Chapter 10

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Uhm.. oof- a bit short- '-'
I swear I tried to make it long ;^;
Up there is Dream's outfit

Enjoy! If you can~

That same day after school...

Ink was walking with Blue on their way home but Dream decided to go directly home with his brother. Nightmare had skipped school this morning but he forced himself to go this afternoon because there was nothing to do in their mansion. He can sense that there was something wrong with Dream and she seems drained out. But he didn't wanted to question about it because they weren't in good terms with each other. They rarely talk and when they do, it would be probably just about something "important".

When they had reached Nightmare's car in the parking lot, they heard someone call out Dream's name. They whipped their heads to the direction of the voice and saw Cross running towards them. Cross slowed down and panted from all the running and was slightly blushing purple. "I um.. was wondering if you want t-to uh have a date with me, Dream." The twins blinked. Nightmare went in his car and started the engine, he has nothing to do with the conversation nor he cares what Dream's answer will be. It will end up the same answer anyway.

"Ok." Dream replied shortly. "R-really?! Oh, um.. great! I'll pick you at... eight?" Dream nodded and then went in the car and the twins went off.

He just hopes she'll answer yes this time.
[Is she going to?~]

Cross parked in front of Dream's and Nightmare's mansion. He took the bouquet of golden flowers he picked earlier and headed to the front door. Sweat beads started to form on Cross' skull as he pushed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer it. Moments later, the door was opened by Nightmare. "Cross, you're thirty minutes late from what time you and Dream agreed. She thought that you weren't coming."

"Sorry, I was uh.. you know." Preparing, of course. Or was it because he needed Epic to be distracted so he wouldn't disturb their date?

"Wait inside, I'll call her." Nightmare let Cross in and he went upstairs to call Dream. Cross sat down on one of the sofas and waited nervously. Soon then, Dream faced Cross blushing. Dream wore a white shirt under a pale yellow jacket with green trims at the bottom. She also had a sky blue skirt and black stockings along with a pair of pink sneakers Cross blushed, he stood up and gave her the bouquet of golden flowers. "Here."

"Thanks Cross."

"Shall we go?" Dream put the bouquet somewhere safe and then nodded as an agreement. Cross gently grabbed Dream's hand and they walked out from the house to Cross' car. Cross opened the car door for Dream and she thanked him. They drove off to the park while talking about the good times they had in the past. Jokes, puns and memories. Like one time, when Dream and Nightmare were still in good terms and Dream was in the group, either one of them would make up a prank for each member and they would do such silly things. Including the day they literally brought cows in school and Cross was really traumatized by it. Nightmare and Dream got detention for a month for that. And everytime it stormed, Dream would get teased for being scared of the thunder. She would hide under the covers and hug a pillow or someone tightly.

They finally arrived at the park and they decided to have little stroll with some Nice Cream. Cross went to buy their Nice Cream while Dream waited on one of the benches. She swinged her legs, kicking the ground's surface while watching the moon shine brightly. Cross got back with two Nice Cream. Chocolate flavored for Cross and Vanilla for Dream. Cross gave the vanilla Nice Cream to Dream and held one of her hand and they began to walk around the park.

Time passed by, they already finished their Nice Cream and they no longer found themselves in the park, but in a meadow. How did they get there? Well, walks are nice, you don't know where you'll end up especially when the weather is right and there's a faint breeze whispering through their non-existent ears... And with a friend. It was all nice, like Nice Cream.

Dream sat down on the soft grass and Cross sat beside her. Dream leaned her head on Cross' shoulder, both were staring at the moon and stars. Both wanted this kind of feeling to last.
A yellow light appeared on the air and it flew towards Dream. Dream used both of her hands to catch the flying light and saw it was a firefly. It's light had died down when Dream had captured it. Dream blew gently on the bug and it started to fly away, flickering its light again. Dream smiled when she saw more fireflies started to appear and was amazed by the view around them. Cross stood up and offered Dream a dance. Dream blushed and happily accepted the dance. She put her hand on Cross' and he pulled her up. He put one hand on Dream's hips while Dream put hers on his shoulder. Their other hand were both intertwined together and they started to sway with the breeze. With the only music they have is the sound of crickets and the breeze, the fireflies's lights sparkled and reflected through their eyes. Cross' blush started to get worst and he couldn't hold it no longer. He slowly leaned down to Dream's mouth, closing the gap between. But Dream quickly pulled away.

"C-cross, I-I can't." Dream muttered.

"Why? This is the ninth time I asked you out. Why haven't you answered me? What do I need to prove to you that I Love You." Cross was being desperate now. Many times he had tried and many times he got rejected. He couldn't understand. Was there something missing? Does she loves somebody else? Why can't Dream just love him back?

"I'm sorry, but the answer is still the same." It hurts Cross to hear those words. To be rejected. It hurts his soul. "It's getting late. We still have school tomorrow. Please bring me back." He felt like his soul dropped and shattered into a thousand of pieces.

Cross struggled to hold his tears but he still manage to speak. "O-ok." Guess he had to let her go again. Like the firefly

Well, would you look at that. Poor Oreo. And how cruel am I? X3

- Vivi

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