Chapter 15

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Unedited and hurried cliche sheet at the end :')


Ink stared at her phone while waiting for a response from her boyfriend. She already sent many messages to him to reply back but she didn't receive any. Ink sighed as she pressed call, perhaps he wasn't holding his phone? Again, no response. Ink once again sighed, then put her phone on the desk beside her bed. A bark caught her attention and saliva was now dropping down from her face. Ink tried to wipe off the saliva off her face and gave a look at her happy, panting dog. There was a knock on the door and then it was opened by XG. He came in with tissues and two skittles in his hands. That made Ink smile when she spotted her favourite treat and quickly wanted to jump off the bed and snatch it from XG, unfortunately, her leg still hurts and she was ordered to stay in bed. XG sat at the edge of the bed and gave the tissues to Ink. "Thought that you might need it." XG said, earning a bark from Floof.

Ink completely wiped off the saliva from her face and put it in the trash bin underneath the desk while she put the remaining ones on the desk' surface near her. 'Are you going to work tonight?' Ink signed with a frowned expression, hoping he would answer no.

"Sorry that I need to leave you tonight. But I'll be back in the morning, alright?" Ink sighed in defeat, knowing that he works nightshift (and sometimes in the day) and will be back in the early hours of morning. Ink nodded her head. "At least you got some company with someone in the meantime." Ink tilted her head in confusion and asked what he meant.

"You didn't forget about your class, didn't you?" Ink perked up in realization, which means Nightmare was going to teach her all the lessons today. "Speaking of class, where was that friend of yours now?" They're not friends. ... Yet maybe.
The doorbell rang, just in time when XG asked. XG stood up and headed to the front door. There he met Nightmare waiting. Both went to Ink's room and XG told them his goodbye. "Alright, I'll leave you two now then. Nightmare, sorry for causing you trouble again."

"No, no, it's fine. I don't really have anything much to do anyways."

"Alright. Just don't stay up late you two. Don't expect me to come, I'll be back tomorrow morning." Nightmare nodded and then XG left. It actually felt uncomfortable for the two skellys since the two had never talked to each other before, not including the time Nightmare rescued her from the junk pit. And now, they were about to spend time with each other every late afternoon in just a few days.

"So uh.. how's your leg?" Night asked. Ink replied, a bit jiggling her hands. 'My leg is doing fine. Dad said I'll be able to walk again properly about four or three days after.'

"So I guess I'll be coming here about four or three days then." Night went to Ink's desk and put all the papers that he was carrying on it and then sat on the swivel chair. "And you can start studying now."

'Aren't you gonna teach me?'

"Nah, I agreed to teach you when you don't get the lessons, not teach it all." Ink puffed her cheeks but nodded. She grabbed the things she needed that were on her desk but before she could even start, she asked Nightmare a question. 'Hey Nightmare.'


Ink looked unsure whether if she should ask or not, almost fidgeting with her fingers. 'Have you seen Error today? Or maybe.. on his phone or is he busy?' Night stared at Ink for a split second, trying to recall his today's event. "He did hang out with us gang but he kept looking on his phone."

'Okay then.' Ink then started scribbling some important notes in her notebook but her mind raced with thoughts and questions. Her attention was caught again when she heard low growling sounds and looked up to see Floof toying with Nightmare's tendrils and Nightmare seemed to enjoy it's lil company with them. Ink smiled, thankful it wasn't awkward time for the two. Ink snapped her fingers to get Nightmare's gaze away from Floof and to her and signed. 'Thanks again Night.' Nightmare only nodded but with a small smile planted on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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