My address

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The weather has been cold these past few days making people wear a layer or two to keep them warm. It just brings out the need to lay down on your comfy bed and have a thick comforter on top of you. Whilst you wait for the afternoon show you've been waiting about with a hot cup of coffee and some snacks beside you. 

That's how Tobio is feeling right now as he walks through the city, gazing at the windows of shops that sell sports paraphernalia. He passed by a nice volleyball shoe earlier, the neat design taunting him to bring out his wallet and buy it wherein he has tons of shoes that he rarely uses because he still likes the one that he always wears. Now he's only enjoying window shopping, mentally making a note to not buy things impulsively. 

He stops by at a local bakery where he mostly gets fresh baked goods. The shop was vintage inspired with the brown brick walls and old newspapers framed and hung on it. When he walked inside Tobio smiled at the staff behind the counter. Visiting the shop almost regularly made him and the workers there become familiar with each other.

 He stared at the current selections of sweets, breads, cakes and pies that have been displayed. Apple pie was always his "to go" when he can't decide to try new treats. He would pair it with a latte and a one piece of their chocolate cupcake which is a specialty. Then he would sit at the far corner of the shop beside the bookshelf filled with magazines, cook books and novels that he'd never plan to read but, he's not a fan of that idea at this time. So he came out of the shop holding a small box and a mini blueberry cheesecake packed inside. He then hurried home to his apartment, opening the door and throwing his keys and jackets on his couch. And proceeds to put the cake inside the refrigerator before settling down on one of the stools of the kitchen.

He takes a deep breath and looks around, his eyes stopping at the wall clock as he realizes something. Tobio brings out his phone immediately going through the contacts and selects the name Tsum. He wonders if it's okay to call at this time, skeptical at his plan he slides the name to type a message.

How's practice?

Dreadful. Yours?

I skipped today tbh.


It's not like you never skipped a practice once 

You've been hanging out with my twin way too long Tobio. I'm going home NOW.

Well you that's impossible cuz you're a thousand miles away. Idiot.

Yeah. Anyways talk to you later again, love coach is calling me. Bye and don't snack before sleeping.

Love you <33
Received .

Tobio didn't reply after that and just let their conversation end. He smiles at his lover's last message, feeling the butterfly on his stomach like it's the first time he got those words from Atsumu. He takes a minute to compose himself and messages the flower shop to ask for the update of his order. It took him thirty minutes to finalize and make sure that all is well for tomorrow. And yes, he skipped their practice and went out to buy stuffs why?

 Because tomorrow is a special day afterall.


Tobio woke up earlier than his alarms that have been set since day one. It wasn't because he's excited-- he's excited allright. He was all over the place, making sure that everything's perfect. The floor was vacuumed thoroughly, couch pillows are placed to his liking and the table was set with classy tablewares like the ones his mother kept as a display only. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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