Reason to...

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"Will you marry me?"

The word that keeps playing on Atsumu's mind like a broken record player. He said "Yes." and now he can't stop glancing to his fiance and to his hand where the silver ring hugged his finger perfectly. He was still shocked by the proposal. He always thought that he would be the one kneeling and asking but Tobio--

he smiled....

--beat him. It wasn't a contest, it was a missed opportunity of seeing Tobio's flushed face, tears sliding down from his cheeks and mouth hanging open. Don't get him wrong though he still liked this turn of event. Tobio kneeling in front of him isn't new but this time it took one ring to make Atsumu sobs and be a sappy man.

"Someone's happy." His fiancé said. It is foreign to him calling Tobio his fiancé. It might be too cheesy; his heart swells every time he thinks of it.

"Well who wouldn't be happy marrying the one that they love."

And that made Tobio choked on his food making Atsumu laugh. He might have proposed to him still Atsumu got the upperhand when it comes to dropping heart-throbbing (dumb) lines.

"You okay now?" He asked as he handed a glass of water to Tobio. He watches as the other man catches his breath and his coughing dies down.

Tobio nods while glaring at him, his blue eyes stops Atsumu from saying anything.

"Yeah, I just need to go to the comfort room."


"Stay here." Tobio commanded his grip on the blond's haired man tightened.

"What makes you think that I'm gonna leave?" Brows creased and Atsumu played with the calloused fingers that he held.

"I'm just making sure that this isn't a dream and you're mine now and for--"

Before the lame line from Tobio can be finished his mouth was stuffed with a piece of bread.

"I think you and Sumu have been getting along really well."

"Why not he is my future brother-in-law?" Tobio asked, his mouth forming a smirk, his eyes mocking Atsumu.

That was the last straw for Atsumu so he stood up and dragged Tobio up and pushed him towards the comfort room. He couldn't even fathom why his emotional constipated lover was being mushy.

He should be hating it but his heart says otherwise as it beats faster, butterflies raging inside his stomach. His fond smile was wide and he plans on staying there for a whole week. When he heard a ding on the black electronic device on the table. The screen opens displaying both of their faces. It was a cute image but something caught his attention.

He picks up the phone as he sees the message was about him. "Have you told Atsumu about it?" it says. It was from Tobio's manager. Then the next message appears: "The contract wouldn't wait for you Kageyama."

What contract? Is Tobio hiding something from him?

He waited for the other to come back with his thoughts on the message. When he sees Tobio approaching their table he quickly puts down the phone and continues to eat. He didn't ask away, he watched as his partner was seated and smiled at him so he smiled back.

"There was a message." He started slowly cutting the piece of meat that was on his plate.

"From who?" Tobio asks as he puts his utensils down, hand straightly goes for his phone. When he saw his reaction Atsumu knew there was something wrong.

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