Chapter 6

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The next morning, after they ate their breakfast at the hospital, Ink was brought to her home with XG. XG told Ink once again not to go school and just stay home, which Ink happily obeyed because she can draw for the whole day if she wants to. XG left Ink and went to her school to join the investigation at the cafeteria. It was still early in the morning and so did the investigation started. The guard let the XG in when he told the guard that he was part of the investigation. He walked through the different corridors looking for the cafeteria. He saw a sign that leads to the cafeteria and followed it.
He swung the door open and saw polices searching at different areas and in the kitchen and some were interviewing the cooks. He went to one of the officers and asked if there was any update. There was none yet and the cooks all proclaimed that they're innocent. XG sighed, thinking this would take a little long.

XG left, he wasn't really allowed to interfere with the investigation even though he was the one who had reported this but what can he help when there are still no updates. XG didn't care or want to know who had drugged Ink, neither did he care if that person or monster will go to jail, all he cares that he was giving a little justice for Ink.
As his mind buzzed with different sorts of thoughts, he accidentally onto someone. That someone fell to the floor and made a glitching sound. XG snapped back to reality and was about apologize but he found out that the monster he bumped into crashed. XG mentally facepalmed for not being aware of when he was going and then brought the rebooting skeleton to a nearby flight of stairs.

XG put the rebooting skeleton down and he sat down a meter away from him. He wanted to wait for him to finish rebooting so he could make his apology. A few minutes had passed, the glitchy skeleton had finished rebooting and had regained back his consciousness. He looked around and found himself sitting on the stairs and a man that was a meter away from him and who seems to be taking a little nap. He noticed the dark bags under his eye sockets and the lab coat he was wearing, he has seen this monster before and he didn't know how he even got here.

Error sighed and grabbed the sleeve of the stranger's lab coat, trying to wake him up without touching him. XG woke up as soon as he ft the second tug. He looked at his side and found the glitchy skeleton looking at him. "You finally had rebooted." Error didn't spoke and only remained silent but still remaining eye contact. "Sorry I bumped to you earlier. I wasn't looking to where I was going." XG apologized.

"nO, iT's FiNe. i wAsN't LoOkiNg eItHer."

"Well then," XG stood up from where he was sitting. "I'll be going." He started to walk away and whispered something to himself but Error heard it clearly. He heard Ink's name and the guy must have known him. "w-WaIt!" XG looked back at the black skeleton and Error approached him. "dO yUo KnOw wHo iNk iS?"

XG's eyes widened and then narrowed again. "Yes, why did you ask?"

"wElL, i wAnTeD tO kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD tO hIm." XG raised a brow but explained Ink's condition anyways. After he finished explaining, he noticed Error having a pale look. "What's the matter? Do you know anything about what happened?"

"wElL..." Error began explaining what he did in the cafeteria that lunch and on why he did it. "aNd i tHoUghT sHe wAs aLleRgIC tO pEpPeRs oR sOmEtHiNg."

XG sighed once again and put his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. He was clearly worried but Error didn't know if he was mad to him. "Let me just get this straight, you put too much pepper in Ink's lunch because you wanted to take revenge because you got humiliated?"


"I need to tell the police to search those peppers. And you'll be coming with me." He started to walk towards back to the cafeteria with Error following behind.

"aM i iN tRoUbLe?" XG shrugged. "Maybe."
The two didn't talk until they arrived at the cafeteria. They approached one of the police and told them to search the 'peppers' in the cafeteria and then Error once again explained what happened. Large amount of minutes later, they found some drug mixed in some peppers and then quickly caught the one responsible for this because they tried to get away.


XG walks towards Error who was excused from his morning classes because of the investigation earlier but he still need to go attend classes this afternoon. XG was quite upset rather than being mad at what Error did but he was glad that he admitted. "So Error, I hope you won't do that to my child anymore."

"yOu'Re cHiLd??!" Error gulped.

"Not really. I'm her guardian. Her mother had already passed years ago and I'm getting quite upset everytime I transfer her to another school because she was being bullied because of her condition." XG stated. Error only stared, feeling a bit guilty of trying humiliate Ink. "I hope you won't do it again, Error." He mentioned his name, telling that he was really serious.

"I won't. I.. promise."

"Is there anybody else who these things to her?"

"n-No siR. oNlY mE aNd iM sOrRy."

"Tell that to Ink, not me. Wait for me after your school ends."

"wHy?" XG shrugged and then left.

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