4 | ONE 5 Year Old, MANY Issues

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The sphere-like room was a dark shade of grey, a large assortment of screens, buttons, levers, and other gadgets in one part of the area.
Opposite the metal objects was a pearl-white wooden door with a few silver ripples beneath it, the light illuminating from the devices shining lightly onto the wood.
The atmosphere of the space could be compared to the one of the respawn room, a slight bit more energized though.

'Creak~' the sound of a door sliding open in a slow & creepy way echoed throughout the area, a figure in a yellow t-shirt & light blue pants walking out of the snow-coloured swirls that filled the space within the door frame.
Another persona came out after them, a bright orange vest on along with a white top & jeans - coming up to the first trait's left.
An asset in a dark-blue shirt & pants exited the portal-like structure, a watch on their wrist with the time '8:45 am' in digital numbers glowing on a small screen.

"Come on Nilam! I'm getting impatient with you, we need to hurry up!" the one in a vest called out, jogging up to the large group of electronics that lit up the space.
The first in line was already in front of a yellow office chair, which was in the centre between the orange & dark blue replicas.
"To start off, we don't 'need' to rush - Cecilia will make it to kindergarten on time. Second, it is a choice to show certain emotions - so don't blame me for you not being patient enough, Sprit." the dark-blue themed facet replied in a somewhat blank tone, approaching her companions.
All three of them were now sitting down, semi-dark brown eyes darting between every single object or device in front of them

"Hello Mrs Corona. Ms Alden. Is your daughter, Cecilia here? Yes, CECILIA! Yes... Why hello Cecilia, I am Ms Alden and I will be taking care of you whilst you stay at kindergarten, would you like to come with me? ... Go now! little piece of sh... Well then, follow me Cecilia. ..."
The room projected on the screen seemed to be relatively large with white, poster-covered, walls - shelves upon shelves of books & toys along with around fifteen children running around like wild animals.
A frown fell upon one of the personas faces, "I don't understand why she has to act like that, Cecilia did nothing wrong!"
"Agreed, Charis. Out of all people, she is the one in the wrong - Cecilia's just a mistreated angel!" the energetic asset sprawled out across & over her chair, looking up at the somewhat non-existent ceiling with strands of golden hair with brown tips at the ends drooping down from her head.
The more rational of the trio stayed silent, continuing to watch the events unfold through her hosts eyes.

Another blast of audio then echoed throughout the space, "Look at her, she has wings - and golden hair! Ew~! MONSTER! She must be shy, leave her alone! s-stop sho-outing... Shush Athena, you're just a pink shy-girl. Creepy Child! RUN! Haha! Okay everyone, let's sit down on the mat so we can get to know each other! ..."
Sprit grumbled under her breath, anger flaming in her eyes, "I WILL break every-single-bone in those b*tches bodies, I swear..."
"There is no need to physically harm anyone, they were just voicing their opinions - even if they were negative ones." intelligence spoke in response to the other's comment, not diverting her eyes from one of the screens.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ms Alden & I will be your kindergarten teacher! Now, who wants to come to the front first & introduce themselves? Me! Okay dear, come here. Hi! My name is Storm, I am 5 and I like cars, buses, trucks and that type of stuff!"
The boy that could be seen by the three facets had short brown hair, somewhat tan skin & bright ocean-blue eyes - the teacher having dusty blond hair, pale skin and dark green eyes.
Storm currently wore a vest that matched his eyes, a white long-sleeve shirt, dark blue pants & a pair of white & green rubber shoes.
"Thank you Storm, you can sit down now. Dear, why don't you come up next? Pst! She's the pink shy-girl! Oh~! She's weird. I know! Okay everyone, settle down. Hi... I'm Athena and I am 5 years old... Do you have anything else to say Athena? ... Okay then, you can sit down now - good job. ... Next!"
Athena had long dark brown (almost black) hair, which were currently in pig-tails, maroon-coloured eyes and dusty-sienna toned skin.
Ms Alden had on a dress dyed like cherries, black flats and a white cardigan.

A few more minutes past - Nilam, Sprit & Charis watching the events unfold.
Until finally, it was their host's turn to speak.
Cecilia stood to the lady's right, facing the group of children who were sitting with their legs crossed.
Some of the students were whispering into each other's ears, whilst others shared disgusted, scared & curious faces amongst themselves.
"Hello, my name is Cecilia and I am 5 years old. ... Got nothing else to say, freak?! hahah~! Children, stop now! FREAK! You're a monster! Winged Freak! Ew~! SILENCE! ..."

The rest of the day went by in a blur for the host and her intelligent, emotional & selfless personas.
All that the four of them would remember would be the comments thrown at them, the chances taken away from them, the laughs they would never have, the friends they would never make & the certainty of being alone - all because of their appearance.
The only good thing that they would get from forgetting would be the fact that the vision of being punished by a certain pair of figures would never haunt them, at least - from that moment in time.
Time changes things, many things - including the chances of things happening, turning them from impossible... to possible.
But for now, they would have to wait - a long, tortures wait.

(Hiatus) A Story Of ONE & MANY | The C' CrewHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin