Project work

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"The pizzas are ready" Naina exclaimed with joy.
"You are amazing Naina!!! " Akaash said.
Aryan was like 'whatever'.
"You seriously are a great cook Naina" Akaash said and held her hand without any warning. Naina didn't react but Aryan very well noticed Akaash's face. He didn't like his expression or his way of holding Naina's hand. He was somewhat surprised to find Naina not react. He had expected Naina to react... If not any other girl but atleast Naina. Naina actually was too lost in her planning cooking plans.
Aryan was irritated. He didn't know why but it definitely had something to  do with Akaash and Naina.
"Akaash handle the accounts for some time. I wanna help in the kitchen. " Aryan said sternly.
Akaash didn't have the courage to disobey Aryan but Naina spoke up.
"But why Akaash is a homescience student and you are the accounts student. Why should he handle the account?  You should do your work! " Naina cried with a sharp edge in her voice.
Aryan looked at her with rage.
Does this mean she is with Akaash? That's right! She is in a relationship with akaash and that's why she didn't protest or questioned his actions but what I heard Akaash say last night is so confusing. I don't know what to do but I should keep a watch on them, Aryan thought.
Akaash smiled with delight.
"Naina we need some grocery items. Let's go and buy them" Akaash suggested.
"But if both the homescience students leave we will not be able to prepare the burgers on time. There is still half an hour before we open the burgers counter. The things needed for burger are present here. So I can stay and prepare the burgers and handle the pizza counter. " Naina said.
"Or maybe Akaash goes for shopping and you stay as a cook and I stay in the accounts. I am sure he'll manage shopping ny his own. " Aryan suggested.
For the first time Aryan words mace sense to Naina. He was somewhat right.
"But why me? Aryan can go" Akaash said.
"But who will handle the accounts then? Aryan is right. One homescience student should go. If not you then I will go" Naina cried.
"Akaash will go. Isn't it Akaash? " Aryan asked in a threatening tone. It was more of an order . Akaash reluctantly nodded.
Naina was buzy preparing her burgers. Aryan was managing the pizza counter well.
"We need more pizzas" Aryan shouted.
"What?!!! But there are no more pizzas left. " Naina shouted back.
Aryan came inside the kitchen. He was amused to see Naina's condition. Her face was filled with flour and her aprons had sauce stains and she was completely unaware of her appearance.
Aryan walked towards her slowly. She was busy preparing the burgers. Aryan rubbed his head and the room was filled with flour. Naina looked up to find Aryan looking at her with a smile on his face. She had never seen him smile and she had to agree that he had a very beautiful smile. She was mesmerised by his smile.
"How did you manage to get the floor on your head? " Aryan asked smiling more and more.
Naina looked at him completely clueless of his question.
"We need more pizzas Naina" Aryan said .
"But there is no pizza left. I have to again make a dough. It will take time Aryan" Naina replied.
"But the kid is willing to wait. He really wants a pizza" Aryan said cutely.
Naina couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"Alright. I am making the pizza. " Naina said smiling.
"I will help you" Aryan said.
"Firstly let's ean your face" Saying so Aryan wiped Naina's face with his handkerchief. Naina was a little taken aback but she didn't react. She stood there like a statue while Aryan cleaned her face.
"Thank you... Where is this Akaash I don't know! " Naina said with irritation.
"Already missing your boyfriend? " Aryan asked .
Naina forca moment was confused. Then she realized what was said.
"Boyfriend?! Akaash is not my boyfriend. In fact we are not even friends. " Naina replied.
It was Aryan turn to get shocked.
"What? He is not your bf? Naina listen to me... You need to stay careful. Beware of Akaash. I don't like his vibe. Trust me! "Aryan said very seriously.
" And who is warning me? Aryan Malhotra! The person who promised to make my life hell in this trip" Naina said in a moving manner.
"That was because you punched me" Aryan said gritting his teeth.
"And why should I believe you? Akaash seems like a decent guy to me" Saying this Naina was going to leave when Aryan pulled her hand. She was too weak for him and landed on his chest. He held her waist for supporting her. She looked up to see his beautiful eyes. They had a completely different expression. Not anger. Not desire. Not love. But concern. He seemed concerned.
"Naina I am not jocking. Promise me you will stay cautious from today. O don't trust Akaash at all" Aryan said still holding Naina firmly. Naina was shook. She looked at him completely confused. Why did Aryan Malhotra want to protect her? Was this a trap? Whom should she trust?
"We both are project partners! " Raayan exclaimed with joy.
"Unfortunately yes" Nisha said in a monotonous tone.
"You are cute! " Raayan cried smiling.
"And you are irritating" Nisha replied.
"What play are we analysing? We also have to perform a small skit about it? Don't we? " Raayan asked enthusiastically.
"Yes and I was thinking of performing Hamlet" Mother and son scene"Nisha said.
"Not happening. Hamlet is already taken. The only plays left are Comedy of errors and Romeo and Juliet. We can't perform comedy of errors as none of the scenes comprise of only two people in comedy of errors. Romeo and Juliet is the only option left for us" Rayan explained.
"But Romeo and Juliet is a romantic play" Nisha said.
"All the best sweet heart" Saying so Raayan left.

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