5 | Young & Hurting

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The sun shone brightly in the high east side of the area, the sky a baby blue and small groups of clouds floating about freely - the exact opposite of how a certain child felt at the moment.
A golden-haired girl in a light pink top & white skirt-like dress walked besides the metal fence with a small bag on her back - the fear, curiosity and discomfort showing clearly in her brown eyes.
The people around gave her glances of laced disgust - although the mask of positive emotion didn't fool the six-year-old Cecilia Corona.

After what felt like an eternity of anxiety-filled walking, the child with a gradient of yellow-to-dark brown hair approached the open gate that lead into a large, open space with a bunch of brick buildings and fresh green grass.
The rock-filled path that the kid was going across allowed her to let her eyes explore the place, windows allowing a sheer amount of tables, chairs and posters to be seen from the outside - a good number of trees with bright lime-hued leaves dancing in the soft breeze.
The small white pair of shoes that Cecilia wore on her feet took her to a dark oak door with the name 'Mr Denis' printed onto a golden plate, said metal being bolted to the wood.

Opening the door, the girl could now see a grid of twelve chairs and seats, a large whiteboard on the wall to the right and a relatively large desk in front of the board - a TV in the far left corner of the room.
There were around four students within the classroom, all of them wearing casual but appropriate clothes, a tall male with dark brown hair and bright chocolate coloured eyes sitting in the office chair behind the biggest table in the space.
Two of the children, the pair sharing dusty blond hair and aqua blue eyes, were chatting happily in front of the television - the other kids sitting at their desks preparing for class quietly.
However, everything went from quiet to silent at the moment in which Cecilia stepped into the classroom - all eyes glued to her with a variety of emotions vibrating off of them.

The teacher with a whole lot of freckles and pale skin glared at the newcomer, "Where are your parents, child?"
"They didn't want to come, so they let me out of the car and left." was the reply given from the student with small brown wings, said kid placing their backpack onto a table in the back and getting into the chair paired along with it.
The adult scoffed, "Doubt it, I'm calling them you brat - and you're getting detention. It's the school rules for all students at this year level to bring their parents to class in the morning."
Whilst Mr Denis dialled up a certain arrangement of numbers on the telephone beside the whiteboard, the pair of identical students walked up to Cecilia.
"Look at you, winged freak." the boy spoke up, "You're parents didn't even bother coming, that's how much they hate you!"
"They hate me much more than that..." thought Cecilia, but she ignored the words in her head as the girl next to the other joined in;
"I bet your parents would rather be homeless than have you around! They only keep you with them to look happy & nice, they're suffering with you around!"
Cecilia frowned, as the children laughed somewhat evilly - one of them spitting out insults as the male on the other side of the room watched everything play out, not even mentioning the fact that one of his students were being teased & laughed at.

After what felt like an eternity, a woman in a long pale yellow dress with rich golden hair entered the classroom with a bucket load of makeup on their face.
Her expensive-looking hair was tied into a high bun, her pale skin contrasting to the deep red lip-stick that she wore, her electric green eyes scanning the room before landing on the kid surrounded by negativity.
"My greatest apologies, Mr Denis." the lady rose her mature voice into the air, not even turning to face the one being referred to before glaring at the winged-child, "Cecilia! Come follow me this instant!"
Cecilia got out of her chair and walked towards the female, the gazes of everyone in the room resting on her in the most creepy way possible as she left the area.

The formal woman looked down at the student, "You are a complete and utter disappointment! I can't even get a break without having to be pulled back to school because you're scaring the children!"
Confused, Cecilia stayed silent in hopes to get an answer to the unspoken question inside of her head.
"Now I don't care if they weren't even scared and just wanted you out of there, cause that's what I would've wanted! I am perfect and beautiful, for that is why your father married me! He nor I asked for the monster you are to be born!" the mother continued, anger fuming out of her ears.

Looking down, the girl stayed silent as the torturing scolding continued - to the point in which Mrs Corona grabbed her by the hair & dragged her to the parking lot.
Suddenly, the lady rose her right hand into the air (shiny nail-polish having been painted onto her nails previously), and smacked it across the kid's pale face - a red mark resembling a hand covering her entire left cheek.
After being thrown into an expensive-looking car, a small tear reflecting the colours orange, light-blue, purple, dark-blue & yellow rolled down her face as her sorrow-filled eyes closed - the world around her changing as the events which had just occurred turned into memories.
Memories, which she would rather forget.

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