11 | New

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Silence filled the classroom, the only 'noise' (if you could even call it that) was the faint ticking of the not-so good looking clock, which seemed to have been neglected - left alone.
Just like a 12-year-old Cecilia Corona, that is.

The golden-haired pre-teen sat in the back of the classroom, staring at the paper on her desk with printed words and little gabs in between sentences - the heading on top reading;
'Start of the Year Quiz.
This quiz is to be used to assess student knowledge, in order to support future lessons throughout the year.
Date: 5th Feb 2012, Name: Cecilia Corona.'

The pencil in their hand was blunt, the item in front of them covered in scribble-like words and such as their gaze began to shift between the paper and the window to her left, the outside full of benches and pathways and brick buildings of all sorts.
All of a sudden, a female at the front of the room standing behind a large desk called out;
"Okay class, hand in your papers!"

The students around the winged person jumped out of their seats, walking up to the front with files in hand - the yellow t-shirt wearer following soon after.
Their eyes scanned the paper, pencil abandoned on the desk as they ignored the looks sent their way from the other children - simply flopping the test onto the tabletop before strolling away.

However, Cecilia's eyes were drawn to the new person in the doorway - everyone else doing the same as they scanned the newcomer.
Looking more feminine, she had long dark brown hair tied into a low ponytail, maroon-coloured eyes and dusty tan skin.
She also wore a white and purple jumper with grey loose pants, her shoes matching her top.

"Everyone, settle down!" the lady at the front, with black hair and hazel eyes yelled, the others following accordingly - but not without sharing a few whispers here and there, "This is Athena, she will be joining us here at Erinev. Athena, you can sit next to Zara over there - Zara raise your hand please!"

The supposed Athena took her seat on the far right side of the classroom, the teacher heading back to her desk as the sound of a bell echoed throughout the school only a few minutes later.
"Okay everyone, you are dismissed - be nice to Athena!" the woman shouted over the noise, the students speaking amongst themselves as they climbed back out of their desk chairs - running towards the door at lightning speed.

As the new student made her way out the door and into the courtyard, the stampede of kids began swarming around her - the short brown-haired male near the centre of the circle shouting at the top of his lungs;
"Hey guys, it's the pink shy girl from pre-school - loser!"
Laughter filled the outdoor space, the 'centre of attention' pushing through the crowd as people pointed and screamed - faces of sarcastic fear and made-up horror staring down the newcomer.

"Hey look, she could fit perfectly with the winged freak!"
"Wow, quite the reputation she's gotten - and she's only been here for a few minutes!"
"What made her come to our school, the call of her name~? Pathetic."
"Imagine; pink shy girl and money hair."

The Dark brown hair girl ran off ignoring the cries and screams of Her fellow classmates, not knowing what to make of the situation.
Her heart was pounding, her dark pink eyes reflecting the late morning light as she made her way around the school with but a spec of knowledge as to how to find her way around the place.
She didn't know how much time had passed, but one thing was for sure; she was lost.
Really, really lost.

Nothing even looked remotely familiar, the people around her barely batting an eye as sweat dripped from her forehead - the sun blazing down upon her as she took another turn into an alley-way like part of the school grounds.
She needed to find someone she could trust.


The sandwich in Cecilia's hand did nothing to cure their hunger, however, they ignored the grumbling from within their stomach - bidding their goodbye to the darkly skinned male as they turned to a small little corner at the edge of the school gates.
The grass seemed a little bit greener, footpath slightly cleaner as they took her seat - pulling a miniature notepad out of their pocket, pen in hand.

As they opened up to one of the first few pages, she read off some of the words listed, "Gay, Lesbian, Binary, Transgender, Questioning. Well, binary doesn't seem right, lemme just..."
She clicked further into the sketchbook, finding randomly coloured rectangles (or supposedly random) and groups of letters such as 'sexual', 'homo', 'hetero' and 'bi'.
"Bi, two. Learned that from bilingual, okay, so that means Bisexual could be attraction to two genders or sex's, I'm not sure. That means I can move on to the 'a's. Max likes card games, and the 'ace' card means 1 - so maybe 'asexual' is just a slightly altered version of what could be 'acesexual'? But is that really necessary?"

As the golden-haired pre-teen pondered in their thoughts, a female in a jumper and pants ran from around the corner, stopping in her tracks as she froze to the spot.
"Y-you're the kid everyone's talking about like me, am I correct?" she whispered, not daring to make eye contact as the local raised their head.
"Yeah? And you're the new one?" the other replied, receiving a nod before getting onto their feet, "Well then, shouldn't you be with the others? I'm sure you'd rather be anywhere else."
Athena scratched the side of her head, smiling lightly, "No, n-ot really."

The winged student tilted their head, tapping their chin, "You're new to this, aren't you? Well then, welcome to society!"
This brought a chuckle out of the newcomer, who after calming down, let her eyes land on the notebook in the other's hand - her finger moving to point at it.
"What's this? Oh, just a notebook - did some research. Trying to find out who I am, you know?" the young member of the Corona family answered, getting silence in return.
That was, until Athena spoke;
"I think that you are human. Your believes s-do, do not affect the fact that you belong on earth."

Cecilia smiled, reaching a hand out to the other - who took it after a few seconds is hesitation, speaking in a soft, quiet voice, "Nice to meet you Athena. I'm Cecilia, and welcome to Erinev."

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