Happy Valentine's Day indeed

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Ah yes Valentine's day...

The day for couples, lovers, partners and singles like Tobio. In kindergarten he got his first chocolate from his mother and he was happy for it. Though in college like others they didn't fuss for it such as high schooler does as they care more about their grade than having diabetes.

"You're staring."

"I'm not."

He glares at Kindaichi who's smirking at him while wiggling his eyebrows and there's Kunimi at the side tossing a ball, shaking his head.

"Shut up." He retorts.

"You say that but your gaze follows his every move."

"Continue that and Atsumu-senpai will melt you know that?" Kunimi adds as he comes closer to Tobio abandoning the ball at the floor and slinging his arm at Tobio's shoulder. "It's a miracle that he doesn't notice that you like him."

Tobio wonders if he was that transparent and people can really see through him. He removes Kunimi from him goes to pick up the ball and resumes to practice. He can hear the snickering of his friends but chose to ignore it. 

Then  a rolling ball taps his right foot so he bends down holding it and met with the handsome face of his senpai. Tobio freezes.

"Uhm Tobio-kun the ball." Atsumu laughs.

"Oh. Right." He hands the ball back to the other's grasp and both of their fingers touched.

"Thanks." His senpai smiled and left, he stood there watching the broad back of the figure walking away.

Kunimi and Kindaichi watches the scene shaking their head and facepalming that their friend is hopeless.


Tobio was greeted at the sight of couples first thing in the morning as he enters the room for his morning class. He saw some boy handing a flower to a girl in front of the door and he waits for it to finish before entering and seeing another scene which want to make him go back and hide under his futon. He spent his morning listening to lectures and be entertained by the people flirting in his vision.

When lunch hour came he sat with Kunimi and Kindaichi who holds a paperbag in their hands. Now he feels embarassed that among them he was the one empty handed and probably will stay that way until Valentine's day end.

"Traitors." He murmured munching on his food and glaring at his two friends who wouldn't stop showing their box of sweets and intentionally shoving it to Tobio.

"Jokes aside you're not gonna give something to him?" Kindaichi asked.


"Duh Atsumu-senpai who else?" Kunimi rolled his eyes at him and throws a table napkin hitting his arm. Tobio throws it in return and Kindaichi stopped them before everyone who eats in the cafeteria looks at them.

And who was he kidding he knows that they're talking about that blond haired setter whose smile doesn't fail to make his heart flutters. He kinda purchased a medium sized box of chocolate but cost him his lunch for tomorrow. He bought it at a convenience store this morning and he managed to ask the staff that work there to help him choose what sweet to buy.

He waited for their practice to finish so he can give the red box to his crush. Tobio stayed as everyone including his friends to leave the gym when he saw Atsumu going inside the storage room he immediately grabs the gift but stops as he heard a girl's voice inside.

He witness the girl apparently a member of the girls volleyball team handing a much more bigger box than his and confesses to Atsumu and feels like intruding someone else's privacy so he left. He wore his outdoor shoes, his bag on his side and the box on his hand.

He stood near the pole at their front gate waiting for the sign to change so he can cross the road when he felt a presence near him.


It was Atsumu who carries not two but four bags of chocolates and others are peeking from his sports bag. It makes him realizes that he may not have a teensy tiny bit of chance on him.

"That's a lot of sugar." He said eyeing the bags.

"Yeah unfortunately the others are for my brother who can't come."

"Why? Did something happened?"

"Ah no, no." His senpai waves his hand. "The bastard had a date with his lover and he left me with this."

"Oh." Tobio nodded. They both wait for the sign but it's now or never so he brings out the box and decided to give it to Atsumu.

"Uhm senpai." He called and taps the other's shoulder.

"Here." He handed the box and Atsumu stares at it a shocked expression planted on his face.

"Tobio-kun I didn't know that-"

"Some girl handed it to me and wants me to give it you because she was shy to do it." He cutted in and yeah he chickened out he can't do this afterall.

He was afraid to look at his senpai and he probably imagining things but is that disappointment at Atsumu's eyes?

"Right thanks I thought." He paused and shakes his head. "Nevermind thanks Tobio-kun. What about you though going home empty handed?"

Tobio hides his hands in his pocket and chuckles.

"Yeah apparently no one bothers for me." He says.

"Well we can't leave it at that couldn't we."


He saw Atsumu rummaging through his sports bag and bringing out a box with a plastic cover and he can see its contents. It was blueberries covered in dark chocolate the font says and he feels butterflies in his stomach because it is his favourite. How did Atsumu knew?

"I can't accept this senpai." He rejected pushing the box back at the older one. When Atsumu took hold of his hands and inhales deeply.

"You can and you will." He smiles and placed the thing at Tobio's palm.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yes Tobio-kun and besides I don't even like blueberries to begin with."


He nodded gripping the box tightly. "Thanks senpai." 

He said that and prays that the sign will change agains because damn he badly wants to get out of this scene. So as the light changes he started to walk but Atsumu stops him.

"What?" He sounded angry that didn't bother Atsunu though.

"Sorry I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's day Tobiio-kun."

"Yeah you too. I mean Happy Valentine's day too senpai."

Then he ruffles Tobio's hair and smiled brightly at him then leaves.


After Atsumu walks away from his kouhai he felt bad for being the reason that Tobio didn't get any chocolates because he spent times threatening people not to make any moves to the clueless boy. And the thing that he said earlier he regretted it, he knows that blueberries are Tobio's favorite, he bought it specially for him. Now he probably hurted Tobio and yeah he's officially a dickhead.


Happy Valentine's Day hoomans 💕

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