❣️^ heart break ^❣️

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A/N: hi um I'm really tired right now so the writing may suck literal a$$ but I'm gonna try my best. Listen to: favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo.

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 


⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 

It's the next day and, as Renava's noticed some differences about Tom, she was still thinking about her conversation with Lea.


"Lea, Tom has been acting super weird. I think he heard what we were talking about." I say to Lea biting into some toast.

"You're just paranoid, Ren." Lea says drink some juice. 

"No I'm serious! I swear to Merlin he heard it! Like he's been cold and harsh. More than normal!" I say back.

"Ha! That's something." Lea retorts. 

"I really need to talk to him." I say looking in Tom's direction.

"You go do that, sis." Lea says.

"...yeah I'm gonna do that." I say quietly enough to where only I can hear it. 

I walk towards Tom.

"Tom, would you mind?" I ask knowing he'll just grunt and follow me out.

He did just that.


"We've got to speak." I say.

"About what?" He says back clearly annoyed.

About your d*mn attitude 

I said in my head.

"I know you were listening in on my conversation with Lea, and I'd like to explain because you totally got the wrong m-" "Oh no I got the message alright." He cuts in.

"Tom, what I said at the time was me in a weird state. I wasn't paying attention to really what I was saying at that point." I say.

"Okay so, you don't actually love me and I'm the perfect human being?" He says sarcastically.

"Tom no! I mean that I'm pretty sure I was overreacting over the whole thing." I say.

"No no you had a normal reaction to my behavior. It was me who made all the wrong actions anyway..." He says darkly.

"I didn't input you made all the wrong actions, but I was inputting that some of your mistakes...stood out more than others." I say right back.

"Oh, definitely and you make all the right choices because your this perfect and sweet person." He says even more annoyed if possible.

"I make bad decisions, actions, and verbal choices all the time, but none of them end up with me leaving my partner for days, Tom!" I say now severely mad he would say something like that.

"Oh be quiet! I know that you said all those things about how the amount of money I have bothers you. In conclusion you think I'm f*cking poor!" He yells.

"What?! I said nothing like that!" I say back.

"That's not what the note said!" He hissed.

"A note how and who- Tom who ever gave you a d*mned letter about the events that went on between me and Lea have obviously twisted my words, and added a few things that weren't even said!" I say yelling right back.

"I don't even know you could believe something like that! You know I would never-" "Never leave me? Judge me for my money? Yeah right. You're f*cking insane thinking I wouldn't hear about this. And this proves what you showed me back in this same hallway wasn't true! You're a b*tch, wh*re, and a f*cking liar! I hate you for that! Do you now how much of my heart and soul I've put into this relationship!? All of it! I cared for you! I trusted you! And you shattered it...I could never forgive you for this." He cuts in.

"Tom, what are you talking about all I said was I was tired of your whiplash with mood swings, you're often disappearances, and flirting with another f*cking girl!" I say.

"Also get your head out of your a**! Don't you see who ever gave you a note about what happened is no one you should trust! You are trusting a flimsy note over your girlfriend!" I say.

"I'm just so tired of you trusting me and the  distrusting and then trusting again. I just want you to see what that note said is wrong! Please Tom I had things on my mind and Lea wanted me to explain...why don't you see? I'm desperate for you Tom. I'd do anything for you!" I say pleading.

"I'd do anything to make you trust me again. To love me again. To just glad forbid be happy at least..." I say just trailing off. 

"Renava, if you truly want to make me happy then listen and leave." He says coldly.

"Anything..." I say barely above a whisper.

"That note said as to how you wanted to end the relationship because you just didn't like me for me or anything about me. It specified about the things you told me were only spoken about, but I don't know what to think of it. I understand you may think this is a mistake, but Renava I'm truly sure that some things it said were true. I mean if you say you'd end the relationship right now and right here for what again...? Then I'd say you really don't need, want, or love me. I'm sure about that." 

"Tom..." My voice cracks.

"I beg of you. I love you I need you I want you. Please I don't want to end it all here. Please listen to me now! Please darling please! I know you better than this, and you wouldn't just leave me without a respect explanation. And this sure as h*ll wasn't a explanation. That was like a corn maze for the mind." I say almost feeling like I was sucked out of my world and thrown into a new one.

"Renava, I gave you an explanation on why I believe the note. I truly could see you seeing those things about me. I'm insecure about that and you'd  know everything about it." Tom says.

"Tom, I love you why in the name of Merlin would I-" "Because I just know you would. I don't believe you and your tricks anymore, Renava. I'm tired of it. Now it's time we take a break." He cuts in.

"Don't Tom." I say.

"We're done, Renava." He says and then turns on his heal.

"Tom wait let me show you what happened! I can make this better." I reach for him, but he grabs my wrist.

"Don't touch my Lekort." He says anger burning his face.

"I can show you the truth! Just let me please!" I didn't even notice my wrist being smashed.

"No, all you'll do is feed me beautiful lies! Get away from me you disgusting wh*re." He says dropping my hand.

"Hey you don't speak to me like t-" "F*ck off! I knew all you f*cking sl*ts were the same! You're exactly like the others! Even more so like the b*tch Pansy. Just f*ck off sl*tty a** h*e." 

His words hit my like a quidditch bludger right in the face. I wanted to scream, cry, or anything just to release the pain I felt. 

Then and there I let out a heart shattering cry out,

Tom's POV: 

I instantly regret my words. How could I? I was stuck in the moment right? Was she really going to show me the truth? Oh Merlin I don't know. Was the letter wrong? I- 

My thoughts were interrupted by this blood hurdling scream.

 It sounded like the most painful scream in the world. It felt like tires screeching across the ground. It sounded like someone just stabbed you with a knife straight through your heart. It made a watering taste in my mouth become metallic blood. It made the air around me feel cold and heartless.

Lord what the h*ll have I done to her...

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum