1 | The Corona Family (Prologue)

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On January 13th 2000, there was a couple sharing the famous last name 'Corona' - which means 'crown', the name belonging to the incredibly well-known royal family.

Back around 900 years before, there lived the first members of an unknown family who gave birth to three children - each one of them baring either a gift or curse from the spirits of the island that they were born upon.

The first child born was named Donum, he had hair the colour of soil & skin a pale but healthy tone.
His eyes were golden like coins & he had been gifted a pair of angel-like wings - the parents were filled with hope when he came into their lives.
The second had been named Leo, he had the same earth-like hue in his hair but with slightly tanner skin - his eyes a light brown and two animal-like ears on the top of his head, which could only be described as those that would rest upon a large cat; this child brought bravery along with him.
The third & final son was given the name 'Malum', the reasoning being so was because of who the child was born as.
He had golden hair that faded to black, pale white skin, dark brown (almost red) eyes and two distinguishing features; black skull-shaped pupils & similarly coloured horns the size of their head - the last son had brought fear, evil & darkness to the parents, siblings & island.

Out of horror, shame & disgust - the couple tossed the baby into the south ocean, causing the water to go black & shadows to surround the new-born.
However, once the child had gone out of site - the misty demons had climbed onto the land and scared the family to literal death.

After a few hours, 'Malum' had washed up against the shores of a southern island - a pair of people finding him who went by the names 'Caron Corona' and 'Gareth Corona' picking him up, and not knowing his original name referred to him as 'Cecil Corona'.
The couple & their new 'adopted' child were well known & practically lead the village that they resided in, their soon-to-come family members carrying their names & traditions into the future.

However, back to the thirteenth day of the first month in the year 2000, the two people were in hospital - a new-born child laying in front of them with shadows clinging onto the crib-like container on wheels, her name being Cecilia Corona.

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