Chapter 5

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When I was writing this, I almost had forgotten that Ink is a mute lololol

Covered with a white blanket, Ink woke up with a heavy headache and with an itchy throat. She sat up and realized where she was. She was in the clinic or was she in the hospital? She didn't know yet. Then, the door opened, revealing XGaster (yes, XG is a gud boi here) holding a clipboard and a bottle of pills.

"Ah! You're finally awake." He then neared Ink and sat at the edge of the bed. "So how are you feeling, Comyet?" Ink looked into XGaster's eyes when she heard her last name.

'For the last time, I thought I told you to call me by my first name.' Ink crossed her arms after she signed. Ink and XGaster were actually close friends, actually, XGaster is her guardian to be exact. Ink's mother had passed away due to an accident in passed and Ink was taken good care by him. Ink looked at him more like a brother-like or a father-like figure. (I know some of you hates XG but hey, I say why not make XG good?)

"Forgive me, Ink. So, how are you? Still have any headache or something?"

'Well, I still have a headache and my throat is still itchy. Wait... what happened??' XG chuckled at the forgetful skeleton and sighed. "You were brought to this hospital and I found out that you ate an illegal drug. This drug is usually for depression stuff and your blood can possibly turn black. The symptoms are itchy throat, having heavy headaches and vomiting black substances. (Vivi: I just realized that the symptoms are almost like Covid-) I know you've been getting tired of being born like this but what really happened?" He said in a serious tone of voice.

It was true was getting sick of not having a voice and getting judge everyday and yes, she has depression and she's having therapy schedules but it wasn't really a big thing. 'Illegal drug? Depression? I didn't ate any drug!'

"Ink, don't lie."

'But I'm not lying! I must have ate something or drank or.. I don't know! But I'm not lying.' XG sighed and then gave her the bottle of pills. XG knew that Ink doesn't lie when it comes to her health so he believed her words. "Fine, I believe you. But I really discovered that you ate these drug. Did you vomit a black substance? Did you ate something before you felt sick?"

Ink taught for a moment, trying to process what she did before the incident happened. 'Nothing special happened in the morning and I was just doing my usual routine. I ate a piece of cake at snack time and I ate the school's famous food there, which is spaghetti and then I felt dizzy and then I puked and then I fainted. That's all what I can remember.'

"Did you put any pepper or something black in it?"

'No but I think there were something black in it.'

XG sighed, "The police will have to investigate the cafeteria and find out on why and how did this happen. As for now," he pointed at the bottle of pills, "Drink that three times a day and soon you'll recover." Ink gave a small smile and hugged XG. XG hugged back and rubbed her back. "I'll drive you back home tomorrow. Sleep here and skip school tommorow."

Mi face rn: ·-·

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