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Riya angrily walked out of the cafe. Aryan looked at Naina with a piercing look in his eyes. Naina was confused. Aryan looked angry . But why? He had broken up with Riya and not the other way round.
Raj and Sid grabbed hold of Aryan's arm and left the cafe.
"What on earth just happened?" Neha cried completely confused.
"Yes that guy ...what's his name...Aryan Malhotra! Yes! What did he say? That Riya left the cafe angrily. What on earth happened?" Mishti cried completely clueless of the entire incident.
Naina couldn't control her tears anymore. She had never been the centre of attention in her entire life. She loved staying isolated and unknown but after today's incident everyone was looking at her with suspicion. She hated the attention. Moreover Riya's fierce look scared her. Aryan's silence disturbed her. She didnt like Aryan Malhotra. He was a very confusing man with beautiful eyes and awful words. Naina ran out of the cafe hiding her tears.
Neha was taken aback. She didnt know the real matter but she was certain that the guys had something to do with it. She wont spare those idiotic guys. They had made her best friend cry. How dare they!
She hastily ran towards Aryan and his group.
She held a guy through his collar and turned him around. The guy turned around somewhat surprised by the sudden force. It was Sidharth. He was taken aback seeing Neha . Her eyes had a burning fire within them not something he had seen when they were ragging her.
"What did you guys do?" Neha cried blasting with anger.
"I dont have time for this stuff. I am leaving." Aryan cried softly to Raj and was prepared to leave the spot.
Sidharth decided to handle her.
"We ... we did nothing baby! We were having some fun. Moreover your friend was not even part of the scene. She herself entered the scene." Sidharth cried in a sarcastic manner.
"What do you mean? She was crying after you all left the spot." Neha cried.
Aryan heard her and looked strangely at Neha.
She was crying?! Why on earth was she crying?! Everyone thinks I used her as a reason to break up with Riya but jo one noticed how angry I was when I saw her falling down. I helped her not because I wanted to break up with Riya...I helped her because I djdmt want her to fall down. And she is crying?! What a drama queen! I can't handle these girls at all! , he concluded about Naina.
He left the spot.
"Wait and watch I will complain to the professor about you all."
" oh Female version of Milkha Singh
How dumb can you be. Dont you realise that the professors cant take any step against us." Sid cried.
Neha recalled the previous experience . He was right. The teachers could say anything to them.
"What happened baby? Recalled the reality?" Sid cried laughing.
"Just shut up!" Nrha cried bursting with anger.

On the other hand Nsina was hiding away from everyone. She had escaped into the library.
Aryan too reached the library to go through his books.

"Aryan is inside. " Anam cried.
Anam is a college student who is madly in love with Aryan.
"'Listen priya when I go inside you will lock the library door from outside. I will get yo forms come alone time with Aryan." Anam cried calling her friend.
She was going to go inside when the professor called her for some work. Meanwhile Priya reached the spot. She thought her frorndwas already inside the library. So she locked the library door from outside.
Aryan and Naina were locked in the library.
On the other hand Neha couldn't control her rage any longer. Sid continued his oversmartness
She couldn't tolerate his attitude. In a fit of rage she slapped him .
She immediately regretted her impulsiveness as she saw Sidharth's angry look.

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