Chapter 3

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Just reminding, if the sentence has a (') then it means Ink is using sign language.

It was the third day of the first week. The previous day was like the first day but Error was only calling names on Ink.

Ink was excited for the next subject, it was Arts. She wondered what she'll draw and her mind slowly slipped out from reality. Wondering different kinds of ideas and fantasies until she heard a faint voice and it turned louder and louder. "Ink!!"
Ink snapped out from her daze, blinking multiple times. She looked up to see Dream and Blue in front of her. "The class had ended. What's your next class?" Dream asked.

Ink excitedly signed 'Arts' then she went dashing to her next class leaving the two. As Ink made her way, she wanted make sure that she seats in the front or either beside the window. When she came in her class, Ink pouted because someone already took the seat at the front seat but it quickly turned into a smile when she saw a vacant seat beside the window on the second row. She skipped her way to it and sat down. She took out her drawing pad and pencil and started drawing even the class hasn't started yet.

Soon, someone sat beside her and watched her draw but she didn't mind. She continued to stroke some lines and curves making different kind of shapes and sizes until it formed two skeletons. It was Blue and Dream. She looked at her drawing, amazed on how she drew them in such a short time, catching every single detail of them.

"tHat'S a niCe drAwiNg." Ink flinched at who gave her a compliment and faced the glitchy skeleton. "nEveR kNeW yoU wERe gOoD aT It, sHorTy."

Ink signed her thanks and then asked if his next class was Arts.

Error raised a brow then smirked. "wHaT dO yuO tHinK i'M dOinG iN hEre? sTaLkiNg yUo?"

'I was just asking. Now that you mentioned it, why did you seat beside me?' Ink signed.

"cAn'T i wAtcH yUo dRaw, sHorTy?"

'cAn yuO nOt cAlL mE sHorTy?'

"nO." Ink frowned at the answer and then began drawing in another page when the bell rang. No teacher came in the class so some students still chattered and some drew. Error was about to watch Ink draw again but Ink shifted into an angle which Error couldn't see him draw. "i cAn'T seE, sHorTy."

'You're not allowed to see.' Ink signed then continued drawing.

"aNd whY iS tHat?"

'Because you keep calling me Shorty.'


'So that means you're not allowed to see.'

Error got annoyed and glitched up a bit. "What does that even mean??" Ink rolled her eyelights because she was getting disturbed by the questions, she had to pause drawing everytime to answer back.

'I asked you if you can stop calling me Shorty and you said no. You also asked me if you can watch me draw, so the is no.' Ink went back to drawing and Error grumbled in annoyance. "wHatEveR." Error crossed his arms and wished that he was at home instead, on his bean bag watching Undernovela with his puppets and a chocolate in his hand.
The teacher finally came and apologized for being a tardy then told them to get a partner for the whole school year. Error scanned the sea of students and saw that everyone had already have a partner. "gUesS i'M sTucK wiTh yOu sHorTy." He looked back at Ink who only answered 'K' and this annoyed Error more.

Because he was getting annoyed, he decided to pay it back. He hit Ink's chair which made Ink jolt in surprise and accidentally drew a line across the pad.

'What was that for?!'

"nOtHinG." Ink rolled his eyelights and then continued to draw. While Ink wasn't paying attention, Error took the eraser and sharpener from Ink's armchair and hid it. Ink pencil's tip soon turned blunt and she needed to sharpened it. She looked at her armchair where the sharpener was supposed to be but she didn't found it. She stood up and looked for it, on the chair, underneath and near her place. She then suspected Error took it. Ink sat back down on her chair and glared at Error. "wHaT?"

'You took my sharpener.'

"i diD nOt."

'You did.'

"diD Not."

'You did.'

"diD Not."

'Just give it back.'

Error then tossed back her sharpener and Ink sharpened her pencil and started to draw. She kept drawing until she made a small mistake. She saw her eraser wasn't on her armchair and glared again at Error. "i diDn'T tOoK iT tHis tiMe sHorTy." Ink then began searching again and also looked inside her bag but no eraser. Error snickered silently while he watched Ink look for her eraser. Eventually, Ink gave up and used the eraser of the pencil instead. Error frowned, he forgot about that. Ink then signed 'Nice try' and showed the eraser Error took earlier. Error looked at his pockets and indeed it was Ink's eraser. "wHatEveR."

The teacher who was just watching some students draw and chatter saw Error was disturbing Ink. One side of her mouth twitched sideways and thought of an idea. She grabbed a pad and a pencil then gave it to Error. "Can you draw something from outside for me, Error?"

Error looked up to the teacher with a blank expression and asked back, "cAn yoU Not dRaW?"

"Well I'm asking my student." The teacher snapped and Error kept the blank stare. "nO tHen."

"Why is that?"

"YOu kNoW i dOn'T dRaW."

"That's exactly why you're here, Mr. Queen. Now draw me something from outside or else I'll give you detention. No denying. And stop disturbing Ink." The teacher then handed the pad and pencil to Error and went back to her table. Error was annoyed, he looked out from outside and looked for something easy to draw. He spotted the golden flowers and decided to draw them. How hard can drawing be? For Error, it was like a boss level of a video game. Error continued to stare at the pad, not wanting to have detention. Ink noticed this and laughed at him. "sHuT uP iNk!!" Ink continued to laugh until she asked, 'You can't draw can't you?' Ink only received grumbles of annoyance then Ink flipped her page on currently what she was drawing to a blank page. She then drawn sketches of different flowers in different angles and then showed it to Error.

"wHat'S tHaT?"

'Don't you want help?'

"i dOn'T nEeD aNy hElP aNd i cAn dRaW!"

'Suit yourself, have fun in detention.' Ink then swiped back her pad and continued to draw. Error being a dumbass, tried to draw but couldn't draw a single 'perfect' line. He groaned in annoyance then swiped Ink's drawing pad which made Ink smirked.
Ink then helped out Error to make a flower even though Error kept telling her to stop. After they successfully made one, Error threw Ink's drawing pad back to her and didn't thank afterwards and went in front to the teacher to give back the pad.

The teacher smirked and told Error that he'll be doing this every day on their class. Error was really annoyed, glitches can be seen in his eyes. Ink and the teacher laughed at the glitching skeleton.

Note: Every teacher shall have no gender cause I don't want to decide stuffz

- Vivi

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