurt the princess feelings?" Draco says. "You didn't hurt my feelings, Draco. If it's anyone who should be hurt right now it would be you because I'm about ready to crucio you out of my sight."

The table goes silent after Renava speaks. "Um well the topic wasn't even that serious Pansy just made it sound like it was." Blaise said. "Sorry Lekort. Didn't think we'd attract the whole school's attention." Blaise laughs nervously after that. Ron and Harry start to walk back towards their table. "Well next time this happens I think she'll know what to do." Hermione says. "Just go back to your table you
Griffin-wh*re." Pansy says mockingly.

"That's it Parkinson!" Renava points her wand at Pansy neck. "Stop!" Professor Mcgonagall yells at the table. "Ms.Lekort I know your better than to threaten another student." "Please tell me this is a mistake, Ms.Lekort?" Mcgonagall asked. "Yes ma'am." Renava lowers her wand from Pansy's throat. Everyone at the table floods away. "Now Parkinson, I recommend you head back to your dormitory while I speak to Ms.Lekort."
Renava didn't notice there were just a few students left in the Great Hall. "Ms.Lekort..." Mcgonagall said. "Yes ma'am?" Renava said back. "What was that all about?" "It's your first day back. I know you wouldn't do something as that unless you felt threatened." Mcgonagall stated.

"Uh well yes. She had called I and Hermione Granger some disgusting names that were said as threats." Renava said with a mental smirk. "I'm sorry to hear that Ms.Lekort. Well I'm glad to hear what this was truly about. I recommend you head to your dormitory now." Mcgonagall says. "Yes ma'am. Goodnight." Renava turns in the opposite direction of the professor.

Renava sighs. "This was a lovely first day..." She says sarcastically. She stops by a wall to vent.
"I already have Pansy making my life a wreck, Ron almost getting himself in trouble because of me, and much more.."

Silence fills the halls

"I've missed you's a odd feeling."

Renava's body winces around


It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now