Chapter 4

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I'm sooooooooooo unmotivated
Along with the other chapters:/

Error grumbled and glitched at having the thought that he was being laughed at but what was more worst that he had accepted the mute's help. His hands turned to a fist and then he sighed. Later, he'll take his revenge later this lunch by humiliating him.

At lunch...

Ink, Dream and Blue ordered the same food. It was the cafeteria's special on Thursdays. Spaghetti (lol no other foods available that I can think of-). As the three took their seat, they noticed they haven't gotten any drinks yet and Ink went to get some. As Ink left, a mischievous grin form from Error's mouth. He quickly grabbed the pepper from his table and sneakily put some into Ink's spaghetti and then he went back to his table.

Ink came back with a juice for Blue, a softdrink for Dream and only water for herself. She sat down and then began mixing the cheese to the spaghetti. After she finally mixed the cheese, she twirled her fork with it and took a bite. When had swallowed the food, she coughed from something itchy in her throat. Error smirked at the scene.
Ink reached for her glass of water and drank it until the itchiness was gone from her throat. She then again twirled the spaghetti on her fork and ate it, and again, the itchiness became worse unlike before. Ink felt dizzy and then coughed. Dream and Blue looked up to Ink worriedly and asked her if she was ok. Ink replied that she was fine and then excused herself because she needed to go to the restroom. She stood up from her seat and walked slowly, a headache was forming, her throat was still itchy, her non-existent stomach was acting strange and then it happened. Ink had puked a black liquid which seems to be her blood. Everyone near Ink saw what happened, Dream and Blue ran to Ink, who was still continue to vomit.
Error's eye sockets widened and began to question what he had done. After Ink had stopped puking, she fainted and fell into Dream's arm.

"Ink!!" Dream tried to wake Ink up but she didn't woke up. Dream then asked help from Error, who was the first person she saw. Error then carried Ink bridal style and ran to the nearest teacher they could find.
Ink was then brought to the hospital.

I'm sorry that this is really short af

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