First meeting

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"Neha ... what are you doing here?" Naina asked surprised to see her best friend in her brother's apartment.
"Wait what? I sister lives here."
Neha cried.
Neha's sister and Anil exchanged confused looks.
"Wait Neha is your sister?" Anil asked petrified by the truth.
"Yup. Neha is my cousin." Neha's sister cried.
"You live with Anil bro?" Neha asked.
"How do you know Anil?" Her sister asked.
"He is my best friend's brother."
" never mentioned Naina! " Neha's sis cried.
"You never mentioned Neha either." Anil argued back.
"Wait!!!! What is happening?" Nisha shouted.
Everyone were quiet.
"Well Naina dont tell anyone. Actually Shivani is my girlfriend. We are living in together." Anil cried with a guilty look.
All three girls gasped at the same time.
"How could you hide ghos from us and moreover pappa?" Naina cried genuinely hurt by her brother keeping such a huge secret.
" We love each other. We thought of trying living together and if we stay happy we will talk to our parent regarding our wedding." Shivani cried.
All three nodded and gave their consent.

All three nodded and gave their consent

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"So we are living together ha?" Neha cried

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"So we are living together ha?" Neha cried.
"Yes...the best surprise of today . Bro gave me a shock. It's not that I am not supporting him. I mean they love each other. They should stay together but he should have told us " Naina cried.
"I agree man. Shivanidi too hid it. But it's okay.  It's their life dude. They have full control over it." Neha cried.
"Yes. BTW did you just say me living with you is the biggest surprise of today? Come on girl...I am sure we will get so many surprises in our new college. " Neha cried super excitedly.
"You are right. The campus is so beautiful. I heard the college has a marvelous library and the teachers too are amazing!" Naina cried.
Neha made a Are-You-Serious kind of a face.
"Seriously! When will you start being normal? I mean Naina imagine fun things we would do! Like making new friends,  bunking classes , falling in love ! " neha cried imagining all these things.
"So you wanna fall in love ? Bunking classes and making new friends seems kinda fun but falling in love ? How is that fun?" Naina enquired.
"Well you know I always wanted to fall in love once in my life! I mean since our childhood all we have ever done is study. We were the most studious students of our school. I dont wanna have the same tag in the college- a geek. Geeks are smart but they hardly fall in love!" Neha cried.
"So you are breaking up with your books?" Naina asked.
"Are you mad? Never . Books are my first love but I think it is time we start enjoying our life Naina. We are going to have the most adventurous college life anyone could've imagined." Neha cried.
Naina nodded and smiled.

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