Chapter 13

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So... None of you suggested what to name the dog so I'll just name them myself— and nu, I don't want to name them Toby lol

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The dog continued to bark, demanded to be released. It barked in excitement when it spotted the skeleton they were with earlier but it quickly changed into a snarl when he noticed his owner wasn't with her.

"Don't worry, Doggy. Ink won't go anywhere anymore." Killer petted the dog and it tempted to bite her hand but Killer quickly removed her hand before the dog could even bite her. Killer stood up from her kneeling position and left. The dog continued to bark at Killer, even she already had left their sight. A few seconds later, they already stopped barking and decided to try get out from the leash. They kept biting the rope but it was no use since the leash was too firm. They then tried pulling themselves away from the leash, hoping it would come off. Happily, the very rusty pipe that was being tied by the leash came off and the dog was free.

The dog began sniffing and barking, searching for their owner and that's when they found her in a deep pit of junk. The dog barked, trying to catch their attention and they did. Ink looked up, tears still flowing out from her eyes. Ink wanted to get out of there and hug her dog but there was no way. The dog kept barking, looking for a way to go down to their owner but they ended up whining and their ears fell down its sides. Ink continued to cry and the dog had an idea. The dog barked one last time to Ink and ran away to the streets, looking for someone or anyone that can help Ink.
A few barks here and there but everyone shooed him away from them because they thought that they were another street dog asking for food. That's when they decided to go back home and ask help from their other owner. While running back, a familiar smell came into the dog's nose. They kept sniffing in the air and followed it. As soon as they found where the smell came from, they knew exactly who it was.

The dog ran to the front door of an unfamiliar house and started barking loudly and scratching the door. "Phew, when was the last time did you take a shower?"

"That's none of your business— who's at the door?"

"I dunno. A dog?"

Seconds later, the door was opened by none other than the octopus. "You? What are doing here?" The dog barked and gestured him to follow them. They bit one of their tentacles and dragged them. Nightmare did get what the dog wanted him to do and they ran back to the junkyard. "What do you want me to do in the junkyard? Don't tell me that I'm not taking baths and I'm that stinky." The dog tilted their head in confusion but shook it off and ran to the pit where Ink was. Nightmare was surprised when he saw Ink their crying and clutching her bleeding leg.

Ink looked up when she heard her dog barked and was glad that they had called out for help. She watched Nightmare reach for her with one of his tendrils and brought her back on the surface. Even though she was already saved, Ink continued to cry because of the painful bleeding of her legs. Nightmare then carefully carried Ink into a bridal style while hurried back to his house. When they arrived, they were greeted by a surprised Dream. Nightmare ordered Dream to get the medical kit while he comforted Ink and as well her dog tried to.

Dream came back with the medical kit and then started tending Ink's wound and Ink hissed in pain but she urged herself not to move. Gently, Dream wrapped the bandage on her leg. While Dream was tending Ink's wound, Nightmare went to the kitchen to give Ink something to eat. There was only silence between the two friends until Dream decided to cut it off. "What happened?"

Ink looked up from her dog to Dream. She was still angry of what she saw yesterday but she was too tired from the crying earlier. She used her arms and told Dream what happened. 'I got pushed into a pit.'

"Who did it?"


Dream's eyes widened but before she could even reply, Nightmare came in with a steaming, bowl of soup in his hands. He gave it to Ink and then ordered Dream to prepare the guest room. Dream was about to protest about Nightmare ordering her all of the sudden but she instantly realized that Ink was going to stay for the night since it was already late. Dream left the room to prepare the guest room while Nightmare stayed with Ink. Nightmare asked what happened and Ink lied, telling him that she just fell.

"What were you doing in the junkyard then?"

'I was exploring.'

Nightmare clearly knew that Ink was lying because of her emotions but he question further. The reason why Ink was lying is because of the warning Killer gave her. She didn't want to get into further situation with Killer. Ink only told Dream because she was good with secrets. Nightmare changed the subject when he felt something rubbing against his feet. It was Ink's dog. "Have you figured out what to name them?" He asked, as he petted the dog in the process. Ink shook her head. "Well do you have any names you want to name them?"

'Well... I do want to name them Floof because their fur is very fluffy.'

Nightmare raised a brow because of the name and Ink sweated a bit. [Technically me right now]. Is Floof not a good name? If some people call their pets Fluffy then why can't I name them Floof? lnk thought. Nightmare then looked at the dog who was sniffing around. "Here Floofy." He called and the dog perked up his ears and went over to Nightmare. "Good boy." He petted Floofy's head and they barked.

'I said Floof, not Floofy.'

"So? It's the same thing and I don't really give a floof, you know?" Ink smiled at the pun and Night smiled back as well.
After Ink finished her meal, Nightmare brought Ink to her room, carrying her bridal style and making her blush rainbow while Floofy And before Nightmare could leave, Ink grabbed his jacket and asked him if she could borrow his phone to contact her 'dad'. Nightmare pulled out his phone from his pocket and handed it to Ink while unlocking it with his boneprint (fingerprint XD). Ink typed down XG's number and waited for him to reply back. To be honest, Ink was surprised that she was able to remember his number. After a few minutes, XG finally replied back.

Ink? Where are you?? It's already late. I've been calling you several times now, why aren't you answering your phone?

Calm down
I'm at my friend's house. I kinda got my left leg injured but it's already been taken care of. And lost my phone:v

What happened??

I'll explain it to you tomorrow. I wanted to tell you that I'll be sleeping here for the night

Alright, be safe and you better tell everything that happened or I'll ground you

I will. Night dad

Good night

Ink then handed back Nightmare's phone to him and thanked him for saving her and for letting her borrow his phone. "No problem. Just be careful next time, alright?" Ink blushed a bit and nodded. They both said good night to each other and Night left the room.

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