💸🗝🍃Malfoy's Problem🍃🗝💸

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Renova's POV: 

I woke up on the Slytherin common room couch with a blanket covering my body.  The scent of Tom is faint. I can tell he got up just minutes ago. I remember falling asleep in his arms slowly yet quickly. 

I hear footsteps not knowing who they belong to. 

I quickly get up and brush my hair down with my hands in case I look like a rats nest. 

"Ah, Lekort?" 


"What exactly are you doing here, Draco?" I asked

"Oh, nothing just...strolling around getting a look at Hogwarts. Why?" He said with a smirk

"You're certainly not strolling around Hogwarts alright..." I say standing up walking away. 

I turn up the steps towards the girl's dormitories. I feel like I haven't spoke to him in such a long time. It's like I'm greeting an old friend but where the relationship went awkward. 

"You can't hide from me forever!" He exclaimed watching me climb higher and higher up till he couldn't see me. 

Ew. I really don't like him he's just so weird in a way. It's hard to understand . I want to tell Tom about this but it's merely a small conversation. You know what? I should go and talk to him but like real. Meaning nothing rude or sensual. Just a chat. 

I start walking to my bathroom since I emerged into my room. I took a quick shower, dried my hair, threw on a causal outfit, and headed out the door again. I walked down to the common room to see no one there except I hear footsteps once more. I immediately hide so I'm not seen. 

I hear a males voice. Deep and- I realized it's Tom. 



They acted as if they were speaking to their greatest enemies. Yet knowing the both of them they may just be that in each others books. 

"Riddle, I suggest you and your girlfriend go somewhere else. I've got business to do and I wouldn't want your pesky nose around. But nor do I want your girlfriend around either." Draco says.

I excepted To  to threaten him but yet he said something that surprised me. And possibly if someone else heard it it'd surprise them too. 

"Now why wouldn't you want Renava near you? I thought she was your crowning jewel to your love lust collection of girls you fancy?" Tom said quietly yet cunningly.

"Or was she possibly just to much to handle? May I suggest you go for someone else? Parkinson's? Perhaps you don't want anyone else at all? Just my beautiful, precious, bold, and satisfying in every way you could imagine...girlfriend ."  Tom said with a devilish smirk appearing on his face.

"Well I must admit I know for certain she'd satisfy me any way and any time I'd please-" He was cut off by Tom.

"Mind your mouth, Draco. I'm giving you a chance here to just admit you've wanted Renava since the first time you laid eyes on her this year. Say it you fool!" Tom starts to get aggressive but stands his ground.

"Listen I really don't know! Okay?! All I know is that your going to leave her one day and she'll be heart broken and I won't ever have my chance because she'll be stuck in a never ending pool of depression! You'll steal are her love and leave none for anyone else! And maybe I do love her! What's it matter to you?!" Draco says with his eyes glistening threading to overflow.

Oh my gosh Tom will kill Draco if I don't rush down there! I need time to take this in but right now Draco's life is on the line. 

I rush down the stairs while looking at Tom. I give him a pleading look. He looks back almost ready to throw me over his shoulders and lock me in his bedroom. 

"Tom, let him explain." I say calmly.

"What?! Why?!" He screamed at my just 2 wands apart.

"Didn't you hear?! He wants to steal you away!" He says loudly still screaming.

"No, Tom! I want him to explain! He needs to let his feelings out and all you do is force them out let them come out naturally!" I scream finally having him tip me over the edge.

"What if we had a kid would you scream in their face trying to get them to tell you what's happening to them?!" I said immediately wanting to take back the words I said

Not only did I just make Tom feel evilly proud but Draco feel terribly worse. My whole heart just broke when I turned to see Draco with a red face. He turned on his heel and walked up the stairs as if nothing happened. I feel so trashy. Tom on the other hand doesn't. He looks at me questioning my expression. He doesn't understand. He never did but nevertheless I will always be there to make things seem clear once more for him. As I all ways do.

"Why are you looking like that?" He asked.

"Tom," I sighed.

"Draco fancy's me and I don't think me saying the possibility of you and me having a kid would help him feel any better about it." I say.

I walk close to him and get right up to his ear on my tip toes. 

"I love you Tom, but sometimes your just a bit thick in the head." I say in a whisper. 

I return to the floor and walk to Draco's room. 

"Get back here." He says sternly.

"Or what are you going to chase me through the corridors?" I laugh at my own words.

He walks up to me on the stairs grabbing my throat roughly. I see a hint of list fill his eyes. Not like I've seen that before. But right here? Right now? 

His free hand pulled the edge of my sweatpants down a bit to where some of my lower skin was exposed. I felt myself get wet. I knew that was wrong but his physical touch just made me quiver.

"You shouldn't doubt me, darling." He paused looking near my lips. 

"Your lucky I didn't rip your clothes off right here right now. I would have you screaming for mercy by the just five minutes." He said smiling ever so lustfully. 

"Poor Malfoy boy would hear quiet the show." He said.

His grip tightened then let go of my throat as he walked back outside of the common room and down the halls. Leaving me wet but with butterflies.

"He's so confusing." I roll my eyes ignoring my...problem

"Ughh...why does he do this to me." I say turning to my bed room to find a toy that could fulfill my needs for the time being. 

"I might need to comfort Draco after this." I shut my door and let the day roll by.

It's A Odd Feeling (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now