3 | Diary of a Part of a New-Born

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January 20th 2000

I find it weird how humans will say 'Hello diary' and 'bye diary' since the book can't actually understand, hear, see or reply to what they are writing, but that doesn't matter since I have finally figured out how to make stuff - including this diary.

So to whoever is reading this (most likely me in the future, if Cecilia can even last a few more days), my name is Raz and Cecilia is currently one week old - I represent Cecilia's 'Masking' or whatnot.
I plan to spy on the other three personas within the next few weeks to find out their jobs & see how I can help out, since the only thing I know how to do right now is to make stuff with magic.

Anyway, for the last seven days Cecilia's parents have been complete b*tches.
Yep, Cecilia's first swear word was 'b*tch' - don't mind me.
Cecilia's mother goes by the name 'Melinda Corona', which after a bit of research (with the few books I could create) means 'honey' - but apart of it meant 'black/dark' so... I guess she was born the demon that would bribe anyone with some sweet honey.
Cecilia's father was named 'Oleander Corona', and even if Cecilia doesn't know what paper is... I can tell that the meaning for the name would be way worse than a paper cut - just because he deserves it.

Melinda is basically the spoiled & richaholic wife, whilst Oleander is the stubborn and crazy husband - in other words, they both don't understand the concept of 'being nice'.
They always come home with at least three large and puffy princess dresses that would be the length of an adults-sized pair of jeans, and expect it to fit on Cecilia.
One time, they even tried putting makeup on Cecilia - yes, makeup on a new born baby.
The two of them would either be out of the house, leaving Cecilia alone on the floor - or be in her face trying to turn her into some makeup doll.
At least they feed her, like once a day or something - and let her nap, by not being in the house until 10 at night.
In short, they're not even close to parents.

Pft, I doubt that Cecilia will live another day - and even if she does, the poor so-called 'parenting' that she is receiving will definitely leave some sort of mental scar.
However, I can't really do anything about it - and from my understanding neither can any other persona, we don't have enough control yet.

January 22nd 2000

I just came back into the dark hallway which I labelled as my home after watching the other three personas for a bit, and here is the info I got:

Persona 1:
- Theme Colour; Dark Blue
- Intelligence
- Rationality
- Logic
Persona 2:
- Theme Colour; Yellow
- Selflessness
- Positivity
Persona 3:
- Theme Colour; Orange
- Emotions
- Mood-swings
- Energy

I plan to learn more about their habits later on, that way I can predict what they will make Cecilia do when we have more control.
Being able to infer their actions could mean that I could keep what needs to be hidden, well - hidden, before they can expose it to Cecilia.
An example of those things is me, after all - if I was with them in the larger part of the mind-space, I would have too big of an effect on Cecilia at a young age.
That wouldn't be good for Cecilia's mental health, considering that I represent her deception, anxiety, fears and all that negative stuff that no one likes.
I know that what I'm doing means that I'll be alone for Cecilia's entire life, but it's either put hers or mine on the line - I choose mine.

January 31st 2000

I have been taking notes of the other personas habits for the past week or so, here is what I got:

- Will ALWAYS make a decision based on facts/knowledge.
- Gives a reason/purpose to everything.
- Makes sure that things are in order.
- Can see the shades of grey in life.
- Very grounded.
- VERY strict schedule.
- Once angry, she WILL murder you.
- Studies 80% of the time.
- Will never divert from her morals (mostly when making decisions).
- Scared of flying (and many other things).
- Honest all the time, almost to a fault.
- Has become an expert at cooking in the few weeks that Cecilia has been alive.
- VERY protective/parent-like (intense parent-instincts).
- A ball of walking positivity.
- Will ALWAYS put others lives before her own, no matter what.
- Can't choose between two or more things EVER.
- Doesn't really think through a choice unless she is currently feeling calm &/or thinks that it's VERY serious (e.g: life or death choice).
- Very impulsive.
- ONLY trusts her gut instincts.
- The most immature & crazy person on the planet, or in the universe, either one.
- Has the largest mood-swings that anyone has ever seen.
- Is 99% of the time the victim when someone (aka she) makes Intelligence EXTRA mad.
- THE Child.
- The Master of Extrovertness.
- Will ALWAYS need others opinions on something they think of before doing it, in other words - very "I don't think this will work, I'll ask *name* to help me" and never "I know this will work".

Some of the info isn't the best, but some of it could actually help me get a better understanding of certain events - or just the personas in general.
I will probably keep on changing, editing or adding onto the notes as time goes on - that way I can keep up-to-date with how they do things in order to better help Cecilia.
After all, if Cecilia isn't doing well then neither will the rest of us.

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