6 | New People

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The common room was fully lit up, white walls surrounding three figures with furniture scattered around the area.
A hallway which took a turn behind the wall to the left could be extended to show a line separating the kitchen and living space, the cooking spot on the far side whilst the other on the opposite - closer to the 'backyard'.

In the kitchen, all of the walls had furniture against them - whether it be an oven or counter-top, it was there.
Along with that, an island-like counter extended off of the right-side wall like a barricade that half-protected the kitchen - said counter ending with enough room to walk into the middle of all that... stuff.
In fact, one could describe it as being surrounded - not with guards, but with ovens, fridges, cupboards and such.

Whilst that, in the living room there was an 'L' shaped couch that took up the bottom-right part of the room & a TV standing on top of a large table that was formed to look like it could fit in with the sofa, like a Ying-Yang symbol.
At the shorter end of the desk was a computer and office-chair, whilst behind the smaller part of the couch was the dinning table & three chairs that were closer to the kitchen.
In the bottom-left corner at the opposite end of the sofa was the door to the 'backyard', carpet laying on the floor of the entire living area and transitioning to wood at the kitchen.

The 'backyard', or 'out door space' if one wished, did look somewhat like an average backyard - grass, plants in pots, trees e.t.c...
But, the sky was a pure, blank white and there were thin-colourful ovals floating in the air close to the ground.
Rims of electric-styled lines surrounded each shape, a black centre fading to each portals respective theme colour whilst a small stool made of stone sat beneath each and every one of them.
Signs of wood that resembled those that could be found in a game called 'Minecraft' sat next to the magical, 'things' - writing in black ink being printed onto all of the tree-made objects that looked like names of sorts.

A figure in a yellow top and pale blue jeans stood in front of the couch next to another in a bright orange vest - both having gold-brown hair and waving their arms in the air.
Someone with similar features to the pair but wearing a dark blue t-shirt sat on the sofa, observing the magical mist that flew out of the other's hands and towards their heads and backs.
Speaking of heads and backs, the trio all had large cat-like ears and dark brown wings which reached down to their lower backs - the glowing clouds surrounding said features.
"These things are so~ stubborn! Why can't we at least hide them?! Shouldn't we be able to do that type of stuff?" the builder-like persona whined in frustration, eyes glaring at their pale hands as they tried to summon more smoke - which lead to no success.
The facet with a watch spoke up in response, "There is no real way of knowing right now, Sprit. However, instead of tiring yourself out over your current... activity, I would suggest that we discuss a topic about a couple of recent events."
The standing pair looked each other in the eyes, before nodding silently and walking over to their friend - sitting down on either side of them.

"I'm gonna have to admit, yesterday went better than expected," the selfless asset, who was seated to the right of the nerd, started off, "William seemed nice, in fact, he's the first student to be nice to Cecilia ever since she started going to school."
"You mean that guy with black hair, dark skin and green eyes? Because if you're referring to the one who's obsessed with trucks then you're insane." the emotional trait questioned, sarcasm slipping from their lips as the kind aspect replied;
"First, yes - I mean that guy. Second, Storm isn't obsessed with trucks - he's practically in love with them. And also in love with picking on Cecilia, that too."
"Whatever." the energetic persona commented, rolling their eyes, "At least one of the teachers had a brain, and a heart - all of last year's teachers were completely nuts!"
The intelligent facet spoke up, "Agreed. Although no one can be literally 'nuts', the staff were not kind to Cecilia - especially Mr Denis."
The other two simply nodded, not wanting to go into too many details on the previously mentioned male who had supposedly been very nice to all of his past students - as said by a certain boy.

The reality was, the trio knew about a lot more things than their host - about themselves, their surroundings, other people and more.
But that didn't change the fact that the student was well aware of one thing, and one thing alone - the most important, some could argue:
Cecilia was not normal.

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