29 || secrets

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I WOKE UP WITH A GROAN. My head was pounding, my nose was sore and probably broken and I had no clue where I was. I lost that fight really bad. Why didn't he kill me?

I looked around me, trying to make sense of where I was. My hands were bound to some kind of pole and all of my weapons were gone. I was in some kind of cellar. There were two other people in the room.

"Clarke!" I shouted when I saw the familiar blonde head of hair. Both of their heads snapped toward me and Clarke sighed with relief. The man went back to cauterizing his two stab wounds, one of which was caused by yours truly.

"Thank god you're alive," Clarke breathed, trying to inch closer to me. We were both tied to two different concrete poles.

"Another inch and I'd be dead," The man spoke, referring to the wound on his abdomen, probably caused by Clarke. "Maybe you're not the commander of death, after all." Clarke didn't respond. "Now, she's quiet. How about you, nightblood?"

"Azgeda jerk," I muttered under my breath. Shoot, he must have found out about my nightblood. He's Azgeda. What if he tells the queen? She'll kill me. Or even worse, what if he tells Lexa? My worst fears were coming to a reality. 

"Why are you hiding from your own people?" Clarke finally spoke up.

"Why'd you run away from yours?" The man countered. He limped over to the fire and picked up his blade which was bright orange at the tip. He pressed it to the wound on his abdomen, the sound and smell of burning flesh filled my senses. The man didn't even flinch as the hot blade caused his skin to sizzle.

"The great Wanheda," The man mocked. He walked over to Clarke and held the hot knife in front of her face. "Mountain Slayer."

"I'm no one," Clarke spat. I knew that wasn't true. None of us would be alive if it wasn't for her.

"A lot of people out there right now, looking for no one," Said the Azgeda man.

"You're not no one," I spoke up, causing both of their heads to turn to me. Clarke ignored me and looked back to our kidnapper.

"You're obviously not loyal to the Ice Nation," Clarke observed. "So why are you taking us there?" The man said nothing and walked over to the door of the cellar. "Look, whatever the Ice Queen is giving you, our people will offer you more."

"Not them. Not for someone who abandoned them," The man shot back calmly. I had a burning hate for this man building up inside me. 

"You don't know anything about me," Clarke spat.

"I know you took the coward's way out."

"Like you're so different," Clarke scoffed. "You live in disguise, same as me. You're on the run, same as me. In the wilderness, same as me."

"I was banished," The man cut in. "I'm nothing like you. You had a choice. So, no, I can't take you home to your people." The man paced. "'Cause you're the way back home to mine." He bent down and secured the gag back around Clarke's mouth.

"Why am I here, then? I know you need Clarke so you can take her power and get your banishment lifted but why me? You could have just killed me out there," I spoke up since Clarke was now unable to.

"Two for the price of one. You, natblida will simply sweeten the deal."

I was drifting off to sleep, as was Clarke and Mr. Azgeda jerk. I could hear someone coming into the cellar. They were out of my view but I could see them going up to Clarke. 

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