'Tis the season

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It was winter, the cold breeze gives the ambiance a holiday feels

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It was winter, the cold breeze gives the ambiance a holiday feels. A living room, the speakers blaring loud Christmas songs playing the jinggle bells in a loop. Presents wrapped in colourful and shiny papers sitting under a heavy decorated fake pine tree. Maybe light the fire place to bring heat to the room.

That was Tobio's image on Christmas as he grew up with the idea. On december his mother would encourage them to make their house very christmast-y  she said. Miwa his sister hangs socks above the chimney and he being the tallest of them would set the lights around the house. Then they exchanged gifts his mother knitting him gloves as Tobio's hands are important. Him being shy to give store bought handkerchief that he purchased through his allowance.

But being in a relationship for many years with a boyfriend who is a michievous seducer courtesy by him is a different one. Atsumu his lover which is older by one year celebrates in other way. He would take Tobio to a fancy restaurant them dressed in a simple but comfy clothes, snickering at the stares that they get. After that a walk down the streets covered in snow illuminated by the christmas lights is what they do.

Hand in hand they visited shops that sells cakes and warm theirselves in a cafe, a cup of coffee between them. Atsumu talking about any topic and him listening intently, smiling and laughing at his lover. It was great but as he said-- different.

He misses the smell of homecooked meals made by his mother. The mellow voice of Miwa and his father trying to sing the Christmas song by Back Number. Tobio on the sideline enjoying the treats and basking in the warmth of his family. He loves all those and how he wished to do it again though this time with Atsumu.

At first he was embarassed saying his thoughts and ideas to his partner even if they were in a relationship for a long time now. Cheeks flaming, words that are hard to make out, it was a mess but Atsumu understands. The older one was ecstatic even as he was also excited to try new things with Tobio.

Their small apartment was decorated, garlands taped on their wall. The gaudy carpet that was placed on the floor was replaced by a white rug that was so soft Tobio was skeptical to use it. A large Christmas tree positioned near the window hogs the room. Atsumu figured out that if they want to feel the holiday essense then they need a big one. And that made them buy dozens of ornaments varrying from balls, candy canes, bells and small plushies.

It was a fun activity for the both of them, placing things and creating a mess. Then afterwards they would argue on who will put the star above. It wasn't an issue not until Atsumu started mentioning Tobio's height are not enough so he should do it. But he argued back that he used to be the one who puts it. It was a petty fight resulting to a sulking boyfriend and a mug of hot chocolate topped with numerous marshmallows to suffice it.

On Christmas eve the couples sat by the couch spooning each other and having a movie marathon ranging from Romance to Comedy. Their meals consist of take out konbini bento and a store bought strawberry shortcake. No one knows how to cook between them still they were happy. Just the two of them enjoying their own company and sharing an important holiday together. Nothing more nothing less.


Then it became a tradition every christmas  they would do all those things from making the tree to decorate their place. They even learned to cook simple dishes such as carbonara, curry, tonkatsu and omurice their holiday dish. It was proclaimed to be Tobio's favourite when it was cooked by Atsumu himself and he wasn't saying it because he was his lover it was genuinely delicious.

Exchanging gifts is a must though not like their past celebrations in which both of them received volleyball related items, now they fancy things outside their sport. Tobio loves music he was willing to spend money on vinyl and albums. Meanwhile Atsumu developed an interest in the kitchen from cooking to baking and he took pride that they don't need konbini meals and store bought sweets anymore.

Their six years of relationship is going strong and they can say that they are very domestic. Being lovey-dovey to each other; cuddle sessions, cooking together, dancing time and the habit of kissing foreheads everytime they woke up and kiss on the lips when they bid farewell to one another. It was a simple gesture enough to tugged at his heartstrings.


It was nearing midnight Tobio sat on the floor little bells tied around in his hands, he was there for five minutes trying to untangled it. His husband, Atsumu stood watching and snickering as his partner figure out what to do. He was busy laughing his ass out when the timer of the oven dings. He hurriedly runs towards it and not forgetting to put some mitts before opening the oven, pulling the cake that he baked.

Atsumu placed it in a cooling rack and let it the until it's time to decorate it. He decided to lend a hand on his helpless husband sitting pretty on the floor. He still can't believe he married this man, who's good at volleyball, not good in his words, emotional constipated Tobio.

They exchange rings and "I do's" outside the country, he suggested Paris because why not? But they end up on the beach in Hawaii, sands underneath their shoes, the sound of the waves and the breeze swinging the white fabric surrounding them. It wasn't a magical like wedding, for him it was nerve wracking gawking at Tobio who carries the calmness of a storm as he walk down the aisle. Their loved ones witness the ceremony, the cheers and loud whistling filled the venue as he took Tobio in his arms and kisses him.

Now they sat here admiring the Christmas tree that they put up together. It was late as both of them was busy these past few days and doesn't have the time to design their slightly bigger apartment which is new. The only left thing to do was put the shiny star on top of the tree.

"Isn't it time to wake her up?"

"Call her then." He told and let Tobio goes into one of the door then came out with a drowsy child on his arms.

"Hey princess."

He approached them and kisses the child's forehead cooing at how she blinks and rubs her eyes. They dressed her in a ugly christmas sweater paired with a pants printed with tiny santa claus. Tobio let their daughter sit on the couch and makes a glass of hot milk.

"Papa why is the tree not finished yet?" Their child Mina asked holding the star on her palm.

"Want to put it there?" He winked and proceeds to carry her on his shoulder, holding her carefully as Tobio assist them.

Mina with her little hands reached out and successfully placed the star. While shouting "finished!" and showing her toothy grin which made the couple laughs and kisses both of her cheeks.

Together they decorated the cake, sings holiday songs loudly and dancing around their living room. Atsumu swaying Tobio and Mina the music filling the room. It was perfect and they couldn't ask for more than to celabrate together every year.


Wrote this for a Christmas themed one it just sat in the back of my mind so I had to do this but Happy Merry Christmas everyone. Keep loving AtsuKage 🤟.

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