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Sprit: I hated that-

C': You realize that you just implied that the things in the image happened in real life, right?

Sprit: Yes, I do! Okay, just- erbgk24jnwregjkkr

Nilam: I hate their mood swings, their too much to handle.

Liv: Agreed.

Raz: Just put Sprit into the void already.

Charis: RAZ!

Raz: What?

Charis: That's rude! The void will cause Sprit to fade away, and that wouldn't benefit anyone - apologies this instant!

Raz: Ha, not a chance.
Plus, how would you know if I meant it? I am the 'deceiving, hider, secret-keeper' type ya know?

Liv: Raz does have a point actually.


Raz: *snaps fingers*

Sprit: *grey mask slaps itself onto their face, their voice becoming muffled*

Raz: I'm done here - A plus tard, perdants (see you later, losers *French*).
*walks away*

Liv: Same, pain out.
*follows Raz*

Nilam: *face palms*

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