Chapter 14

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Morning came and a knock on the door has awoken Ink from her slumber. She opened her eyes and questioned herself where she was and realized that she was in the Joku's Mansion when she saw Nightmare at the door, holding a tray of food and a medical kit. Nightmare walked beside the bed and set down the tray on the desk beside him. "How's your leg?" He asked.

Ink blinked, processing what he just asked. Ink removed the blanket from her to reveal the wrapped leg and tried stand up it to see if she can stand but she felt a small sore pain when she tried moving it.

"Don't worry about walking. I'll send you back to your home after your breakfast."

'Thank you, Nightmare.' Ink signed. Nightmare gave the tray to Ink and then changed the bandage from Ink's leg. [Insert fluffy dawg trying to reach out for Nightmare's tendrils:>]

Timed skipped, Nightmare brought back Ink to her home, which they were greeted by a worried father. Nightmare promised to check her up later to see if how's she been doing and also tell the teachers about her condition. After driving towards school, Nightmare went directly to their adviser and told about Ink's condition and asked if he can just give her the lessons dhe needs at the end of the day. The teacher agreed and gave a few pointers for each subject for the week.
Later that morning during classes, Nightmare caught himself staring at the window and not listening to the lessons of class. He was too curious on how Ink got in a junkyard pit. And then is questions were answered with the ring of the bell and his twin suddenly sitting beside him. "Nightmare.. about Ink." Nightmare shifted his gaze towards Dream as soon as she got his attention. "Yesterday, I saw Killer asking Ink to come with her but I had no idea where they went until Ink told me what happened."

"What did happen?"

"She said she was pushed off by Killer." Nightmare's eye sockets widened from the discovery but just sighed afterwards. He didn't expect this to happen. "Are you sure about this?"

"Why would I lie about my best friend?"

"I guess.."

The twins weren't really in good terms with each other and rarely talk unless there are important issues. Dream actually hates her twin, seeing him always into trouble. Well.. that was Dream thought...
"I'll talk to Killer later." Nightmare stood up from his seat and left Dream there, staring back at him.

Another trip to Ink's house feels like Deja vu. As the engine of the stopped running, Nightmare took the key and a stack of modules and paperworks for Ink. He got off the car and headed to the front door and pressed the doorbell. A few seconds later, he heard shuffling noises inside and then the door was opened by XG. "Ah, Nightmare. You finally came. Come in, come in." He opened the door more widely and Nightmare stepped in. "Would you please take those upstairs to Ink's room?"

"Um.. which one?"

"The door with paint on it." XG then left and headed off somewhere in the house while he went upstairs to look for Ink's room. As he reached the end of hallway, he finally spotted it and knocked on the door. He waited for a response but remembered that Ink couldn't speak, so he grabbed the handle and twisted it to open the door. He peeked in and saw Ink sitting on her bed while holding a sketch pad and paper, and there was a line of colors of black, purple, cyan and white beside her. Ink looked up and was surprised to see Nightmare that made her want to stand up but her leg prevented her to do so.

Nightmare walked in, still holding the paperworks and then put it on the desk near the bed. "How are ya doing?"

Ink once again used her hands and signed. 'I'm doing fine but it's kinda hard not to try to move.'

"Well, sucks you."

XG then came in with a bottle of pills and water. "Hey Nightmare. Thank you again for taking care of Ink and for bringing her school works."

"No problem."

"But I have another favor to ask." He said while handling a pill and the water to Ink.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry to cause you more trouble but if you would please, would you care to teach Ink the lessons for me in case she doesn't understand? I'm quite busy at the hospital and I don't know who to ask anymore for help." He then glanced at Ink. "And I wanted to make sure she doesn't just slack off and draw all day." Ink then sticked out her tongue at XG, while he just glanced back to Nightmare. "Of course, if you're not busy or anything and I'm not forcing you to."

"What about Error her boyfriend?" Ink stopped from drawing.

"I believe she doesn't want to see him right now." XG pouted towards Ink. Nightmare then looked at Ink, who was continuing drawing on her sketch pad. It was a drawing of him. He then looked back at XG and then sighed.

"Alright, but I can't today. I have some.. business to do."

"Really? You'll do it?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't really care really." It's better than staying in the house doing nothing.

"Thank you again Nightmare." XG smiled genuinely and Night only nodded. He then left and rode back into his car. He grabbed his phone and searched for the contact he needed to finish business with. He then texted that he'll be coming over and drove off once again.

The door slammed opened and the skeleton with black liquid pouring out from her eyes yelped in surprise as she saw Nightmare at the door, having a displeased look. Nightmare stomped towards a couch and glared at Killer. Killer, sweating a few bullets and asked. "What are you doing here, Night?"

"What happened to Ink?" Nightmare simply stated. Killer gulped the lump of saliva in her throat and tried to be oblivious from the situation she had caused. "O-oh! You mean the mute girl? Didn't you say she has a-"

"Don't play dumb now Killer." He growled. "I know you're the one who did that to her. Why?" Killer remained silent. She couldn't just tell why she did that. "Whatever that reason is, I can tell that's not valid from the promise I made Killer. That's why I made the group." Nightmare stood up and headed to the door but Killer didn't dare to move and just stared down at the floor. And before Nightmare left, he muttered a few words but Killer heard it all clearly.

"I'm disappointed in you Killer."

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