Chapter 8

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There are two ships:3 or could I say... just read it>:3


Monday came and Ink can finally go back to school since XG wouldn't let her last week. He drove Ink to school and she was greeted by her friends at the school gates. Ink and her friends waved goodbye to XG and he told Ink's friends to have a look out for Ink all the time, which irritated Ink. But they all knew that they only wanted Ink to be safe. The three friends went in and went to their lockers to get their things for their class. When they were getting their things, Blue felt something wrong in her non-existent stomach. She slammed her locker closed and grabbed Dream. "I need to go to the restroom!!" [Bare with me]. She dragged Dream to the nearest bathroom, leaving a giggling Ink with her locker.

As Ink finally got everything she need, she closed her locker and was about to head to find her friends but she was blocked by a glitchy skeleton. "hEy, sQuiD." He called out and Ink raised one of her bone brows because of the new nickname.

'What do you want this time, Error?' Ink asked. Error was sure Ink really forgot about what happened to them the day he visited her. How did he know? Well XG told him about it.

"yOu rEaLlY fOrGoT diDn'T yOu?"

'About what?'

"yOu rEalLy diD fOrGEt."

'Tell me.' Error smirked and Ink didn't seem to like what Error was planning in his skull. "i'Ll sHoW iT tO yOu iNsTeAd." Ink panicked on what was he about to do because he was nearing her. Error slammed his arms on the lockers, making Ink pushed against the walls. Sweat beads started to form from Ink's skull and was getting nervous, nevertheless, they were very close to each other, especially Error started to close the gap. Ink squirmed, trying to escape but Error's arms were now around hips and arms, securing them so she wouldn't get away. If Ink only had a voice, she would be screaming for help right now. But she doesn't. She tried to stop Error from closing the gap by saying out his name, but she only got to say "Eo". Until Error's face was inches away from Ink's. Ink shut his eyes closed and waited for something to happen. Something clanked against his teeth and Ink yelped, his face was clearly a rainbow now.

Error pulled back and saw Ink avoiding gaze and looks like that she was about to faint from all the blushing. A yellow tint had already spread across Error's cheeks but he didn't mind them, he was focusing on her mouth, he was focusing on her face, he was focusing on Ink. Error leaned down again and kissed her again, more gentle this time. This time, Ink didn't squirm nor tried to escape. She only watched him kiss her and then she slowly fell into his spell.

Without anyone else in the hallway they were in, a skeleton wearing almost everything yellow just walked in and saw the scene. Something dropped from the inside of her and shattered into a millions. She started to feel dizzy and the world seems to slow down. Everything seemed to hurt, especially what's inside her chest. "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Dream snapped out from her thoughts and so did Ink and Error kissing. "So You Two Are Couples Now?!?!" Blue squealed, rushing over to the 'lovers'.

Ink panicked and then tried to denied that Error wasn't her boyfriend but Blue kept firing questions. Little did they know, the yellow skeleton left.


At lunch...

Ink noticed Dream was feeling a little blue rather than yellow. She tapped Dream's shoulder and Dream flinched from the sudden contact which confused Ink. 'Are you okay, Dream?' Ink signed.

"O-oh, y-yeah, just thinking about something.." She said in a sad tone.

'Then why do you look so... blue?' Dream glanced at Blue, who was still dealing with her locker. 'I meant blue as sad, not Blue.'

Dream sighed. "I know. It just— I.." Dream paused, finding for an escape. "I just miss my brother already. W-we don't really treat each properly but he's absent today, that's all. Sorry for making you worry. I'm fine."

'Dream, if you feel lonely, me and Blue will be here for you, okay?'

Dream nodded and he asked something so suddenly without thinking. "Are you and Error in a relationship?" Ink gave a shocking confused look and Dream mentally facepalmed but she continued. "I saw you two kiss against the lockers."

'I can explain! And we're not in a relationship!!' That made Dream smile a little, hearing what she wanted to hear. 'When you two left me, I was about to follow but Error grabbed me and.. well.. you already know what happened next.'

"Ok." That was the only word that came out from Dream. Blue was finally done and they went to the cafeteria. They all went to grab their lunch and sat down at their table. They all taught that this would be another fun day for them. They taught wrong. "hEy sQuiD!" Ink, Dream and Blue turned their heads to gang's table and saw there were only five members sitting there, Nightmare is absent. "cOmE HeRe." Error commanded.

'I'm still eating.'

"cOmE HeRe noW oR eLsE i'Ll mAkE yOu." Ink groaned and stood up and went to Error's side. 'What do you want, Glitch?'

"gEt yOuR fOoD aNd bRinG iT hErE." Before Ink could retort, Error raised a finger. "jUsT dO iT." Ink went back to her table and grabbed her try of food and went back to the gang's table. Error took the tray and put it on the table, he then grabbed Ink by the waist and put her on his lap. Ink yelped, colors forming on her cheeks.

"Her?" One of the asked.

"Why Ink?" Another.

"You like her?"

"What do you like about her?"

People around them began murmuring to each other on what was happening. Blue lightly squealed however, Dream's happy aura dropped once again but she kept the act. "yOu aLl bEtTeR sHuT uP aNd dO wHaT yOu wErE doInG oR eLsE i'Ll dUsT eVeRyoNe." Students went back to what they were doing and but they tried to eavesdrop but they knew they'll gonna end up getting beat, so didn't dare to.

'Error, what do you want?' Ink signed, still flustered about what position and situation she is in. Error laughed. "yOu sTiLl dOn'T gEt iT dOn'T yOu?"

'Get what?!'

"gEeZ.. yOu rEaLlY aRe cLuEleSs, tHeY eVen aLrEadY toLd yOu." Error leaned his mouth near Ink's side where ears were supposed to be and whispered. "yOu are mine noW." Ink blushed and was feeling weird when Error had put his hand on her hips again. One of the members, the skull with a hole started to laugh and the others joined except for Cross and Error.

"Man Error, are you going Red style?" Horror asked, wiping a tear away from his eye sockets.

"rEd sTyLe?"

"Remember our other member Fell? He used to bully Sci back then and they eventually became a couple." It was true. Before Cross had joined their group, Fell was already member. Sci always study for 24/7 and was known for his intelligence, he easily became a target for Fell. Fell would make him do his assignments and projects and threat him if wouldn't follow his orders. The poor guy ended up into his slave. "They left the country after some valid reasons that were against their will I think."

"Yeah, you and Fell used to be close to each other. Both wanted to destroy someone's reputation."

"yEaH, yEaH, hE leFt. tHe eNd."

'Am I supposed to listen to this?' Ink asked, who's still on Error's lap and her face still looks like a rainbow.

"nO, buT yOu'Re heRe tO eAt wiTh mE." Ink was gonna deny but Error cut off. "aNd wE'rE gOinG oN a DaTe aFtEr lUncH." Ink blushed madly when Error announced it loudly, enough for almost everyone in the cafeteria to hear. Everyone started to squeal and murmur about the event happening and the gang started to cheer for Error was taking his move. Ink wanted to deny, stop and ran away from Error but she was too caught up in Error's genuine smiling face looking at her.

Among the squealing and murmuring crowd, a yellow, golden tear slid down to her cheeks. She forced to make a big smile, but it was quivering. Her chest hurt, it hurt like the string attached to her got cut off...

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