Chapter 7

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I don't know what time people usually eat their dinner but I'm just putting their dinner early lol—

- Vivi


The bell rang and school is finally over. Error quickly took his bag and hurried to his locker to get a few things. He then went outside. He wanted to go home now, he wanted to just lay on his favorite bean bag, eat chocolates with his puppets and maybe watch Undernovela. As he passed the school gates, he was about to walk on the pavement when suddenly, a car pulled beside him. The window slid down, revealing XG. Oh, right. How could he forgot that he needed to go to Ink and apologize. "cAn i juSt aPolOgiZe wHeN shE coMeS tO sChOoL iNsTeAd?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Just give me money for the gas I spent and for the way back." XG said sarcastically which made Error rolled his eyes and went in the car. XG drove off and tried to start a conversation. "So.. did you plan on how to apologise to Ink?"

Error raised a bone brow. Did he just literally asked if he planned on HOW to apologize? I'm not dumb. It's simple. Say hi, then apologise, then she'll forgive you, then you can finally leave. It's not like he was gonna court Ink and go on a date and needed to 'plan' the whole thing so it would go perfect or something... What did he just taught of now?! Error had a small yellow tint, spreading across his cheeks. "Y-yeAh, wHaTeVEr." Error looked outside, so XG wouldn't see his blush because he was still kinda embarrassed of the thought.

Little did Error know, XG had seen it and had a small smirk on his face.

Few minutes had passed, they finally had arrived. They hopped off the car and headed to Ink's and XG's house. XG was about to insert the key in the keyhole when the door suddenly opened by Ink. Ink signed 'welcome back' and then he saw Error behind him. 'Why is he here??' Ink signed with her face looking calm but one of her bone brows rose.

"He just wanted to visit. That's all." XG replied and went in. Error was about to follow until Ink slammed the in front of him and Error bumped his head and fell to the ground. Ink heard a muffled grumbling and was satisfied and was about to head to the kitchen to cook dinner but was stopped at by her guardian, whose hands were on his hips and one side of his mouth twitched. Ink groaned and opened the door again and saw Error rubbing his skull where he was hit. Ink then was about to go to the kitchen until she stopped once again. "I'll cook. You, entertain him.. or maybe vice versa." XG walked away to the kitchen while Ink huffed in annoyance. Ink sat down on the sofa in the living room while Error copied her but way far from her. Error was getting somehow nervous around Ink so he decided to observe the place.
There were three couches in front of a small glass table. A fireplace edged into the wall and above it, a television was attached to the wall and looked like one which have high definition. Stylish , colorful paintings slathered the walls, along with carved bookcases filled with literary text and novels. But what really caught Errors's attention were the paintings.
"Did you made them?" Error asked, his words didn't glitched much. Surprisingly, Ink did answered back, the anger was put aside and faced him.

'Yeah, why did you ask?' She signed.

"It's just..." Error paused to find the correct words, but nothing entered except for the word "beautiful. It's beautiful." He gave small smile which made Ink blush from the compliment.

'T-thanks. I made them when I was still five, when.. my mother was still alive.' Ink slowly lowered her hands down to her lap as she remembered her mother's smiling face. Ink's face saddened at the thought of her mother dead. A tear slid out from her left eye socket and Error panicked. Error hesitated before doing what he was about to do. He neared Ink and gave her a hug. "SoRrY abOuT YoUr moThEr." Error then wiped the tear away from Ink's face and he let his hand stay cupping her cheeks.

"Dinner's ready!!" XG yelled and quickly made Ink stood up and away from Error's hug. She wiped her tears away that were still in her eyes and headed to the kitchen and Error followed. XG plopped down on a chair at the end of the table while Ink sat down beside XG's left and Error was across Ink and beside XG's right. They started to eat but the silence crept over all of them. XG couldn't take it so he asked. "So what did you two do or talked about while I was making dinner?"

"uH.." Error thought for whether he should tell the truth or not. He looked at Ink and Ink was staring at him, her eyes telling him to say no. "nOtHinG rEalLy hApPeNEd."

"So what about what you're here for?"

"uHm.." Error looked at Ink and saw Ink was a little pale, her eyes was getting drowsy and she was currently playing with a piece of broccoli on her plate. "iNk." Ink lifted her head to face Error but she couldn't remain eye contact because of a heavy headache forming. "aRe yoU.. oKaY?" From that moment that those words came out from Error's mouth, Ink vomited black liquid. XG and Error were in shocked and XG started to rub Ink's back.
It took a while for Ink to stop but she finally did. "Ink, where did you put the pills?" XG asked in an urgent voice.

Ink tried to gather her strength and signed. 'what pills?'

"The pills I gave to you for this."

'I.. don't know. I can't remember.'

"Quick! Error, help me find Ink's bag. Ink, just stay here okay?" Ink nodded and the two started to search for Ink's schoolbag. The two went their desperate ways, in the shelves, underneath the sofas, the bathroom, the bedrooms, the backyard. Then they heard another sound of Ink vomiting which made them worry even more. Error then came across a room, he opened it and saw a room full of paint and art materials scattered all over. He then caught a glance at an unfinished drawing displayed on a canvas. Three people were drawn. One was Ink, who was having sad face. The other was XGaster, behind Ink and lastly, a woman. He didn't know who it was because her face was all smudged and there's a large 'X' across from her. Error wandered who the woman was but he still needed to find Ink's pills. He looked down and saw Ink's bag beside the very same canvas and grabbed it. He opened Ink's bag and saw the pills. He ran back down to the kitchen and announced that he finally got the pills so he could inform the other two.

XG came running back to the kitchen and took the pills from Error. He gave one pill and a glass of water to Ink and she swallowed the pill. Since Ink was feeling drowsy, she accidentally fell asleep and XG caught her. XG then carried her bridal style and gave her to Error. "Bring her to her room at the the end of the hall on the second floor. While I'll clean this mess." Error nodded and brought Ink to her room. Error laid Ink gently on her bed and covered her with her blanket. Error smiled at the cute sleeping figure and gave her a kiss on her forehead without him really noticing.

God, I'm so sleepy but I stayed awake just to finish this. I hope you enjoyed!

- Vivi

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