Chapter 9

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Errink date, coming right up!
Too fast? Don't worry, I have plans on why;3
And also, prepare yaself with some squeals>:3

"cHanGe oF pLaN. wE'lL dAte lAteR aFtEr cLasS." Error stated

'Are you really serious??' Ink signed, who still can't believe that Error was seriously gonna date her. Both were heading to their afternoon class.

"yEs anD iF yOu dOn'T sHoW uP, i'Ll dRaG yOu oUt fRoM YouR hOuSe."

'But what about X—'

"aLrEaDy aSkeD hiM aNd hE sAiD sUrE." Ink blushed at the thought of XG letting her 'bully' date her after what he just did to her.

'So, where exactly are we going to date?'

Error formed a smirk on his mouth. "sO yoU'Re fiNaLlY aCcePtiNg tHaT i'M cOuRtiNg yOu aNd noT jUsT a fRiEnDlY dAtE?" Ink blushed again. She never thought that Error was courting her and only thought that he wanted to have a friendly relationship or rather just have good terms with each other. 'I— I can't believe XG did that!' If Ink only had a voice, she would be stuttering by now. She stormed off to her classroom, leaving a chuckling Error at the response and for avoiding his question.

Later after school, Ink was walking with Blue on their way home. Dream went home with his brother. And Error went back to his own house to prepare for their date. Ink was busy blushing because Blue kept firing cute cliche moments that might happen to Ink and Error. When Ink arrived, she was greeted by a smirking Gaster. Ink grumbled all the way to her room and got ready for her date with Error.
After an hour or two, the doorbell rang and XG went to get it. He opened the door revealing Error in his normal clothes. "Why aren't you dressed up?"

"iT dOeSn'T mAtTeR."

"Well, you're lost. Ink your boyfriend is here!" XG yelled. Error blushed and glitched a bit, errors forming around him. "i'M nOt hiS bOyfRiEnD... yEt."

"Whatever." Ink then appeared from the top of the stairs. Error blushed at the sight, Ink was wearing a rainbow colored dress that has black stripes and it reaches her knees. Some normal boots and a pink body bag. The time seems to slow down as Error stared at her. Ink blushed as he saw Error   starting right at her and his jaw was slightly agape. Error didn't even noticed Ink was already standing in front of him. Error snapped out from his trance when heard someone cleared his throat. Error quickly grabbed Ink's hand and they left without saying anything to XG. They hopped into Error's car and they went off.

'So where will our date be? You never told me.' Ink asked.

"A restaurant." They didn't speak to each other after that until they had arrived at their destination. Error got out first and opened the door for Ink and then they went in a fancy restaurant. Ink was kinda nervous because she's pretty clumsy at things and was afraid of getting laughed at by Error. "A table for two please." The butler/waiter then took them to their table. The two took seats but Ink was fiddling with her fingers not knowing to do. The menu were already on table and both began to choose their food but Ink couldn't decide because of the high prices. Error noticed Ink's uncomfortableness and called a waiter and ordered two pastas. Ink was relieved that she didn't need to order but that anxiety came back when she saw the set of spoons, forks and knives set on the table. Error gave a small giggle. "You haven't been to fancy restaurant, haven't ya?" Ink slowly nodded. "Don't worry, just follow my lead."

'I never knew that you can be a gentleman.'

"Sq— Ink, there's a lot you still don't know about me."

'Then you better tell me.' Ink smirked and Error played along until their pasta arrived. Error took the right spoon for the pasta and Ink did the same. They enjoyed the pasta while having a little conversation about themselves and Error was slowly letting Ink to know the other him. The real one. The one that cares. Error stabbed a meatball held it up to Ink's mouth. Ink shaked her head to declined but he insisted and Ink blushed while taking the bite. They stayed there a few more minutes and talked more about themselves. Ink found out Error like to knit and she called him "Grandma" which made Error scoff. When Error checked the time, it was time to go. Ink was kinda sad about the date ending. Error payed the check, they got out the restaurant and then hopped in the car. He noticed Ink pouting and smirked. "Who said we're done?" [I bet you you didn't expect that, didn't ya? Just a simple dinner date? Seems kinda boring— and the chap will be too shortX3].

Ink's head perked up like a puppy's ears perking up upon hearing his master's arrival. 'We're not?'

"You'll see~" Ink blushed and didn't question the surprise. Error drove again and then a few minutes later, Ink caught a glimpse of flashing colorful lights in the night sky and music and noise filling her non-existent ears. She soon found out that those where coming from the fair. Ink gasped at sight and squealed as she looked at the area which made Error smile.
Error parked his car near the fair and Ink quickly got out the car and squealed at the fun things to do. When Error got out from the car, Ink grabbed him and swiftly run through the crowd to a ring toss. She pointed at a white fluffy dog at the middle of the prizes like a child. 'Please!!'

"I'm not really good at tossing." Error scratched at the back of his skull and Ink made puppy eyes, insisted to make him play and win the dog.

"You know you're good at those puppy eyes so you're a dog and you don't need to need that." He pointed at the drooling dog and was staring at him creepily. Ink pouted. "Okay, okay, fine. Whatever makes you smile." Ink smiled when Error took three horseshoes and carefully tossed it to the tossing area. He got it all. The white fluffy dog was then given to Ink, who was now currently snuggling at its fur. "Here you go, bruh." Error looked up and saw the memelord wearing a mustache. "ePic?"

Epic held a finger to his mouth. "Shh.. I'm on a secret mission bruh. See ya!" Then Epic suddenly left. [Wonder what kind of mission?~]

They then went to different rides like the Merry go round, space shuttle, bumper cars roller coaster. Ink ate too much cotton candy before they went to ride the roller coaster and she accidentally puked a black substance while riding. Luckily, Ink did brought her pills. They went to the fun house after that. They looked at themselves in the mirrors, looking all funny. They had a lot of fun and laughter until there's only one ride left. The Ferris wheel [Of course]. They walked to the big, colorful wheel while Error was hold Ink's hand. Ink was blushing and wanted to avoid looking back at their hands but she couldn't. When they arrived, the operater said that no animals are to ride in so Ink tied the leash to pipe so it wouldn't get away. The dog whined and wanted to come but they had to stay. Ink summoned a bone and gave it to them so they'll be busy. They got in one of the carts and the Ferris wheel started to move.

Both stared at the wonderful view and enjoying it. Error glanced at their hands, still intertwined with each other's. He finally decided do it.. but Ink took her hand and signed. 'Hey, Error, what should I name the dog?'

"I.. what?"

'What should I name the dog?' She repeated.

"I.. I don't know. I already won the dog for you, I'm not a dog name searching web." Error joked and Ink pouted at him. Error chuckled at the cute face and kissed her on the cheek. Ink blushed rainbow and faced the other direction so Error wouldn't see her face. Error then wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Ink then signed, noticing something odd. 'Hey Error... why is your voice glitching?'

Error planted another kiss on her cheek and she blushed further. "I don't want our date to be not perfect, right?" [No, actually the author forgot to glitch the words but had this idea X3].
Error then made Ink face him and look him into his eyes. "Ink, will you be my girlfriend?" Ink froze from the sudden question but she smiled and clanked her teeth on his. Error kissed back, deepening it. They were finally them.


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